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Everything posted by J.KYDD

  1. £675 PCM for a 2 bed house in a new-build estate, split between 3 of us
  2. Open Free is the future
  3. f**k that. Trying to make you feel bad/guilty for not rushing into a life changing decision is retarded.
  4. Funny you say that, I was actually chatting with Andrei about all this on Sunday. He says that despite Giaco went about this all the wrong way, there is some truth in what he's saying. There is absolutely no doubt that Kenny is and has been a great representative for the SPORT, but he's not a good RIDERS representative. There is more he could do from his advantageous position to promote the riders. The vast majority of pro riders are STILL heavily backed by the bank of mum & dad, or come from backgrounds where throughout their youth their parents poured endless money/resources into them. Typical 'comp partents' There are riders though like Andrei and (especially) Janine Jungfels who have NEVER had this kind of backing and have always had to work extremely hard to both scrape enough of a living to fund themselves through the comp seasons, and put enough time into training to remain at the top level. It's particularly people like this that Kenny is in a position to be able to support them better, but fails to
  5. Black & Blue, in both JT's pic and the one in the link
  6. Janine is such a beast. Still remember when she beat Matt Pengelly in an arm wrestle
  7. So good. Proper got me in the mood for summer
  8. Check out Red Venom compression gear. Very good, and very cheep
  9. J.KYDD

    Cold hands!

    The problem I've always found with winter type gloves is that they're always really thick - Personally I can only use thin gloves (I prefer not to wear them at all) My favourite solution for winter MTB riding has always been to put on a set of surgical latex gloves on underneath my normal riding gloves. Zero loss of dexterity/sensitivity, and they are completely wind/waterproof. Because they can't breath at all, any sweat is trapped and your hands stay pretty warm. Over a long ride they will get a bit manky inside, but they're so cheap and small I'd always stick a couple spare sets in my pack so when stopping for food I'd just swap them out. You can pick up big multipacks for bugger all
  10. J.KYDD

    Cold hands!

    Is this for proper 'riding' as opposed to just cycling/commuting? Is sensitivity/dexterity still important?
  11. J.KYDD

    Jack iveson

    Good riding, but I think your camera man has parkinsons
  12. Torn the A2 pulley in my left middle finger. Can't climb for at least a week and could be a good few months before I can really start pushing it again.
  13. I was well impressed - really liked it
  14. J.KYDD

    Russian Girl

    Not cool man, not cool. You know some of us are human....
  15. You sent them back to Go Outdoors?
  16. Can't believe how close you were to topping that! The A2 in my left middle finger is feeling really rough at the moment and I'm heading up to Bloc tonight with Ben and Robin! Plan is to take it super easy and just help them out with stuff.
  17. 6B and 6B+ Not too hard but such nice problems. The orange 6B+ has some wicked movements
  18. Some fun from the weekend
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