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Everything posted by jnthebiker

  1. Yeah, but I'm not going to hang out with him again unless I get a full apology, and he really seems to understand why what he did wasn't right.
  2. I'm no longer trying to. I gave it one shot, he ignored me. If in some miracle he comes around that would be amazing, I doubt it.. I plan on finding some responsible and mature friends. I've got some, but they mostly live far away.
  3. I'm sure it'll be terrible hahaha ;p The bad part wasn't the girl thing, I can live with it and sort that out easily. It was the fact that my best friend turned on me and isn't speaking to me because I didn't like him throwing my phone across the house and told him unless he got it together I wasn't going hang out with him any more, and then my next best friend(his sister) used me. He just thinks he can push me around and do whatever he wants, and has no respect for me. He will never be doing that to me again. If he tries, I'm just going to have to end our friendship... Me going and spending an hour not hanging out with him is no excuse for him acting like a whiny 5 year old about it. We've all(me and the 2 of them) known each other for 10 years and are like siblings, it's seriously a bit messed up to pull that kind of stuff.
  4. Lol. Here it is This is essentially a summary of why I rarely hang out with people my age. So my friend(a girl my age, I've known her since we were 4) has this friend... She is the best looking, coolest, funniest, smartest, and nicest girl I've ever met. I met her once about 1.5 years ago and really liked her, but never thought much about it. A few weeks ago, I had a dream about her out of nowhere. Then, I had another. So anyway, one night I was dumb enough to go on her ask.fm and tell her I was in love with her. Stupidest thing I've ever done... So I talked to my friend about getting us both over to her house sometime so that I could meet the girl again. So, last week I got a message from my friend, saying that that girl and all her friends are coming over Saturday(yesterday), and I'm invited and they'd love to have me over. So of course, I go. Before I go on, I'll give some background. My friend's brother is my best friend. He's a really cool guy, but has some temper issues. So him and his sister argue a lot, and aren't too cool with each other. I got there, and as I didn't know most of the girls well, I hung out with the brother last night. Then my friend said her and the girls were gonna hang out/have lots of fun late last night in the woods, and the brother and should come. Then, she said they had decided they weren't gonna, and were just going to be in the little cabin, so the brother and I decide not to go out there, cause my friend says we won't want to. we're cool with that, and go watch a movie and go to bed. So before bed, I told him I was gonna spend this morning with the girls, because I wanted to get to know that one better. He said that was just fine, and he'd occupy himself. This morning, we get up and he's all sulky cause I woke up before him and was hanging out with the girls. Then, after breakfast, he thought it would be funny/vengeful to take my phone and hide it. After him hiding it for half an hour, I told him it wasn't cool with me and to give it back. He flipped out, and started yelling at me. Then, he got my phone(which happened to not be in the case) and threw it across the entire house, onto the hardwood floor. I got VERY lucky, and it ended up being fine. As if that wasn't stupid enough, he blamed it on me. I think he's jealous that I was hanging out with the girls and not him. Then he threatened to knock me out, and went back to his room. So, I decided I'd hang out with the girls as planned. Except for the fact that my friend (his sister) had gotten pissed by him yelling and locked me out. I finally convinced her to let me in, so I went in, to find the girls SHARING SELFIES FROM WHEN THEY WERE IN THE WOODS WITHOUT ME! I kept my mouth shut, and acted like nothing happened. So it turns out that my friend just invited me over as a way of keeping her brother out of her hands well they were all hanging out. She totally used me. Then she seemed to be trying to subtly keep me away from her friend. Then after I had left I texted her and asked her if I could have the girls number so that I could text her. She said of course not and that she had read that text to the girl and a bunch of other stuff that I think is a complete lie. In the end I barely even got to talk to the girl, and had a terrible and boring weekend.
  5. I don't think this day could get any worse...
  6. Having a nightmare of a day today :/
  7. Hey all. My hope mono trial front brake feels good and stops well, but when I hold the lever and move the bike forwards and backwards, the front wheel and rotor turn a little bit even though the pads are locked. Is this pad rock? What should I do? Thanks, JN
  8. What's the Geo? (Mostly looking for bb height)
  9. That is an absolute beauty!
  10. Sounds great! What site is it?
  11. Mark, what angle were your levers at?
  12. I modified an hs22 4 finger lever blade to fit in my 04 hs33 for more power. Great feel and all, but the blade itself is a bit wide and hurts my finger after a few minutes. Any ideas? Should I just round it off a little bit on a grinder?

  13. Are those parts what came on that bike stock from monty? That doesn't look like other monty's, but my friend purchased a bike exactly identical to that one a few months ago. Were the handlebars shimmed with black electrical tape?
  14. What model of avid discs? Edit: never mind, I see they're bb7s. Nice find, it's a good ride!
  15. Not sure about that year, but I love my pure, if that helps at all.
  16. Just flash a media distro, plug in, done. Should take you less than an hour if you do it right.
  17. That's old, but it's a beauty! Very old geometry, very nice looking bike. Also, I've purchased a frame from that seller, and done a swap with him, really great guy. Fair enough. Even though the price is a little steep, it is a really nice bike, and would be great to learn on. If you test ride it, make sure you turn the fork around first so you see what it will actually feel like. And yes, the inspired is great, you could just learn on that if you like it.
  18. PMK, if i were you I would be careful about that bike. It's a bit old, quite expensive, and they clearly didn't know what they were doing if they put the fork on backwards. Just to give you an idea, I bought a 2011/2012 echo pure in wonderful condition for $550 last year. It wasn't this high spec, but I upgraded the brakes, fork, stem, cranks, handlebars, rear wheel, and more, and still haven't put as much into it as that costs. That's just my 2 cents, given that I'm a pretty inexperienced rider you might want to ask others first.
  19. I got a Raspberry Pi model B+ for Christmas, I absolutely love it! So fun, so many things that can be done with it.
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