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Blacklisted Trader
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Status Updates posted by harmertrials

  1. The storm that is currently underway in brighton :o like something from a horror movie it's mad!

    1. JJ Leigh

      JJ Leigh

      we had it in Southampton at about 12:30 and it was sooo friggin loud my dogs were shitting bricks and I couldn't sleep haha

    2. TOMTRIALS123


      we had it last night @ 1 & 2 in the morning. There was tons of thunder and lightning and my dogs were scared shitless. I forgot to check on the guinea pigs outside though

  2. Buy my shinay limay

  3. Sad to announce that jake deakin has become a car fag and no longer rides

    1. HippY


      but his mom does.

      he sold his bike for fund his car???

    2. ogre



    3. dann2707


      This has lies written all over it :P

  4. wonder if callum cook will ever stop trying to add me on facebook

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. harmertrials
    3. trialsiain


      Your gonna have no one left to ride with if you call people that :P

    4. Callum219


      Wttf... I differ a lot between brad?

  5. Can everyone please contact isitafox regarding sending him a photo for martyn

  6. New bike planned, all for the total of around £100

  7. planning on building a mod for summer, what is wrong with me

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. harmertrials


      I definitely enjoy building a bike as much as riding it

    3. trialsiain


      its like when i used to play with plastic army men, i set up a base for like 4 hours but then got bored of playing with them in minutes.

    4. HippY


      I might be different, but at my first hobby I love to build a PC once, then make it perfect, OC it and basically keep it up to date, not building a new one

  8. A kloud 24 would be very pleasant

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. harmertrials


      I kinda get that joke but I kinda don't

    3. Blake


      because it's new it will have a better second hand market, the nicer the bike you get the easier it will be to sell a week later ;) x

    4. trialsiain


      doubt that will ever happen haha :P

  9. buy my sheiiiit

    1. dann2707


      How much for a single nugget of poopy? 10gram

  10. radix is built, except for 1 grip.

    1. SCOTTY___


      Ride soon! Radix Twins! P.S The name Raquel is taken :p

    2. harmertrials


      mine is a lot more ratty and abused than yours haha

  11. Why when people order from trials addict they feel the need to personally thank him?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SamKidney


      "I'd like to offer my deepest gratitude to you, servant of the people, seller of goods, king of trials know how and unbeatable customer service. To you sir, I salute. Praise be to Tarty Adam and his band of employees for stirling service in the field."

      In all seriousness, it just makes it seem like a beg for sponsorship.

    3. harmertrials


      He has poor customer service, just sorts everyone near on trade prices. Sam you hit the nail on the head. I buy a lot through him, but don't feel the need to thank someone who is profitting from me.

    4. Blake


      ben is a poopoo

  12. As beautiful as these two bikes are in my room, someone buy one

  13. roadtrip commences in 12 hours, where do we goooo?? 5 days with very little directive

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blake


      yeah let me know if you wanna stop by should be okay

    3. Nick Manning

      Nick Manning

      Just come straight to Essex for some Friday antics.

    4. harmertrials


      what's the plan nick? we're thinking of driving and riding chelmsford tomorrow

  14. 8 days done. leeds, barge indoor, bristol, portsmouth, rad bikes.. home

    1. Nick Manning

      Nick Manning

      Bring on the next trip.

  15. ouch, crank snap. got off lucky though

  16. £230 on stan ti. ah.

    1. iChimpp
    2. HippY


      I will never understand why does it worth to pay that much money to spare ~20g

      okay, im plannig to buy 3 monitors, i kinda see your point

  17. needs a lift to radfest from leeds

    1. bing


      Ask Neil Robinson, don't think he has anyone to travel with

  18. that ride was hilarious, mod is not for me!

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