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Everything posted by JanStahl

  1. Any self-respecting trials rider should clean his bike of semen residuum. Besides that, the Zoot's chain tugs were CRAP. I destroyed them on a weekly basis, mostly due to riding very smooth echo axle washers. But there are BMX alternatives - however, I really can't understand why they don't use the design of the pro frame on it. It is the big downside of the Zoot frame, otherwise I was happy with it for over two years of riding. On the other hand, I usually don't put much stress onto frames, so Zootbreaking was never an issue for me. I prefer to abuse (molest?) chains and freewheels instead.
  2. The retaining nut contained a plastic ring for friction on my old Zoot. This ring may have lost material. Else seating torque on the wheel axle nuts may be not sufficient, or the ribbing on the nut or on the washer between hub and frame may have worn out. Some grease may also be on it somewhere, or brake fluid I see you ride trendy, or whatever. Semen perhaps.
  3. Nicest comment on TF so far...
  4. I haven't been through any rims in the last few years due to full disk. And I saw that grind life span varies with riding conditions a lot, I really can't compare them. I had to re-grind mine after riding on a sandy spot, for example, where they wore down in a matter of hours. On other occasions they hold up fine for two months of riding, when I do ride street spots only.
  5. Yes, for Cousts on rough, stony terrain I think so. Might just be a personal craze.
  6. Hmm, this then might be the best solution, if I can bring myself to trust my own engineering judgement...
  7. Ok then, thank you all! I had not heard of Fresh Products before... As I understand it, their pre 2005 levers are "slightly longer", I will look into that...
  8. As said, I want to combine the old-school yellow raceline looks with fourfinger power, does anyone know of a suitable lever?
  9. No one (besides me) seems ti be riding with soft soles nowadays...
  10. Mannheim/Heidelberg area: Bike Action Team Rauenberg (http://www.bike-action-team.de, contact them many weeks in advance to get in: better to email right now) Dossenheim: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=49.457638,+8.678428&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&z=20&iwloc=A (contact http://www.bikemaniax.de) Heidelberg Neuenheimer Feld University Campus: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=49.416364,+8.669854&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&z=21&iwloc=A (no chance of legally parking a car even a few kilometers away because of very incompetent local administration, picture of Thomas Mrohs riding there: http://fstatic0.mtb-news.de/img/photos/7/3/8/6/_/large/ExtremeBikeSports.jpg?0) MSC Schatthausen: https://maps.google.de/maps?q=49.316104,+8.752576&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=0&hl=en&ie=UTF8&z=19&iwloc=A (www.msc-schatthausen.de, contact them now as well if you want to ride there)
  11. http://www.trial-world.de/en/FG-Trial-Shoes.html
  12. Steel cage for girlfriend to reside in Bed with underbody kit and built-in toilet
  13. Buy some of these: http://www.valentinosdisplays.com/originalimages/medium/1615-Boy-Display-Foot.jpg Attach them to the walls, store your socks that way.
  14. Running oil-bled HS11 for 6 months now, still not leaking, massive power with four fingers, flexy, but I like the feeling. Not missing anything.
  15. If you came to this conclusion from comparing your progress to the "my first month/week/day of trials riding" videos here on Trials Forum, don't worry: These guys really have been on their bikes for years and try to troll with this. They never post follow-up videos as a proof that they are really on the road to reach UCI international level within a year. On topic: For me, confidence also comes to a big part from making smooth, rounded, bigger movements with your body - try to avoid stiff small hops, be like the cat instead. Additionally, if you are fit enough for this, you should try to ride 5x a week, which really helps loosing shakiness and getting to precision moves. For the first few weeks, your riding will often be worse than it would be with 3x a week, but after that time, you will improve beyond the 3x per week scheme learning curve. But don't forget to pause for a week or two after many weeks of continuous riding, which will give you a big boost as well.
  16. If it weren't for proxies, I couldn't see it either. Most Yt videos are unavailable in most parts of the world by now.
  17. A douche feels confident; be happy then.
  18. That is how I want to be able to ride.
  19. Nice detective work. Guy Martin? Being from Nazi homeland, I had never heard of him. Made my day.
  20. JanStahl


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