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Tommy d

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Everything posted by Tommy d

  1. Great video I loved it! Made me want to ride.
  2. Yeah word. As long as it's not pouring with rain/hurricane winds.
  3. I consider myself interested... I will have to make sure I'm not going to visit my grandparents that day though.
  4. I have a maggie on the bottom on my frame (Iolo) and it's never caught my ankles. It is, however, a bit awkward to set up just because it makes the bolts harder to get to and I get covered in grease off the chain! But it's not the end of the world and I'm glad I went for having 2 sets of mounts. 24uk Mk2 seems great to me, personally I'd prefer it to be a bit higher with a bend rather than a straight line all the way down to the back wheel but I'm probably in the minority there. Good stuff!
  5. True, Ramsgate is sweet. But I missed it, only got back to Thanet today. Will be out soon!
  6. Why thankyou. It is now on TrialsTube, along with our other videos.
  7. Thanks very much, never mind about the apostrophe ones, that's great.
  8. Lately Gilly and I have been going out really early on Sunday mornings for a bit of riding cos it's always so peaceful and deserted. We've been doing a bit of filming here and there, and we were going to wait and film more and make a bigger better mega video but I keep injuring myself so that might not happen for a while. Instead, here are some recent bits of messing around that we have filmed already, put together mainly as an excuse for Gilly to test out his new computer and video editing stuff. Iolo, yellow helmet = me Giant, black helmet = Gilly and introducing, on the Flea, red helmet = our housemate James who started riding a few months ago. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Hope you like, comments most welcome.
  9. Do you fancy doing these? http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/tommydthatsme Would be pretty handy
  10. Great video! Love the neverending lines and some really cool moves later on too. I've been off trials forum for a bit so thankyou for putting something good up to get me back in!
  11. I think I'm watching this for the first time after the re-edit but here are my thoughts anyway: Aarrrgh if only I had known about the last part! You took 3 minutes of my life away and I want them back! Before the end bit happened at proper speed, I was thinking 'well granted at least people won't be thinking they don't need to buy the dvd after watching the video cos you can't see it at proper speed without buying the dvd', but then it proved me wrong by showing it all again. I'm so confused now. I have just seen some amazing riding and yet I feel violated. I will go now.
  12. That was really really good, some seriously difficult looking stuff! I loved the bit near the end where it was all just on that rail doing a load of different stuff, and the last line looked really awesome until the stem to groin moment...
  13. Haha line at 50 seconds was well cool!
  14. What?! Can't just be busting out 180 hops and footjam tailwhips on rails! That's crazy talk. Wicked video. I'm so glad I didn't ignore it when I saw the word mod in the title. Can somebody tell me the song please?
  15. Really enjoyed that, lots of good riding all round and was really well put together.
  16. Tommy d

    Mikey Mayhem

    Ah wicked now there is a video with some great lines!
  17. Cool video, I like. Nice riding and mix of stuff. One thing I would say is there were quite a few points where the clip starts and there's quite a long wait before a rider appears in shot. Might be better without the wait in my opionion.
  18. Really great video, such great riding and so well made. Liking the website too.
  19. I can't come but is there actually any riding in Canterbury? I've seen some cool looking bits on the city walls but anything else out of interest?
  20. Loving that. Reminded me of some stuff I need to try as well!
  21. Pretty cool lines in there and well edited too. Is the music Nizlopi?
  22. Tommy d

    Short Vid

    Loved it, sweet sweet riding, just finishes too soon!
  23. Nice video, enjoyed the bit at the start where the camera angle stays the same and you did about 3 different lines in the same place.
  24. Even if it's shot on a phone you still have to keep it the right way up!
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