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Everything posted by ben_travis

  1. your???? :) and to make my post on topic..... i dont think this will work ur from portsmouth or somewhere like that. im from aberdeen. it wont work littleharry. sorry
  2. you could always try. right clicking the page > view source this should bring a screen up in notepad. then just read thorugh until you find the link. the file has to be saved somewhere on the internet. when you have found said link you should copy and paste into your browser and from there it should save. or you could post it on a topic/new topic and copy from there. (just dont post this topic on the forum) thats how i have done it. ben
  3. right i dont want to sound harsh, but all you who are saying andrew ts editing skills are improving loads, i have to say that most of his changes are simple things. i would put it more down to him being an amazing filmer. your camera handling skills are awesome and imaginitive angles are superb. well done. riding is superb. its utterly fantastic. cheers ben
  4. this topic is totally shite. im sorry but i understand u have a poor experience with a grind jt! but just change it. who cares what others brakes are like. someones bike is set up how THEY want it and it feels good for them. id probably hate ur set up, ud probably hate mine. its how it is. please cana mod close this. im bored of seeing it at the top of a page. its been argued over and over for four pages now. close it. please? ben
  5. not sure about that. slamball is awesome but those shots are fookin incredible ben
  6. yup of koxx days 2 im only getting 1.34 any reason for this.
  7. well it still confuses me because, if you open door one. then that is opened. u know there is a goat there, so therefore eliminated because you arent going to pick the same door again are you? which leaves two doors. 1/2 is a car 1/2 is a goat, so its 50/50 (Y), i still dont understand u monkeys
  8. i use bontrager foam grips and are lasting me well, i ride without gloves and they are £5. usually available from a LBS who is a trek dealer. awesome grips and not expensive. cheers ben
  9. good good. cheers matt. btw, any riders wanting to come from the hull area and get a lift in my car, then back sat night/going again sun morning, i have 2/3 free spaces in my car. so give me a shout. easier to car share / petrol share cheers ben
  10. i like two 1.5 - 2 sugars depending on how heaped the teaspoons are, with milk, but very strong. also you that dont like tea. your just too young to appreciate it :blink: ben
  11. well i have been looking at the site www.biketrialuk.com, and although i have found info on certain things i havent found its information very helpful.... where are we able to park, i wont be staying overnight, but will be back on the sunday. so where can i park? do i have to pay to watch?if so how much? will skipton be closed off? for the whole weekend? or just the parade? any further info on stuff similar to this will be appreciated. btw the reason im posting is because i have to make my way from aberdeen and want to know well in advance. cheers ben p.s i have looked on the forum as well. ta
  12. cheers boys, glad you enjoyed it, yea i think i have improved a wee bit on the toxsin. :lol: im loving it at the moment. damon can go massive in all riding aspects. however all i seemed to get on film was sidehops. he is practising them all the time. cheers ben
  13. cheers joe, cheers watson, cheers all. glad they have been enjoyable, was just chilled out basic editing. many thanks guys damon ur a bitch :blink: u beast
  14. Since i got my deal with toxsin i thought i would put these pics up. not totally my parts, few things to change. anyhow enjoy looking ben
  15. glad you all liked the video so far, any more comments welcome. many thanks ben
  16. ben_travis


    Singer Michael Jackson has been found innocent on all 10 charges of child abuse at the end of his trial. The singer strenuously denied the charges of molesting a 13-year-old boy. There were cheers from his fans outside the court as the verdicts were read. He was also cleared of giving the child alcohol and conspiring to kidnap him and his family. The verdicts end a one-week wait for the jury's decision in Santa Maria, California. The star was accompanied from his Neverland ranch by family members including father Joe, mother Katherine and sisters LaToya and Janet. Jackson fans outside court before the verdict Michael Jackson fans gathered outside court for the verdict His trial began in February and the jury retired on 3 June. More than 100 witnesses took the stand in the trial. They including Mr Jackson's accuser Gavin Arvizo and his mother Janet. The trial was sparked after British journalist Martin Bashir made a documentary in which Mr Jackson admitted sharing his bed with children. Past allegations Bashir gave evidence but refused to answer many of the questions put to him. Mr Jackson's former wife Debbie Rowe spoke in favour of the pop star, but called his entourage "opportunistic vultures". And actor Macaulay Culkin denied being abused by Mr Jackson when he was a child star. But Mr Jackson did not take the witness stand himself. Judge Rodney Melville, who presided over the trial, allowed past allegations against Mr Jackson to be aired in court. extract from bbc news. meh who cares.
  17. cheers for compliments rossi, your the same as damon, u need to get some stuff out there (well more stuff) so we can see, damon is truly a powerhouse, i oneday hope to catch up with him, it will be hard though. anyhow everyone cheers for compliments any more ben
  18. some cool pics those joe, impressive, did you pay ashton to be following you around or something (N) jking. yea im not liking slingers new mod, other than the position of the chain tensioner i can see no benefit. meh, my opinion ben
  19. how did i know the first reply would be about damon (N), yea he is awesome, we only really got sidehops on cam, as you can see, but when he gets a video out you will be amazed in general. anyhow, when people see my vid, let me know your thoughts ben
  20. so, its been a long time since i released a video, and with lack of motivation/energy for street, i decided to mix it up. Since receiving a deal from toxsin i have pushed myself on the natural riding a wee bit, with this being my first serious bits of natural. So i hope you enjoy it, its fairly relaxed and i will hopefully be pushing myself further on street and natural and be improving my riding in general. so here it is hosted kindly by trials-shack, much appreciated Si, and RIP T-S. it is 26.4mb in size, 4:41 in length. and is finished of with a tune by roots manuva called Where My Mind Is At this can be found here (click here) Secondly, is a small clip of a fellow rider who is going to be someone to look out for, in fact he is awesome already, its only a few wee clips but i thought i would post them already, riding for only 1 and a half years, this is damon watson, true powerhouse who can ride with the best of them. hope you all enjoy this wee clip, he will be bringing out more to come. this can be found here (click here) hopefully you will watch both, any positive comments on either would be appreciated. many thanks ben
  21. if this was aimed at me, then u need to re-read my post. i said i TRUST the forks, only part that have been reliable for me. i have had rims that have lasted about 3 rides befor being destroyed in some manner or another, the after market service isnt exactly great either. and dont chai and dan ko ride together, which would lead me to believe them to be good mates. so another reason why he is sponsored by viz (although id be lying if i said he wasnt good) ben
  22. trust my fooking luck, my boss being a wanker about me getting the time off work to ride this comp, apparantly the DH'ers from the shop come first to go watch, but for me to ride a comp there (the only one in scotland) its not a good enough excuse. i hope to be there guys, i really do, obviously some more specific details would be great times etc. i assume this will only be a one day thing? anyhow..... looking forward to getting there to ride. many thanks ben
  23. perfect answer, although i dont get many people riding round here, including myself 5 at the most. bit of a bummer, but when im down inengland i always try get out on bigger rides. ben
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