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Everything posted by J.KYDD

  1. Such a good rider. Love his style
  2. Don't think the CS can be less than 350mm on a mod? If you were going +100 on the BB, I'd go for 360mm
  3. A top mounted chain tensioner will not work
  4. He's not whining about the lead-time on the actual frame. He's f**ked off by Marino's piss-poor communication I bet your 'friend' didn't have to wait days (or even weeks) at a time for a response out of Rolls did he? No Your arguments are f**king laughable
  5. That's the same way I see it. I regularly climb with guys in their late 50's who are still beasts, and when doing a few cross country races a few years back you see guys of all ages. Adele seems to think that fitness also has a time limit, and that if she has kids later, she'll be too tired to keep up with them. I disagree and don't have an issue with the prospect of having kids while I'm older. Just don't want them now, or any time in my 20's....
  6. This is the bit that that puts me off kids the most. While I'm still young and fit and very active with riding and climbing I do not want the commitment of kids 'holding me back'. I can't hide, nor do I deny the fact that I am quite a selfish person, and I worry that I'd end up resenting my kid(s) if I had them too early and felt they were getting in the way of what I'd rather be doing.
  7. Yup, 'cos my girlfriend is nearing her 50's......
  8. That's the complete opposite of my and my Mrs. I can't really stand kids, and am not really sure if I ever want them, but she definitely does. IF I do ever have kids, it won't be until I'm well into my 30's, but Adele (as with a lot of girls) has worries of some mystical "expiry date" and doesn't want to leave it that long to have kids...
  9. Please stop quoting including ALL the pictures - we've already seen them, no need to trawl through them all again
  10. Check the date on a thread before posting in a 3 year old topic
  11. Big power, be great to see a longer edit with some natural riding
  12. Heavy and flexy - not what's wanted in 'pure' trials
  13. Must be, Craig was still trying to pretend he had hair....
  14. J.KYDD

    Old Bike Party

    Why does a flatland rider need to wear a helmet? Fair enough I agree that the majority of BMX street riders should wear a lid, but flatland? Really?
  15. Sober, Sober, 3 pints, 5 pints, 5 pints, Sober, Sober
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