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Smashed Face On Brake Mount.


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Hey people,

whilst riding my bike yesterday, i had a little tumble, pictures to follow but i would share a thought with you.

Was just balancing on the back wheel, as you do, then a gust of wiund threw the bike upwards with the reservoir of my hope mono trial front brake hitting me in the eye, then piercing a hole through my eyelid, around the lower of my eye and out through my tear duct. 1 shaking toby a hell of alot of blood and an ambulance later, i was going into shock as it fooking hurt. you could see my eyeball through the hole, its 56mm lowere than my eyelid on my right eye.

after going to hospital, and seing a really hos south african racial consultant, i had 9 stitches in my eyelid, 2 on my eye, 1 on my tearduct inside my eyelid and a lot of injections into my eye.

now my whole right side of my face is like a balloon! one of those things you really wish you hadn't done on new years eve! Il have pictures on here soon as my mate thought he'd take a few to stop him passing out (he hates blood!)

i totally sympathise with anybody who has had any facial injuries from trials as i think its possibly enough to put me off for a fair while, so if anybody wants a bike, ask me!


Edited by live,sleep and ride trials
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that was nothing to do with your bike so it's not exactly relevant is it ?


haha nice one :P(y)

but dude, that sounds so painfull >_<

i was pulling some very weird facing when i read that, any injurys related to the eye always creep me up

hope it will get better soon

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I pretty much tore myself a new anus on Xmas Eve, yet another one of those "Things you can't believe happened"...

Seeing as it just happened and it's relevant to this post, I just had a shit and it only hurt a bit, and there was minimal blood loss afterwards.

Only a week to go and I should theoretically be healed...

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Seeing as it just happened and it's relevant to this post, I just had a shit and it only hurt a bit, and there was minimal blood loss afterwards.

Only a week to go and I should theoretically be healed...

sorely, sorely tempted to sig that ...

somebody had to make the arse joke and I happened to be passing.

original injured dude...

bad luck on the eye - good luck on the sexy south african consultant. don't sell the bike though - unless its to buy a bmx or something equally dangerous

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Don't let it put you off :) I totalled my face before after a faceplant which left me with a compound fracture of my nose, the bridge of my nose flat to my face and underneath my left eye. I was feeling a bit sketch when I was healing up about doing trials 'n' stuff again, but it's a totally freak accident. It's just the way things go sometimes, but if you think about the amount of times you've ever heard of this happening to someone before, you know it's pretty rare. Just accept some bad luck came your way, and move on. Don't quit riding over it though!

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hey guys,

thanks for the support. i go back on firday morning to see an eye consultant as i made a hole through my tearduct so they want to have a look at the damage and see what they are going to do next, hopefuly all will be well.

today i feel a little better, face hurts like a mother though.

i think il just have to start wearing those cool shades as that guy said, or just the traditional paper bag job lol haha.

once again many thanks,


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Bet you were dreading that? I remember once..... :$

Haha, I did it on the 24th and I've had a shit every day. That was the first one that hadn't hurt, you do the maths ;)

Good to hear they're still keeping you informed about what they're doing, it's the NHS so they're designed to be slippery so make sure you keep hassling them about what they're doing and when they'll do it (Y)

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I fractured my eye socket dropping 6 ft onto my face, hurt like a bitch. Theres some pictures somewhere on here in Chitchat.

The first few days are the worst, but aslong as you keep the swelling as low as you can, it will heal quicker. And hurt less when sleeping, if you have trouble sleeping.

Hope you get better dude, sounds really harsh. Thats what you get for buying hope brakes... (only joking)

Not to sound wrong, but I wouldn't mind seeing pictures of the damage.

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This thread is making me cringe :sick:

these injuries are nasty

nice new look there joe :kiss: < its got the lips

get better soon toby that sounds like a nasty yet random incedent. its windy out so im not up for a ride incase this happens

i thaught your knees were buggered so you were selling your steed? im confused

but anyway have fun whilst on the mend dude

OBM, i did something along the lines of that, i felt like a gay who'd been in a drunken, mass penetration gangbang

oooh the pain


get better soon everyone x

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