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onza pro series guy

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Everything posted by onza pro series guy

  1. INSULT EVERYONE! but seriously, thats a load of pressure, I'd just keep it clean and short, very short :$
  2. I see that as a benifit of riding with mates, whats the point in falling off if there's nobody there to take the piss out of you! I prefer riding with people 100% but if I was one of those riders who went out to 'train' or 'practice' I'd have given up riding with people when I started riding alone a while ago and progressed like a boss, but its more fun with others and thats all I want, fun! So yeah just look at riding alone as time to focus solely on riding, and you'll get enjoyment from your progression, and when you ride with those local guys, even on rare occasions, try to make it as fun and as much as a laugh as possible; that way you might even end up seeing more of them!
  3. Just plug some music in, watch a few videos before you leave and learn not to give a flying foook about the people around you (in a good way, I don't mean run them over or anything). At first it'll seem wierd/wrong/different but I found you get to a point when you can really focus on yourself, your riding, what your doing and most importantly how it feels. It sounds cliche but I reached a kind of zen thing at one point and progressed rapidly, I felt more involved with what I was riding and boosted my creativity too, I learnt wallrides on my own for example. I prefer riding with people and I'm glad I can get regular rides with my freinds again but now I look at conversation and being able to mess around as a benifit, not a given. Plus my progression has slowed loads again.
  4. so these bars are £100 and they don't come with any kind of warrenty?! I don't want to live on this planet anymore. On a serious note though, if you don't want to throw away £100 you might as well use that stuff then?
  5. I don't know personally but I'd say if you value the idea of a warrenty then I'd do it.
  6. Soooo.... when are you gonna carbon wrap every knife in your house? Put sponge on every sharp corner of the furniture, set up saftey nets at every window and on the stairs? When ypu leave the house do you wear armour in case you ge hit by a car?..... It goes on and on, things are dangerous, its nature, yes we should do things to make stuff more safe, but un-expected and fatal dangers, not stuff like this. If your gonna be dumb enough to make the mistake again, or to try it out to see if the danger is still there, you absolutely deserve to have hands like Sir Ranulph Fiennes! Considering there is this pointlessly long thread about it I highly doubt that you will make the mistake again, so all of your effort to make a solution to the, pretty pathetic, problem has been rather pointless. If it's to stop your kids doing it tell them not too, if they still do (which juding by the hoo har you have made out of it I don't think they will) it's their own fault and they will learn from their mistakes like you, and everyone else on the planet has. Or if you really want to make sure it doesn't happen do what you would with other sharp blades, like knifes, and put the bike somewhere they can't get to it, like say a locked shed. Danger exists learn from it and deal with it. P.s I am sorry about this snappy and quite angry reply but this thread has been raping my notifications for days on end.
  7. Thats exactly what i said to her this morning...
  8. Another day, another train trip, another innertube.

  9. Awesome riding. Not disapointing at all!
  10. Every time he says 'gentle' he clouts something with a hammer
  11. ahh okay makes sense to my tired brain now
  12. Just out of interest are you running shimano hubs as well Ali or are they 6-bolt mounted rotors?
  13. ^This, but there is also more flex in a floating rotor
  14. Euan Beaden does, I only know that because my mate who rides an Echo and works there called him by chance a little while ago.
  15. Phases only came with cheep gear systems so they tend to mess up, if you want to trust your kit I'd get a decent singlespeed set up. Other than that they are great starter bikes. :wink2: :bow: DDDaaaaavvvveeeee Edit: !!!!!!??????.........,,,,,,,,:::::::;;;;;; #gay
  16. ^ I put it to you that you are high.
  17. ^ this and also how much wieght would machining two holes save anyway?!
  18. i ran a sram 8speed for ages with my rohlofff super tight with no problems. Currently running a Z510 and a tight rohloff no probs so far, touch wood. I'm running a 22t front sproket though so could be your problem as metioned above.
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