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Everything posted by will

  1. will

    Blair Vid 1

    12, that is shocking.
  2. Stud Extractors. I took 2 bolts out of a Hope XC hub which had been sheared off, both flush with the body.
  3. MK 11ish at the bus station walls. ME and Joel from Bedford will be there. Hope to see a few others around
  4. Strongbow. Eeismlls (popular Christmas pressie)
  5. Trials Punk 182 rides a stock. Hell thats good enough for me to love him
  6. will


    10am at the walls opposite shell? Ill be there I hope....
  7. Just scratched my elbow and shin. Ill nail it next time ...
  8. Cheers guys! Was good turn out. Props to Joe for the rail gap! ill put the stack up once ive got it
  9. Once more with feeling - Get cape, wear cape, fly.
  10. try and make it an early one, as mentioned its getting dark at 4! Ill try and be at the park for 9-10.
  11. will

    Pad Reviews

    The whole point of this thread is so people dont ask questions such as this. Have a read through and see if you can find something that meets your requirements, there are nearly 250 reviews of various pads.
  12. Maybe you just got a big old egg instead of a round wheel. When the wheel hits its highest point only 1/2 the brake pad makes good contact with the rim, if this happened on both sides (which it would) it may be interpreted as extra lever travel. Other than that, change each possible part until you figure out whats wrong, then rectify
  13. Thanks guys! Hope to see everyone there !
  14. Could someone be a doll and point out the 'yellow skatepark' on this map! The red dot is the bus station on Drummer Street.
  15. will


    From the album: 1

  16. Boycott Norwich. On the 17th Cambridge is the only place to be seen.
  17. Definatly, be good to see you again! Fancy Driving?
  18. No tree. No decorations in our house. When I get to my mums it will be a sensory overload.
  19. Ill be there with bells on. Winter Festival Bells. Where do you normally meet in Cambridge?
  20. Bike products and related tools can all be found at bike shops e.g. Tarty Bikes. If you have questions pertaining to Magura parts why not look on the Magura website - this can be found by searching on google for Magura. If your maguras arent leaking but feel like crap you will need to re-bleed them. Refering to the 'clinging' noise I dont know what it is, but there is no coil in the hose. Investigate and try and establish what is wrong with it, then maybe email Magura. The oil in the brake is there for a reason, having said that if you need to bleed it quicksnap water & af wont do any short term damage, mine has been fine for 18 months. If your pistons arent moving the same distance lube up the sticky one.
  21. I didnt find anyone there lol. Any of you guys show up in the end? Was a good day though.
  22. I know of none. But if you find any, let me know
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