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Everything posted by Revolver

  1. It's 32 and it went for the MOT and came back with no advisories.
  2. And after that, she never came back.
  3. I think it was intentio- oh no, I've caught it too D:
  4. I logged in specifically to say that yes, exactly that.
  5. A hardtail for peanuts sounds very good indeed.
  6. The idea of getting a chuck-around XC bike is lurking in the back of my mind. I would like to get a bike to have fun on again.
  7. Ignore Photoshop on the taskbar.
  8. I can verify the fact that indeed lycra doesn't make you invincible. It is the wearing of your underpants outside your lycra that makes you invincible.
  9. Technique video up in this sig motherf**keeeeeeeeeer.
  10. Standing on leaves that look crispy, and hearing them make a crisp sound. Also, stepping on twigs and breaking them. Always disappointing with the leaf is too soggy or the stick is invincible. Riding my bike towards a set of crossing lights and seeing them change in my favour. Even better when there's a pair and they both change in my favour.
  11. $ followed by GBP has always annoyed me about Pinkbike.
  12. I voted yes, but it's doable still. Never done it myself though. Going to a restaurant on your own sounds weirder.
  13. If I am literally going to die, will I be crushed by dictionaries? Spot on your nose.
  14. Give me all your money and I'll think of something. Payable in cash, cheque or plane tickets to Hawaii... Preferably all three.
  15. It depends on how scared you are, but learning to listen to your thoughts and changing the topic when you find yourself thinking negatively about flying is a good technique. It takes some practice though. It works much better if you can notice right away and stop it before it sets in. You could push your attention towards relaxed breathing, which has a calming effect.
  16. If you're using Valium, can we assume you're petrified of flying rather than nervous? What exactly don't you like about it?
  17. After some thought I realise that some songs do properly psyche me up like this. However it only works until I get bored of hearing the song. Zombie Autopilot by Unearth is a good one. So's The Contour by Sky Eats Airplane.
  18. Revolver


    One of the things I don't like about anime is it con often be quite childish at times. Sometimes that's ok but sometimes it can spoil it a bit. Anyway one anime series I watched that was quite serious was Afro Samurai. Oh, and Neon Genesis Evangelion manages to be quite adult. It goes a bit strange and psychological in the last four episodes or so. Perhaps you'd like that, Ben. Anyway that last one is a giant robot anime so if that's not your bag, avoid it.
  19. I tell you what's the most annoying about football - it seems to be some people's only source of conversation. It's like it's the only thing they're interested in. Then when they try to talk football to you and you return a blank face they're dumbstruck as to what else it's possible to talk about.
  20. Not exactly hate, but it is quite a lot of bollocks. People get very excited over a bunch of dudes kicking a ball about, and people throw a whole load of money at it. Rather than liking sports by watching them, you should like sports by getting off your ass and doing them. Hey, that's what this forum's about - a sport you have to do.
  21. The French are pretty bad with names apparently, so whatever Koxx is renamed as is probably going to be ridiculous.
  22. Just a word of advice, lol. This isn't related to whatever is going on above in this thread.
  23. I am extra careful with my phone now because I got a wooden case which has no bounce. I have a habit of flipping it in my hand and I still haven't dropped it. ...From higher than 6 inches, anyway, lol.
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