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Your Views On Terrorism And Modern Day Britain?

Mr Plod

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technically it's genocide so ethnic cleansing yes, terrorism no.

I dunno, foreigners coming into your country scaring the shit out of you and killing you for no good reason other than personal gain, sounds like terrorism to me! But I see your point!

Either way, pretty shitty thing to do!


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Hmm hope you're not suggesting what I think you are, have you ever been to Kazakhstan, or met anyone from Kazakhstan? I'm guessing not, because if you did you wouldnt say that. You'd realise the social mess that Britain is in, and that Kazakhstan is a place for us to be jealous of. I heard similar, if not better reports of Uzbekistan, of hospitality and kindness you just wouldn't get in Britain nowadays, not even from your neighbours, let alone from someone of a different colour skin to yourself. But they're terrorists after all, and should go back to where they came from... :sleeping:

Remember not all of us have had the pleasure to drive through these countries. We only know what the media tells us... which quite often can be twisted/misrepresented into making it look worse so we can say " ooh look at that rubbish place, lucky us."

Also terrorism could be sorted a lot more easily in our country if it weren't for one thing. Political correctness.

Look at the police force, because of all these minorities our countries own police force could now be seen as discriminating against straight white men.

Why, because Blair wants Labour to stay in power, same reason why he won't just send back extremists.

He needs the vote of all these imigrants coming into the country

"Oh no, we can't upset the muslims by sending one of their extremists to his own country."

Note i am refering to the immigrant muslims not the religion as a whole, i have no problem with the peaceful muslims.

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We only know what the media tells us... which quite often can be twisted/misrepresented

Spot on. If only the majority of what the British people think of other races/places wasnt based on what the Daily Mail says.

EDIT: hmm yes guess my opinion before I went away was pretty poor of Kazakhstan, so I wasnt really in the position to rant on the way I did, apologies. On the subject though, I certainly wasnt expecting it to be the best/most hospitable place we went. My opinions were based on Borat and what the media had told me. Both totally wrong. Nicest people you will ever meet, ever. Same could probably have been said about Iraqi's before America and Britain f**ked with them for no reason....

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Oh well, not long now before bush gets forced to step down as president. Place your bets now as to weather or not he'll be able to start the war with Iran before he steps down, or alternatively has enough power (by making sure the right person replaces him, some pedigree chum of his) from outside the hot-seat to make sure that that particular agenda is fulfilled.

It has been said that Bush has set America back 10 years in terms of moving forward as a race, and I for one agree.

Terrorism has only increased because of the way Bush handled 9/11. And it's sad to say not just in America, but all over the world.

It's a pretty shitty state of affairs we're in, where the most powerful nation on earth, has the most infantile system of govornment, un-audited and prone to corruption. But because of it's power, it's bad policies are affecting the rest of the world.

Edited by Extreme_biker0
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i feel that terriorium is only being done by bearded arrabs, that may well be a mindless common misconseption but that is what i see... its all done by arrabs who believe in killing innicent people they will get there pathway to heaven, what a truely f**ked up religion..

i haven't looked into it, and not going to... i may only be young but i am already set inmy way, and one of the ways is the views that my family share which is passed down from my grandad (racisium toward arrabs)

and i beileve it is so strong because they feel the need to kill people, and then they complain about how they are persecuted ?????

simple answer, sent an arrabs with beards home

prob going to piss someone off with what i said, but thats life

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like i said, it is what i think... and it prob is alot of bollox, but it is how i see it and i am not going to read in to it, i see it how i see it

but simially not going to go round beating the shit out of arrabs with beards, although may just be instind or what but i always find myself to be alittle nervous around bearded arrabs of on the bus or trian etc.

but, again i am a narrow minded person on big issues :$

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some of them shave.

I don't like being racist, but I personally can't understand them

I'd go so far as to say Islam IS to blame, in so far as even the 'peaceful' Muslim community does not ever publicly condemn what others are doing in the name of their own religeon.

When this happens, I'll believe that there is not malicious element to the Islamic religion.

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I'd go so far as to say Islam IS to blame, in so far as even the 'peaceful' Muslim community does not ever publicly condemn what others are doing in the name of their own religeon.

When this happens, I'll believe that there is not malicious element to the Islamic religion.

Dunno if it's just me reading it in the wrong way. But you do realise Islam and muslims are the same thing.

I.E Islam being the faith, muslims the followers.

If im wrong, sorry, it's just everytime i read it. Thats the way it comes out.

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If they ain't hurting me..I couldn't care less...Most of the trouble on streets is because of drink....And there wouldn't be wars/terrorism if people weren't so up there religions arse.They take stuff to far...Sorry i don't really have a constructive post to post.

zoo baby!

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Dunno if it's just me reading it in the wrong way. But you do realise Islam and muslims are the same thing.

I.E Islam being the faith, muslims the followers.

If im wrong, sorry, it's just everytime i read it. Thats the way it comes out.

