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Stephen Morris

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Everything posted by Stephen Morris

  1. On a pheasant farm in Darsham, Suffolk. It's a nice venue, but it's too far for me to go again this year. If you live East of London, in Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk or Cambridgshire then it's worth going to.
  2. How can we be sure that this guy even has a rabbit. He could have used google image search and then just go on from there. There's something worrying about this sort of thing, as people WILL donate, sadly people are that stupid.
  3. Is that a new HIFH album? I have "the neon handshake" but didn't realise there was another one.
  4. 8 minutes, got impatient and wanted to see what % of people I'd beaten.
  5. NOW TAKE A PAGE OUT OF THIS GUYS BOOK, :o I feel I should be serious for one moment. If your friend wants to be allowed back on the forum, then he can send an Email to a moderator. I don't know the full story, but people don't get banned for no reason, they get banned for being stupid. If you think we take the forum too seriously then that's okay, you're entitled to your opinion. However if the moderators left the forum to do it's own thing for a week, then this place would be chaos. You mention that some people spend to much time on the forum. There's nothing wrong with spending time using a forum if you use it correctly to chat to friends, have discussions, post photos and videos etc. However, when you have nothing better to do than try and sell bald tyres, that's when you're spending too much time on the forum. Stephen Morris.
  6. Of course you are. The only thing you're wasting is my time. No, you found it amusing, I thought it was stupid and so it would appear did everybody else. What are these capital letters doing? You're mate was obviously a bit of a bell fruit. He can always re-register and not be a twat this time.
  7. It's a petition not a permission you retard. Like Simon says, he wasn't banned for the fun of it. Even if everybody on the forum signed your "permission" then he still wouldn't be brought back again. You're telling Simon that he needs to get out more, but you find the idea of selling bald tyres amusing...
  8. Does that mean that I'm not welcome? I can bring Tim, Chai and Matt if you want.
  9. Stephen Morris


    I got a little bit confused because I was watching television when the clocks went forward. Usually I'd go to bed whenever and change all the clocks before I went to sleep. However this time I was wacthing a film, which on the listing was 2 hours and 40 mins long which I thought was a bit crazy, but I didn't even think about the clocks going forward halfway through. Silly me. As for who invented daylight saving time, it was invented by Chris Martn's (guy from Coldplay) grandfather in order to save daylight which is why it's called daylight saving time. It was not invented by some bloke just for a lark.
  10. You hit me! It's a commercial.. very good. Cillit Bang is such an American style advert. Has anybody seen that double glazing advert "you buy one, you get one free, I say you buy one and you get one free" with the guy who looks like a troll - that's pretty bad too! Anyway, good find, lots of fun. Check out Salad Fingers and The Milkman on www.fat-pie.com, pretty random stuff.
  11. I REALLY didn't! Here's mine: ruoy smargana era oot ysae
  12. Hmmm could it be trials forum
  13. I used to live down "Rumsey Close" and once some really, really funny kids changed it to "Bumsey close". Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha God these people are clever.
  14. Stephen Morris


    Lovely video, some really big stuff. How come in every video I see with Wayne in, the fish eye has such a dirty lens? It really would be a good idea to clean in before filming. Apart from that though, top notch :ermm:
  15. You need to be 16 to work in Halfords, but even then you wont be able to work more than 7 or 8 hours a week I don't think. We've done loads of stupid things in our store. I can get down the stairs from bikehut and back up again in 19 seconds. We've made Scream Machine Grand Prix courses, but we all turned out to have pretty identical times. What else... We put one of those back wheel exercise bike things with a speedometer and chellanged customers to see who could go the fastest. Like everybody else, we've done loads of stupid things. We have a pair of forks, and we've taped round it making a cricket bat. We've also done rugby conversion kicks over the air conditioning piped on the warehouse roof. Too many stupid things to name, I've been working in Halford part time for 5 years.
  16. Just for the record, LondonTrials.com was taken down as soon as we realised how stupid it was. It was soon replaced with UrbanTrials.com which is getting a revamp soon.
  17. You know when something odd happens in the news, something that you weren't expecting - take for example the death of Princess Diana or Elvis. At first people didn't believe the news. It's nothing personal, people often find it hard to believe certain pieces of news, especially when they don't want it to be the truth. Well that's what's happened here, so chill out everybody, the answer will be revealed in a weeks time.
  18. Bloc Party - Silent Alarm Feeder - Pushing the senses Pixies - Trompe Le Monde
  19. Looks like a good buy, but I'm after a £200 Alpine one, plus I'll get discount and free fitting from where I work. Cheers for the link though, I'm sure somebody will take it off your hands soon.
  20. Stephen Morris


    Don't you keep copies of your old videos? I have a a CD with every video I've ever been in, I'd suggest you did the same. I remember seeing your video a long time ago, but it would have been deleted when I got a new computer. Good luck, Stephen.
  21. I'm not jammy, I spent months waiting for the right car to come along, and wasted £189 checking a W-reg 306 out only to find the head gasket was gone. Also, I probably spent more money on the car than you. You can always save up a little extra, sell your car and upgrade if you like my bonet so much. I'll be extra specially careful with it George. It comes with alloys which I'm pretty chuffed with. Inside it has an old looking 6 cd changer in the boot running off the original tape player in the front. I'll be changing the tuner and either relocating the cd changer to under the seat/glove compartment (is that easy/cheap to do/get done) or maybe buying a new one and putting it somewhere that isn't where the bikes go. The only other modifications and purchases I have in mind are some speakers if there's anything wrong with these ones, and maybe a radar detector if I find one that's good.
  22. Broom Broom, no I'm not sweeping, I've just bought my first car. It's a 1998 Peugeot 306 1.4 and I'm pretty chuffed with it. That's about it really, I've just wanted to post in here for ages but I didn't have a car. I pick it up on April 3rd once it's been taxed, MOT'd, valeted etc. Can't wait to whack a new stereo in it and give it a good clean. Stephen xxx
  23. taxi so that he could get to the hospital in time for his....
  24. It's not a bad idea, but it's not necessary either. I'm sure the powers that be have seen this post so they can do something about it if they fancy. Don't get your hopes up though... Put me on your 'phone a friend' list for knowing about London, the media and spelling.
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