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Liamsk8123@hotmail.com !?


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hahah he added me sent me a vid of billocs riding shef and said its where he lives in something like lincolshire i said it was shefeild and he would have it. well some parts in sheff. then he went on to sending me loads of video and i dont have a clue what he says.

he said he saw my mew vid i said i hope you liekd and he said it was ok then 12 mins laters hes bumming it lol

bless him

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Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

hey dude

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:


Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

i can sell you a vigiana, cheap!

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:

you ok did i ad you or did you add me

Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

you didz adz me

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:

you got a magura or sumat

Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

i have a magura in my anus

Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

you wanna feel it?

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:

ok then fish it out n stop talking lyk a gay head

Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

i love you

Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

wanna f**k?

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:

oh my god shut up do you got a magura or not

Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:


Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

i gotz magurazzz

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:


Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

me iz poz

Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

you wanna getx poz loadz

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:

wat will you talk noral

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:


Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

you are neg pozz

Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

wanna get pozz?

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:


Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

yes please

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:

wats that meen

Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

itz meanz that youz getzz huge pozz loads

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:

well ffs ow much you wont4 the magua wih out a lever

Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

me wantzz a huge cock in my anus

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:

nah m8 ffs im blobing n deleting you if ur gonna be gay

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:

so you selling a magra or not

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:

if ur not then bybe bye

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:

so you got a magura m8

Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

me doz some zellz

Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

some anus sellingzz

Oskar. STi performance/ prodrive | HopeTech säger:

me gotz maguraz

LiAm-£r£-2k7 säger:

well l ow mcuh you wont 4 the back one wiht out a lever i dont wont the lever wiht it m8

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Now you know why I've got a Grade A* in Bull Sh*ting!

=D El Tomo says:

ite bruv

LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:

go this lad iz f***ing bugging me to fuk

=D El Tomo says:

ho iz e ?

=D El Tomo says:

iz e an emo f**k ?

LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:

i dont no but hiz addy iz *****79@msn.com

=D El Tomo says:

ite. safe!

LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:

iz he

=D El Tomo says:

i ere ur da person 2 go 2 for bike bits...

=D El Tomo says:

..nah, he izn't. innit

LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:

nah m8 im looking 4 sum my self

=D El Tomo says:

oh rite. I sel all srts!

LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:

shall i deleite him m8

LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:

maggi with out a lever

=D El Tomo says:

i have some of dose lyin about

LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:

you got a maggi with out a lever

=D El Tomo says:

but i perfer to sell oder stuff

LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:


LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:

?? say agin i dont get you s os do you have one or not

=D El Tomo says:

i dnt have 1 rite ere, bt i cn find 1!

=D El Tomo says:

bt, i prerfer 2 sell weed

LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:

rite will you do that 4 me

LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:

dope n shit lyk that

=D El Tomo says:

i cn find one. if u buy ....

=D El Tomo says:

yeah i cn

=D El Tomo says:

i cn sell u lyk 14 tubs of tha shizz

LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:

m8 i dont do that shit

=D El Tomo says:

i can sell u it in smaller portans

LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:


LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:

i dont do drugs n week n dope n bongs n shit lyk that itz stupid

=D El Tomo says:

iz it. i maker me perform better in bed wit my missus!

=D El Tomo says:

she moans all nite when i use weed!

LiAm-£r£-2k7 says:


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Not really Grade A* though, your just lying. :ermm:

Grade A* is classed as "Lucky Number Slevin".

Anywhom, i can't actually believe anyone types like that. How can one person become so retarded in how they write. :S

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Get off the kids back you gang of bellends. Just because he dosen't type perfectly dosen't mean he's a chav (I hate that f**king word you woolybacks) or a retard. Stop moaning if he's pissing you off on msn the don't talk to him its that easy. Have you got nothing better to do than to wind the poor kid up? back off boys.

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haha, yer i was thinking this sounds very similar to SP1NDL3 he live's just round the corner to me, beat that ash :P

and his name is liam! what a coincidence.


Edited by farehamtrialsmassive05
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