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Everything posted by Zordon

  1. You need to watch both the cable ends. Usually cables tend to split into separate wires at the point where they are fastened to the brake arm. When you see it split then probably it's the time to replace it. My last cable lasted over 6 months I think before it split. It was the cheapest cable available at my lbs.
  2. Usually (if not always), disc brakes lever pistons are of smaller diameter than a hs33 ones. It means that if you change the lever to a hs33 one it will feel more solid but at the same time it won't be as powerful. On the contrary, connecting a disc brake lever to hs33 calipers will result in very spongy lever, making it probably unrideable no matter how many dozens of boosters will you use.
  3. Carbon nanotube Wikipedia "Carbon nanotubes are the strongest and stiffest materials on earth, in terms of tensile strength and elastic modulus respectively. This strength results from the covalent sp² bonds formed between the individual carbon atoms. In 2000, a multi-walled carbon nanotube was tested to have a tensile strength of 63 GPa. Since carbon nanotubes have a low density for a solid of 1.3-1.4 g/cm³,[17] its specific strength of up to 48,000 kN·m/kg is the best of known materials, compared to high-carbon steel's 154 kN·m/kg."
  4. Wall street goes down - so do the rest of stock exchanges all over the world. Millions of people involved in stock markets (directly and not - e.g., by having any securities) see their money shrink. They realize they cannot afford the current level of spendings. They buy less. The global consumption decreases. The global trade, production, investments, and import/export falls. Companies earn less. They have to reduce the staff and/or lower the wages. Ordinary people earn less. They have less money for their spendings. They give less money to their kids. YOU don't get as much money as you'd wish. YOU cannot afford spending so much on biketrials. Sad but true. Hopefully there are plenty of ways to fix it so don't worry
  5. Ever tried to use full stops instead? It's faster. There is quite a few bits where carbon can be used - chain tensioners, boosters, bb shells, front hub shells maybe. But CF is only another step of materials engineering, I'm waiting for the nanotechnology, especially nanopipes which look promising
  6. The only advantage of upper-range Shimano brake arms is the parallel push system I imagine. With little effort you can achieve the same with Avids and it will be much stiffer at the same time. You have just to experiment with vee adaptor hole setting and number of pad spacers used. Then you can get the arms perfectly parallel during pads hitting the rim. What's more, Ultimates have cartridge bearings - no play and smooth action so you can run it with almost no spring tension (all the friction will probably come from the cable). As for the crank clearance, I've never had any problems with it. The bigger problem is the tyre clearance, especially if you want to use a booster. But I have a mod so the tyre is much bigger than in stock.
  7. I accidentally found out that a vee pad hitting the rim square flat probably is not the most powerful setup I can get. Now one of my pads is set at a slight angle. My thought process is that every material more or less flexes under force. When you pull brake lever, the applied force make your frame/brake arms/bolts/pads flex. On the other hand, there is another force coming from the spinning wheel (different when it spins forwards and different backwards) and when it contacts the pad, it creates another flex. So the final braking force is not distributed uniformly over the pad surface (like we would wish it to be). I think that for the best braking results (both forwards and backwards) one pad should be setup at some positive angle (lets assume it's 5 degrees) and the other at negative angle (minus 5 degrees). I mean the horizontal angle (over the pad's lenght, hope you understand). Vertically it should be hitting the rim square flat. This conclusion comes from my over 1 year experience with a rear vee (now ultimate/coustvee/booster/smooth rim/tar). I managed once to get a perfectly square pad setup - it had an instant bite but poor hold. Now I have an instant bite thanks to the tar and a good hold due to the pads setup.
  8. It's not a booster, it's a parallel push mechanism.
  9. Zordon

    Zordon 2007

    Decided to put some clips from the last year together and Pisanka agreed to help Zordon_2007.wmv Cheers, Zordon
  10. Looong, we need a looong mod version for big riders! Wb 1030+, cs 363, bb+55/60.
  11. The directory is empty EDIT: working now, thanks! EDIT2: watched it, well worth downloading
  12. My dream rim: 19' 38-48mm ceramic magnesium square cnc'd Just make it and I'm your first customer. I'd buy it even if it was in pink, brown or purple.
  13. Have you seen any trials hub with steel or titanium hub shell? I also had a king hub. It used to skip once a day or twice, under light pedalling. After a year of use I managed to destroy the driveshell needle bearing. After warranty repairing I sold it and switched to monty freewheel. Skipped once on me by far. I saved quite a bit of money too.
  14. And the chain doesn't have to be split in order to install it. May use also a drive belt instead.
  15. I've been using my current chain for 6 months now on my GU '06 20' frame with echo snail cams. They are pretty small compared to other cams and now the chain is so stretched that I cannot tighten it by cams anymore. I guess it's the right time to replace the chain then.
  16. Sorry for offtopic but how can I contact you, Tim, when you don't reply to my PMs? I have already sent two over the last week.
  17. Since you are about a 47mm wide rear rim, I'm guessing you are going to ride trials. The frame you mentioned is definitely NOT a trials one. Don't trust those crap advertisements provided by companies that have no idea about what biketrials is.
  18. Zordon

    Bt Raven 8.0

    When there were only frame pics the first thing that came to my mind was - "frame for girls or foldable bike lol". Anyway, when the built-up pics appeared, it looked much better. Had a short ride on it too, not bad at all
  19. Zordon

    French Show

    Repost - coś rozkojarzony Rafał jesteś Better quality, downloadable version The riders were Sylvain Richou And Tibo Veuillet.
  20. Zordon

    Ptc Rafal 2007

    He was stealing wooden bars to earn money for cheap wines. He was lucky that a friend invited him on a drink then because city's guards started looking for him few moments later.
  21. Zordon

    Ptc Rafal 2007

    Pisanka has just finished his new video that contains the best actions from the 2007 riding season. There is also some extra footage and a special guest, too... www.biketrial.eu Hope you'll enjoy it. Cheers, Zordon
  22. Zordon

    Koxx Lite?

    1. Get a set of Dob rims instead. You'll save 150g over the Montys. 2. Buy a Marta SL front brake. Another 100g less. 3. Don't cheat. Removing the plate doesn't count Try-all Simetrik one-sided bashring (30g) will suit the bike very well.
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