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Lewis Gething

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Everything posted by Lewis Gething

  1. Also the fact that it has been recently painted suggests it could be stolen Going by the seller's rating of 85%, something isn't right.
  2. Some not so special clips I got today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv3E3y02evY&feature=youtu.be
  3. Yeah especially with the longer lenses you will really appreciate f/2.8 over f/4 or f/5.6. I would say to steer clear of the first version of the Tamron 70-200 f/2.8, and go for the new Tamron 70-200 f/2.8 VC
  4. What an incredible style he has!
  5. Jack, The Radfest webpage says that the event begins at 5PM on the Friday, but will you be planning to start riding friday morning, or will we only be able to ride after the 5PM start time? Also, is the only way to purchase tickets via the online ticket agency? Look forward to meeting you all again this year! Lewis.
  6. Dont want to offend anyone but that is the nicest Skye I have seen
  7. Doesn't work. EDIT: Beaten to it.
  8. Yeah no problem I have a few of these http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=hitech+85+nd+filters&oq=hitech+85+nd+filters&gs_l=hp.3..0i30.5812.6031.1.6518.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45512109,d.d2k&fp=113edad7663ad6c7&biw=1013&bih=979 and they work great The 7 stop one I have does have colour cast issues, however this is totally fixable if you shoot RAW and adjust the tint afterwards
  9. They ranged from 15 to 30 seconds I believe By all white do you mean the entire picture? If so you are going to need to buy some neutral density filters (an absolute necessity for that kind of shooting) as they will reduce the light being transmitted, allowing you to achieve the 'correct' exposure
  10. Yeah I saw on Facebook that Jack had described it as his 'worst trial ever'. Shame really as everyone was looking forward to the event with it being the first one of the year
  11. Ouchhh! Hope you survived!
  12. Still recovering from my broken ankle, but managed to sidehop 6 pallets yesterday, so I am definitely getting back to where I was Hopping on the back wheel is still painful, which means that I don't have as smooth a style as I used to just yet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLscm2MByHc&feature=youtu.be
  13. Shame that the weather was so horrendous
  14. No way you managed that on your first ride!
  15. Crazy good video! Nice work to those involved.
  16. Can't believe that last clip to back wheel!! Insane video
  17. Nice title at the start, definitely fit for purpose How big was the gap?
  18. Basically just a worse version of BMX. The edit was crap too in my opinion
  19. Took a trip out (hour and a half drive away) to Anglesey today, really happy with what I got, especially considering that the weather was absolutely abysmal, making for very tough shooting conditions.
  20. Great photos of the Mazda, cars are often very tricky to light well, but you clearly did a great job! Have you put a flash inside the car?
  21. Congrats Mark and co. Amazing video as always
  22. Something crazy you could do is cut your frame in half and just ditch the entire back end. Might compromise the strength a bit but give it a go if you are willing to lose the extra weight.
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