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Everything posted by thinkdougie

  1. It wont sit in the teeth correctly therefore wont get a consistent tension.
  2. *Runs a motorbike chain, probs f**ks up his echo sl, more complaints about echo.
  3. Saw these on facebook, look mad!
  4. Looks a good gap but i'd be taking that camera back, blurry heck!
  5. Wonder how long it will last in that condition
  6. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/260820230094?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
  7. I bet it rides nice but not keen on the colour scheme, sorry.
  8. I thought they were poor.....
  9. Looks like bb threads to me?
  10. Ive got the viz 2013 rims on my 24. Doesnt hold a grind as well as my echo one did, but they are light. I like them now but getting the brake to work was a right ball.
  11. one of the best videos ive seen in a long time!
  12. Exactly what I said on facebook.
  13. Huge riding, some really good places to ride!
  14. Ive ran echo pads before and they wore away after 2 rides with a grind...
  15. Such a awesome rider, inspirational.
  16. Vimeooooo fwendddd Cool video I enjoyed it, ride wednesday?
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