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Everything posted by trialsiain

  1. Has Jake massively pissed you off in some way or are you just like this ?
  2. You are like the unluckiest guy ever Good luck mate
  3. My cousin took his on a plane to greece for £30
  4. Its cause he is tiny though
  5. Jake there's a good topic on observedtrials about this , I will find it later when I'm not busy
  6. They can be altered with allen keys
  7. This is just an idea but on lamb balls (or tails?) They get little orange rings put around them to make them fall off. Cant you just tie something really really tight around your ear.
  8. Not really I Find it helps with uptofronts and sidehops,If i try and put them back I pretty much loose all technique and It ends up pissing me off. So i just keep em forwards now.
  9. You will be used to it though, I rode with a bent crank for ages and always told my friends there cranks felt bent when I got on there bikes. Cause mine felt normal
  10. Thats your fault:P alloy shards will have went into piston and scratched bore.
  11. Is that aimed at me ?chill.. I was just saying he is a good rider so doesn't matter what kind of bike I am too tired
  12. Duncan is Duncan though he could probably ride it on a downhill bike
  13. So happy with this, used to find it a struggle on the SLate XL
  14. Last time i made a topic like this it got bombarded with different theories which turned into arguments then it got locked. So i figured id make a new one
  15. Not a huge difference but can anyone tell me the pros and cons of 170 vs 175mm cranks ? Thanks
  16. Really?! Need to get myself one of those ahah..
  17. so good (: Can I ask what camera that is ?
  18. yea the tyres been changed loads of times haha, I have grinded front one now though.
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