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Everything posted by thinkdougie

  1. flew up 7 pallets to back wheel today first time, all this practice is starting to pay off :D

  2. Must be that stone you lost in 2 days.
  3. colour scheme is awful too There isnt a decent 24" rear tyre, my fat albert folds over if it even looks at a rock :/
  4. I'd say this and frames to be honest. Its either rockman or echo no one else rides any other. However I love my echo very much
  5. Hopefully try-all will pull their finger out soon. Sick of my fat albert now...
  6. Gosh your gapping technique is harsh to say the least. Good riding though dude.
  7. Drop gap from today, buzzin about it!
  8. Great video Liam, however I think you need a new camera man and need to cut the slow mo out. Well done dude.
  9. Orange looks alot better than the blue.
  10. I once had a alloy wheel bolt when I first stared, snapped after a pedal kick....
  11. looks awesome so clean!
  12. Looks really nice, id get rid of all the stickers to keep it clean
  13. Always love your videos, seeing you ride indoors give me ideas for Scunthorpe's indoor spot haha!
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