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Everything posted by trialsiain

  1. You have a really low bed, may aswell just sleep on a matress
  2. Havent rode for like 2 weeks but I used to ride every day for like 2 hours a day
  3. nice! How does he get in with all these advertisements ?
  4. I'm like this around everyone haha you have always seemed pretty chatty when I've seen you at comps though?
  5. Cant because apparently I am using third party content, even though i sang that song.
  6. Filmed a few clips when it was sunny for a couple of days
  7. Add meh on steam : Trialsiain13

    1. HippY


      I added you, I have the same profile pic as here

    2. trialsiain


      Do you play dayz standalone ? Thats what ive been playing alot recently #

    3. Rockman


      I've added you

  8. Keep thinking in your head "the floor is lava"
  9. for the love of god please dont paint the forks
  10. Wtf why dosent cool shit like this happen to me? Ocasionally I think I see a figure in my room with my blurred sleepy eyes. But it always turns out to be clothes hanging on the door
  11. Take the silver bits off the chain tensioner system.. don't need em
  12. mega damon bumming going on

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JJ Leigh

      JJ Leigh

      thats probably aimed at me, sorry

    3. dann2707


      Why would it be? lol

    4. JJ Leigh

      JJ Leigh

      because i didnt know being a bell-end was a rule on the forum haha

  13. Thats glenmore lodge, avimore I think
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