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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. Even if Silk Road offered a high quality service, preferable to buying from dirty street dealers, the authority is obliged to close it down if they get the opportunity, just to uphold standards. On top of the fact than you could hire assassins over it which is very illegal.
  2. Looks like you're going to start dancing.
  3. In contrast to other people's issues, what irks me currently is that I am hungry.
  4. I'm not sure they care. My brother tried it and failed.
  5. They photo your car nowadays so that doesn't work.
  6. I think there should be equal opportunities for welds regardless of how much criminal activity they have been involved in.
  7. Any advice on a snapped exhaust stud? The cut a slot and impact driver method failed. Oh, and I don't have any money.
  8. Ask them if they'll deliver from Leeds to London, lol.
  9. This came to mind today after I loaded up two pizzas with extra hot encona yesterday
  10. Without the quote that looks quite strange, lol.
  11. I've noticed the devices can be a little bit sluggish, like the screen coming on after you press a button.
  12. Lol, then he's an ignorant, slightly influential numpty. He's in good company then.
  13. If I click a day it zooms back in. It zooms in too far. Anyway, I might be able to get used to it.
  14. I noticed that the calendar has changed. I can't find a view by month option so that's annoying.
  15. I pretty much finished my Master's Degree yesterday. Just have to wait for results now. Oh, and there's the expo to take care of. f**k, their black guitarist lost a shit-ton of weight. No, a f**k-ton.
  16. Kids these days have no respect!
  17. That's ok though, because now he knows what brake to get.
  18. Also interested to find out what the correct use for a helicoil is if it isn't replacing a stripped thread.
  19. Your welds are f**king even. You've definitely got the right job.
  20. I thought everyone was raving about Saint brakes...?
  21. To be honest, red bull is quite good flavoured for an energy drink. I think with all that money they have at least made their product taste as good as it could. So yeah, pretty good for a can full of sugar.
  22. It tastes ok, the monster rehab one is nice, it's about the only one that's worth drinking.
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