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Lewis Gething

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Everything posted by Lewis Gething

  1. Looks good! Is that a new back wheel or did you take these photos before you broke it?
  2. Maybe it's a knock-off SL rim that you bought from the shop in the background?
  3. Judging by everyone else's opinions of the bike (including my own), I would say your taste must be a bit off
  4. Its topics like these which make me question why I use TF still. I absolutely love the forum and probably use it far more than I should, but these hijacked, pointless and argumentative threads are becoming more and more frequent. Seriously guys, spare yourselves a moment to consider how your comments could be interpreted by others before you post them.
  5. Ahaha oh okay I thought that it might have been something like that
  6. Thanks for the support Sam! Cheers Jake! Sorry about the sticker, didn't realise you'd take offence Too late Thanks! I had to get my speed trial on to get the shot for some of them Excuse my ignorance, but I don't get what the bag over the head means
  7. Caught my cat mid-yawn Slight bit of spill on the background from the flashgun, but oh well Oh and pretty tack if you ask me :wink2:
  8. A bunch of pointless photos I took using self timer Unfortunately I have had to Photoshop out the power lines from the sky on some of the photographs, but hopefully you can't tell. Shortly after taking these photographs I had a very bad fall and landed awkwardly on a beam, which resulted in a broken foot, so I'm gonna be unable to ride for about 2 months now
  9. That was awesome! Love watching speed trial races, particularly time trial ones, of which that was the best I've seen
  10. Some incredible vfx, apparently took 50 days to render!
  11. If you are generally light on your equipment or a young rider or a beginner (which I think you are correct?) then there is absolutely no need to worry about equipment 'snapping'. When I first started, I used Echo SL forks which everyone bangs on about being weak, yet because I was a beginner I needn't not worry
  12. Lewis Gething


    What do you mean by this?
  13. Lewis Gething


    I don't play computer games at all, but that looks insanely good. Best graphics of any game I have ever seen I'd have to say. Is there an X-box equivalent of the PS4?
  14. I wish you would do more of these small videos Jake, really enjoy seeing what you are up to (Bike looks great btw)
  15. Quite pleased with this, my first 7 pallet sidehop since October of last year
  16. I'm also pretty sure that they aren't one offs, because I have seen Duncan Shaw has some: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/177429-duncan-shaws-new-echo-trial-24/?hl=%2Bduncan+%2Bshaw+%2B24
  17. I personally prefer it like this. Looks great in the first pic
  18. Awesome stuff from both of you! I really need to get my wheel swaps dialled like that
  19. If I were a beginner again, I wouldn't want to practice rear wheel control in public like that. Looks kind of sexual
  20. I saw the thumbnail and thought heck that looks a lot like Jake, then I read what you had put This truly is the best of the internet
  21. Wow! Nice one! Props for the 7 pallet side hop too by the way, I've lost mine over winter so I am back down to 6 and a half
  22. Did you buy the Genesis brand new or is it a used one Brad?
  23. Have you looked at some of the posts above?
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