Yeah, I do realise that, hence why I use the terms interchangably throughout :rolleyes:

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If they ain't hurting me..I couldn't care less...Most of the trouble on streets is because of drink....And there wouldn't be wars/terrorism if people weren't so up there religions arse.They take stuff to far...Sorry i don't really have a constructive post to post.

zoo baby!

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Looks like it's my reading skills then.

In my defence, i'm very tired.

Don't worry about it :)

If they ain't hurting me..I couldn't care less...Most of the trouble on streets is because of drink....And there wouldn't be wars/terrorism if people weren't so up there religions arse.They take stuff to far...Sorry i don't really have a constructive post to post.

zoo baby!

:lol: Damn right you don't! Haha that actually made me laugh.

Anyway, I'll help you out, think about your first line, and that just because it's ^other people's^ wives/girlfriends/brothers etc being blown up, are you saying it's ok? Do you not have compassion?

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Don't worry about it :)

:lol: Damn right you don't! Haha that actually made me laugh.

Anyway, I'll help you out, think about your first line, and that just because it's ^other people's^ wives/girlfriends/brothers etc being blown up, are you saying it's ok? Do you not have compassion?

I like simple folk if that counts?..well it obviously isn't ok for people to get blown up (except for the bad people who steal stuff then sell it cheap)But until they kill my family...I don't really give a tits to be honest.

zoo baby!

p.s I know i'm a tw*t but i'm darn proud of it.

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Worlds a frigging shite hole...global warming...natural resources running out...muslims to rule the world...but...call me selfish, NOT in my lifetime, therefore, I don't give a toss.

Perhaps global warming will bring some good weather though...they go on about it but i haven't noticed it being any warmer...some polish bloke where my dad works told him that 'in 10 years,this country be 50% muslim 50% polish' TW*T!!! I don't know why this country keeps letting them in.

zoo baby!

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im a little pissed, so i may well edit this tomorow.....

its pretty simple.


you cant trust ANY of them IMO.

they all have bombs, its just a case of when they let them off.

not to be trusted.

end of.

Don't bother editing Prawn, sounds fair to me!! I fully understand that it is a tiny minority of Islamic f@gs that are doing this but it is down to their stupid religeon effectively allowing it that's the problem. In which case Islam and Muslims are all bad IMO.

On a similar note did anyone see that program a few weeks back on 'what british muslims want'? The majority of muslims living in the UK can't stand british people or their way of life and think we should be using Shariah law. That sh1t just makes me so f*****' angry. Don't like it? What the f*** are you doing here then?

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Why, because Blair wants Labour to stay in power, same reason why he won't just send back extremists.

He needs the vote of all these imigrants coming into the country

I think you need to check the figures out! :lol: We get about 150,000 people coming to Britain every year. Our population is about 65,000,000. A bit of quick maths tells me that this affects our population by about 0.2%.

Now I'll be honest, I've heard Labour are struggling for votes, but not that much!

(Can people inform their opinions please? It takes up less space than the rhetoric I see bandied around here.)

Perhaps global warming will bring some good weather though...they go on about it but i haven't noticed it being any warmer...some polish bloke where my dad works told him that 'in 10 years,this country be 50% muslim 50% polish' TW*T!!! I don't know why this country keeps letting them in.

zoo baby!

Why do you feel threatened. According to your Daily Mail politics once you're a minority you'll get an easy ride ;) Plus he probably has more right to be here than, you, he's moved as an economic migrant to find a better standard of living for his family (that's only a probably of course, but that's the deal with most polish immigrants) The only reason you're a UK citizen is an accident of geography, all you did was pop out between your mother's legs somewhere in the UK. If you're gonna act righteous, you've gotta be in the right first ;)

If they ain't hurting me..I couldn't care less...Most of the trouble on streets is because of drink....And there wouldn't be wars/terrorism if people weren't so up there religions arse.They take stuff to far...Sorry i don't really have a constructive post to post.

zoo baby!

One of the better though-out posts in this thread that. If everyone concentrated on living their own lives well the world'd be sorted. It's a little idealist, sure; but worth bearing in mind.

Joe x

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Joe x

Why do you feel threatened. According to your Daily Mail politics once you're a minority you'll get an easy ride ;)

Joe x


perfect. :wub:

I can't bring myself to disagree on the comments about muslims wanting shariah law in this country though -

I can't imagine they'd be too chuffed if we started beheading people for spouting off on religious beliefs that contradict those of the majority

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perfect. :wub:

I can't bring myself to disagree on the comments about muslims wanting shariah law in this country though -

I can't imagine they'd be too chuffed if we started beheading people for spouting off on religious beliefs that contradict those of the majority

Thank f**k the law doesn't allow for that, eh? Whilst I'm not particularly porud to be British (let's face it, I'm just another accident of geography like most people!) I count myself very lucky. We're ever so free here. Rule Britannia!

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