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Everything posted by Davey

  1. Davey

    Texas Holdem'

    I have no idea but this is the best poll ever! I always feel the need to click an option even if I have no idea, just because I like taking part, what a legend for including the last option, I love you JT Davey
  2. Davey

    Problem Page!

    Well if I thought you were being serious it'd be my duty as a british citizen to report you to the authorities I'm afraid.... sorry about that.... killing fat people is somewhat frowned upon these days! Davey
  3. Davey

    Problem Page!

    Haha, says the man who posted an agony aunt letter about disposing of a body after killing someone Not exactly taking it seriously is it, but it's to be expected, this is TF after all! Davey
  4. Davey

    Problem Page!

    I dont think anyone's really interested in my thread if we're honest, no one on here can be serious for more than about 5 seconds, so I give up, I'm just going to go back to making inappropriate comments about young girls, people seemed to like that Dave better!! Davey
  5. It's 5 man electrical band, apparently .... no musical knowledge needed, it's called google!!!! Davey
  6. Smiths bacon fries........ need I say more? Davey
  7. Bingo!!! There's your answer, she wants to get with other dudes, almost definitely, and she wants you to do the same so that a) she doesn't feel guilty and you can't have a go at her because you're doing it too! Davey
  8. Haha, yeah pretty much sums it up. I really don't see the point of a break, they don't actually DO anything so it's not gonna make a lick of difference to whatever is bothering her is it? It's not like you can say "Yeah ok lets go on a break for like a week" as if when a week is up it'll all be ok somehow. My ex pulled this one on my and I said I thought we should try and sort things out instead of just running away from them..... she ran away from them! So yeah, hang on in there if you can, because break is usually terminal! Davey
  9. It's usually not good news man. That's what happened with me and my ex, we went on a break...... she is my ex.... that says it all really! Davey PS: I could elaborate on that if you like, but i wouldn't want anyone to think I'm up my own arse or that I think I know it all, I've just been in this situation so know a bit about it that's all!
  10. Davey

    Picture War

    Really? Bastards, hahaha! Did they have tidal wave though, did they, huh? No? Well we did..... so we rule... yeah!! :$ Davey
  11. You seem to have had a few bits of advice already, some useful some not so. It so happens I do know a bit about this type of thing so I'll post you a reply as soon as I can! Davey
  12. Ok will do, I guess I can stray from my own thread to extend a helping hand:) gimme a while because I'm at work at the moment, I'm free tonight so I'll have a gander then mate! Davey
  13. Davey

    Picture War

    Indeed! Me and my mates once made up a more complex version of rock paper scissors which actually worked though, it was wicked. Same basic principle that certain things beat other things, but there were lots more things you could do all with their own silly hand gestures, like "water" and then things like "tank" and "warship" for some reason. But it had added rules like for example "warship" beat "water" on it's own but there were like 4 players and if 2 people had "water" they could combine to make "tidal wave" which could beat "warship" for obvious reasons! It was great fun, took a while to remember all the stupid things we'd invented though Davey
  14. Haha, sorry Rory, I was generalising. But I'm glad I bring something to your TF experience, although people aren't using my service much at the moment! Davey PS: It goes without saying that I love Poopipe, he is the daddy as you well know!
  15. Chip off the old block! It'll be a while before he starts taking an unhealthy interest in depravity though... I hope! Davey
  16. I love trials forum because I made it into someones reasons for loving trials forum, go team Davey Aside from that I love trials forum because.... well it's good isn't it, and for a forum that's saying something. Forums as a rule are shit and full of arseholes but this one is full of absolute legends! It's like a soap opera, you get to know all the characters and see them interact, it's addictive in the same way! I must love this forum because the "Missus" thread is completely rubbish these days and I still come on here! Davey
  17. See now I'm not as impressed. Well ok it's still well impressive and to say that using PS is cheating is a bit unfair as it's still fecking tallented to do that effectively freehand, but still, if it had been Paint then he would be a total legend but that thing would have been like an hour long even speeded up! I cant figure out PS and can't afford it so I always use Paint for picture editing. It has it's limits but with a bit of patience quite a lot can be achieved. This is something I did for a laugh at work one day because I was bored, it's lowered and smoothed with decals removed. I know the car looks better how it was when it started but I just did it to see if I could really, let me know what y'all think! Davey
  18. What version of Paint is that, because he's doing things I'm pretty sure Paint just doesn't do. Like at one point all the colour work he's done dissapears and he works on the door handles, it's as if there are layers or something but I don't think Paint has that ? Davey
  19. You know it's summer when you find yourself listening to the Ataris.... you know the one! Oh and when girls start wearing linen trousers, you know them beige ones, I f*cking love them! Do you think girls realise that they are almost completely see through and we can all see their undies? I hope they do know and they do it on purpose because that means they're all just really dirty Davey
  20. Davey

