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old boy chez

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Everything posted by old boy chez

  1. Change the domed wash's round.if its not hitting the rim flat then undo the pad , push the arm in so the pad hits the rim.then tighten . Repet on the other side .
  2. Road tar is the only stuff I will use .find a road works they may have a chunk the has cooled you can nick. Road tar is the only stuff I will use .find a road works they may have a chunk the has cooled you can nick.
  3. Sir can you post the link please ? I must of missed it.
  4. Love the old skool bits man , glad you are on the mend .
  5. I am chezney the trials rider that married a striper ...... Been riding to long and stil no better then I started .. One day I may improve on riding my trials bike as well . And bad spelling ....
  6. Yes yes yes awesome loved every min can't wait to see the next video. Epic . On core ....
  7. Nice one . Some awesome moves there dude
  8. No it's not a bad idear I have run bikes like this for years and never had a prob. Yes it is heavier but I still think they work better then some tensioner's.
  9. Back in the day this ^^ , the team trials giant and the pashley 26mhz was the frames to have . Dare I say it helped shape the uk trials scene .
  10. 661 all the way they are what I use and they are great saves knees and shins yet still give me freedom on the bike .
  11. Has it been used with oil or water ?
  12. Treated the wife to a new pair of front legs.....(forks) And a new seat as well. Marino custom forks rides lusssshhhh....
  13. Mr jiggs was trying to kill hans..... Lol
  14. Nice set up you guys have there would love to ride there
  15. Sorry I am not sure what happend with the first video
  16. Some one needs to ride throw one of thes games on a bike ....and film it... http://vimeo.com/m/29391756
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