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Petition To Ban Speed Cameras

Joe Sheehan!

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My problem with the 'average speed' cameras is that they will get more and more accurate the further you go. So perhaps over a mile stretch of road they are only accurate to +/- 10mph (for example), you can happily do 80 on the motorway without fear. Whereas if you're doing much longer distances (say 40 miles on one stretch of motorway without stopping) they can probably be accurate to within 0.1 mph or something daft. Thus you wouldn't be able to cruise at 80mph.

But I don't think there are any plans to put them on motorways, only where there are roadworks. Which makes sense and I support them.

Fair point, but there is innacuracy with all speed cameras, and they cost everyone money.

I admit that there isnt much of a cheaper way to do things, but there must be another way to control speeding?

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but there must be another way to control speeding?

howabout just accepting the responsibility that is the fact that you are driving the vehicle, and it's your foot or your hand on the throttle...

I'm not against speeders, just speeders who moan. If you get caught you're a bit of a spanner. 99% are bright yellow, with lines on the road, signs all over telling yout he speed limit and telling you there are camera's about, so you probably deserve to get done simply for the fact that you missed every clue there is a camera waiting for you!!!

If you get done for speeding, you cannot moan. There could be 10 million speed camera's around and it wouldn't mean the slightest difference to anyone except people who want to break the law, so thats the end of the arguement! If you get done, you gotta deal with it. It's 30mph because there is houses, or 50 becasue there is one lane, or 70 because people will do 200 if they have the chance. There must be limits becasue no matter how good the mirrors are, or the brakes, or the steering, the reaction of the driver is the same. So if you speed and you get done, pay up and dea with it. You learn to drive knowing the situation.


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Fair point, but there is innacuracy with all speed cameras, and they cost everyone money.

I admit that there isnt much of a cheaper way to do things, but there must be another way to control speeding?

Yes but I wasn't complaining about the inaccuracy, I was complaining about the accuracy. And I'm pretty sure there are some very strict laws about how accurate your speedo has to be (it has to be within 7% of your actual speed, but it's not allowed to be LESS than your actual speed - I know mine reads approx 7% too fast), and how accurate the cameras have to be.

If the camera says you're doing 40, even if it's way off (+/- 20% or something) it still knows you're doing more than 30 and they could prosecute.

I'd be interested to see some PROOF that someon has been knobbled for doing 31 or 32 in a 30 zone. It never happens, people just exaggerate because they feel like it's unfair.

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Yes but I wasn't complaining about the inaccuracy, I was complaining about the accuracy. And I'm pretty sure there are some very strict laws about how accurate your speedo has to be (it has to be within 7% of your actual speed, but it's not allowed to be LESS than your actual speed - I know mine reads approx 7% too fast), and how accurate the cameras have to be.

If the camera says you're doing 40, even if it's way off (+/- 20% or something) it still knows you're doing more than 30 and they could prosecute.

I'd be interested to see some PROOF that someon has been knobbled for doing 31 or 32 in a 30 zone. It never happens, people just exaggerate because they feel like it's unfair.

a speed camera will not go off unless you break the 10% +2 rule. So a 30 mph limit means the camera is activated once the car is driving at 10% of 30mph + 2, which would be 35. That is the limit, so it takes a 36mph. Note that this is what the car is driving, not what the speedometer is reading. The rule exists becasue of the speedometer innacury mentioned, so don't drive at 35 and think you're safe, becasue you could be driving at 39 or even 40mph.


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Your car - your responsibility to know how fast you're going. Simple as that. The law says what speed you can do on different roads - it's up to you to conform to it or risk getting done.

Yes, we all drive fast I'm sure, but I'm fed up with hearing people complain because they got caught doing 50 in a 30, or 80 in a 50, etc. There's really no excuse. Too many people drive like absolute bell-ends, and they're putting others at risk.

My car shows 35ish on the dial when I'm doing 30. To be safe, I pass cameras with it at no more than halfway between the two marks.

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Thats stupid, the speed limit is the speed limit, its there for a reason, even that advert shows how much of a difference 5mph makes. And is it really worth the extra 5mph? Which is probaly only going to get you where your going to about a minuite quicker?

i didn't say that, but as has been said, it's very hard to get an accurate idea of how fast you're going unless you've got a digi speedo.

It never happens, people just exaggerate because they feel like it's unfair.

i did stress that i didn't drive, i have seen cars in a constant flow of traffic get flashed one after the other. it might have been broken or firing blanks, but that does seem unfair.

for us who cba to speak to anyone, what is there opinion on the matter mark?

speedbumps = no good for driving quickly to accidents/fires over?

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Not that it was me who bought it up - but as i did discuss it: All traffic calming measure are designed to accommodate emergency services vehicles, like keeping a 3.6m winimum width for fire vehicles etc.

I've seen plenty of speed bumps and traffic calming measures that you can't avoid having to slow down for? Unless there's some subtle way of them getting round it - either way, from the members of my family in the police force, all I ever hear in regards to traffic calming stuff is that it's a b*****d, and when they speak to ambulance drivers they get the same thing.

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I'll agree theyre not perfect, but different ones are used in different types of area (ie whether its part of a link road, or just residential access..), which i guess the council would label with some kind of priority for emercency access. Planning regs stipulate for fire access, the bod at the council who approves the design would be responsible for any other matter regarding their placement. I could go further, but i'd start needing diagrams, or VERY long explanations, and i really can't be bothered anymore.

Everyone should drive within the law, end of. We shouldnt need cameras, we shouldnt need speed bumps, we should be trusted with our own and everyone elses safety while driving, It's really not hard, it's just not done.

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As do alot of the people I know do, I usually drive faster on motorways and dual carriageways and when overnight driving on wide roads but when I'm home (country lanes etc) I take it pretty easy. I always think that if I get caught speeding it won't be because I was unlucky it would be because I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. If you speed then you should be just as focused if not more on the road and drivers around you. Yuor stopping distances are longer along with your reduced reaction time if there is an accident up ahead. I'm always checking really far ahead and in my mirrors for cameras, police etc. Cameras have signs warning you, are posted on maps, and are clearly bright yellow!

One journey up north scared me so much though which after realising was quite amusing; Travelling under a bridge on the A34 near Newbury there are lines on the road without a camera, so driving through there I maintained my speed only to see my whole car light up from a flash behind me. After shitting myself I then looked again and saw it was a lorry driver with high mounted lights taking the piss.

About an hour on from there on the M69 I looked over my shoulder, saw a car in the right hand lane and indicated, waiting to pull out. The car had caught up pretty quickly but then slowed down and flashed me to pull out as I was going pretty quickly. As soon as I pulled out and started accelerating, the guy behind put his blue lights on and all the traffic around me slammed their brakes on and the police (thankfully as I was expecting a nice train journey home without a license if recorded) swerved through 4 lanes onto the slip road. After my heart slowly slid back where it should be it was pretty uneventful thankfully!


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