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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. That's some quality English. Hey, since you've got a CNC machine in your pants, and your head is also CNCed, you must be pretty good at yoga, right?
  2. Yes, thanks for posting that.
  3. There isn't an automatic option for price lowering, is there? On amazon there is, makes it mega cheap to but but a bit dicks to sell.
  4. Wow, those adverts on the side of dodgy websites aren't total shit?
  5. I did Karate til 2nd Kyu. I was sad that we never learned throws or applications. I came to Korea and I'm learning judo here. Belts change quick, I'm at 4th belt now. It's good fun.
  6. I hope that's true, the problem might be tracking a seven string down! I wish there was a 7 string SG.
  7. More strats, fewer teles! I sure would like a 7 string. Wonder how much they are over here.
  8. I didn't want to be too overt, but yes.
  9. I still have a bat cat for a picture.

    1. HippY


      I just checked it and yes, you are right, thank you very much for informing us

  10. Wow, fun until then! Was that an internal punch-up? I hope not.
  11. How's the rock band life been? I remember you're in a band called Art Club, right?
  12. Every now and again I swing by to see what's up. Well, it's 13:30 here and I'm awaiting apcalypse by sleepover, since there's summer camp at the school. Catatonia is a real possibility, pahaha.
  13. I like that my quote is still in your sig.
  14. Revolver


    Yeah, I think I was shown the first one in Uni but I remember it as silhouettes, which it isn't. That second one I've been using now, it's good because the weight is real, and also you often get to see naked ladies which is icing on any cake, really.
  15. I did not know you played guitar, I just remember you bought that one ages ago and had it in your loft.
  16. Revolver


    People might be interested in this: http://www.posemaniacs.com/thirtysecond It gives you random poses you need to sketch in 30 seconds. Also I found this one: http://www.quickposes.com/pages/random This one uses actual photos of people.
  17. Revolver


    That's cool! I drew this, I wanted the building in the distance to look f**king huge. It's for this story idea I have.
  18. Hmm... iPad? Computer tower? Box of memory stuff I have under my bed? I might pick my tower.
  19. Heh, people are still watching my brake bleed video! Still useful
  20. Mine does it sometimes, it's a loose headset, I think. Or whatever it's called on a motorbike, lol.
  21. Thought the MZ was a Kawasaki? I guess not then. Is there a picture of your VT500E?
  22. 18. It seemed like a lot of the questions were written for me, hahaha.
  23. Heh, mine has 4k on the clock and is 32! What is your bike then? I thought you still had your Kawasaki but then you just mentioned it was a Honda.
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