    Crip Walking.

    Who said you had to like a subject to comment on it? Someone started a thread about racism, loads of people hate racism but they still commented, what's your point Luke? Also who said I can't dance? Have you ever seen me try? As it happens I can, I get told I'm pretty good too, until the missus steps in and scares the girls off I'm just not a fan of dance as a discipline in the more solo sense. Also who said I hate people who dance? If I were to say that I'd be alienating a rather large proportion of the human race, almost all of it in fact, so it's unlikely isn't it, don't just make wild accusations because that's just silly! I said I hate people who kill each other for no good reason, or try and act hard, and I said this particular form of dance looks particularly wank, those were two seperate statements, not combined in any way!!!! Dont just flame me for no good reason, that's just not nice! PS: I still love you so it's ok Davey
  21. Davey

    Picture War

    Ah, you need to get your e-dictionary in order, denotes a sense of smug achevement, is the universally accepted method of laughing at yourself, lol!! Davey
  22. Davey

    Problem Page!

    I considered it while sitting in the bath one day, but after a quick prod at the gates I wasn't convinced anything would actually fit up there so I left well alone! Davey
  23. Davey

    Problem Page!

    Ok Dave Well the male G Spot is in fact the prostate gland. It is situated bellow the bladder and as you have correctly pointed out the only access for stimulation is by way of your anus, inserting either fingers or some other suitable object. Stimulate about 2-3 inches in on the front wall of your colon (towards your front) and you'll be laughing.... or perhaps just breathing very heavilly! Davey
  24. Davey

    Problem Page!

    Hi Janson That's wicked, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. What kinda music is it out of interest? Obviously time keeping is the number one thing, but it's not just about being a human metronome. A good drummer can make a great band, look at Blink 182, I think they are decidedly average musically but what makes them great is Travis' undeniable style and flare! As the drummer you are the base, the foundation upon which everything else is built, and for me it doesn't matter how great a band is if the drummer is poor it shows through more than anything else. All the best drummers I can think of are those who are modest and understated but with impecable timing. They don't riddle songs with complex fills, they keep the rhythm going and punctuate it with well thought out fills in the right places. I've known too many drummers who think lots of fills = good drummer, this is NOT the case so try and avoid too much showing off, just keep it simple because as you say above everything else they'll be looking for someone to keep them in time and add percussion, NOT steal their limelight! One other tip I would offer as someone who has been in many bands is to try and keep the random messing about on your kit to a minimum. Between practicing songs and while talking things over drummers tend to get all stick happy and it's almost impossible to get them to shut up, it's been the same with every band I've been in. Guitarists do it too to a lesser expent but drummers tend to be the worst. You have to set up obviously and warm up too, but other than that, unless you're playing the songs don't drum because trust me it drives other band members nuts! Apart from that, good luck and let me know how it goes! Davey
  25. Davey

    Picture War

    Yeah, 'cause that'll do the trick against the old nuclear bomb won't it, haha!
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