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Everything posted by JIX

  1. I never saw it so thanks
  2. JIX

    Coustellier Notts Vid?

    Tomm as you are the obvious holder and knower of all things coustellier video. Is there any others apart from rough cut hanely con corse notts vid EDIT: Your second link is not the full version of hanely vid.
  3. JIX

    Coustellier Notts Vid?

    Cheers Tom EDIT: Its amazing, the bridge between green box and phone box is still one of the most amazing and one of my fav moves
  4. Ok I did search and find a link but it was for Trials-shack so a no go. I someone wouldnt mind uploading it to tvi, or some other host then that would be great, you could also send it to me on msn too. I thought it might be nice if people wanted to leave links to any other coustellier vids they know of. Cheers fo the help
  5. JIX

    Tazza Or Something

    http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=17357 Nice riding
  6. Said in the daily mail that they will make 300 max. Thats if 300 people want them. I loved the fact clarkson came up with about the mclaren. "you could put the veryon and the mclaren side by side in a straight line race. You could let the mclaren reach 140mph before the veryon even started and it would still beat it too 250mph"
  7. Absense makes the heart grow fonder As in, give it a rest for a while and come back revived and motivated.
  8. I got bored recently dave. Just lost the motivation. And I remeber you saying this before and myself posting something about if you get bored then your doing something wrong or something like that. Im the same, been riding for 5 years and I was bored. I just gave it a rest for a while. Only rode on sundays through sheer bordom. Then I saw myself getting really crap, and then that frustrated me. Then I said to myself lets start again. And I started learning stuff again sort of as if I never knew it in the first place if you get me. Then I really started to enjoy things again. I also found that if my bike was crap and felt crap, then I would really loose interest in what I was trying to do. Absense makes the heart grow fonder
  9. JIX

    Short Vid

    WOW I love that. Really enjoy watching your style. Top notch riding
  10. JIX

    05 Maggies

    I use halfords citron mineral oil. But I guess Im not a brake poof
  11. JIX

    Destruction Thread

    One of many sets of snapped forks http://www.pinkbike.com/modules/photo/?op=viewℑ=533009
  12. Loads of quality pics, people really know how to take good shots. I love the one of dave in the background with the wheel in the foreground. But still my fav is the one of smithy doing his infamous drop to post :P I love that pic :P
  13. JIX


    You can bend it back using an adjustable spanner. I use an aztec rotor on my hope. Much nicer (Y)
  14. I have to say after seeing the frame in the flesh on sunday for the first time, it looks sooo lush. Alot better than in the pics. The finish is really top notch. And about the flex, this is what I was worried about. However, Si was running his with out a booster on the rear brake and it was fine. It did flex a little, but not as much as my control does. And it didnt feel flexy at all. Granted I didnt ride it properly, but it looks very good.
  15. JIX

    Wheel Swop

    Whats awful about them?
  16. Its this Friday!!!!!! Get organised people :huh:
  17. JIX

    Wheel Swop

    When will people realise that el gato's are f**king awsome tyres? >_<
  18. 10.30 now. Not that anyone is coming :ermm: Just me and goddard then.
  19. Im there for shizzle. Missed it before, but not this time :P
  20. Station at 10 probally. Post in here if you plan on coming :P
  21. JIX

    Oh Frames!

    I personally prefer the 04 control look and geo. If you feel cramped, you could try a longer stem.
  22. Just to let people know, I washed my disc last night with a jay cloth with some fairy liquid then rinsed it thoroughly with high powered hose (not pressure washer), and blow tourched the disc pads. It now works a treat and locks, and doesnt squeal like a bitch. Cheers for the advice :P
  23. I dont particularly say Im going training. But for example. I much prefer rolling stuff to static stuff, and I hate sidehops. But I will make myself do them because I enjoy learning, and sidehops are an essential trials move. Its just a figure of speech. And dont you think people like Andrei, who are very good and really want to push themselves, do train. People like the coustelliers and kenny and vince actually train??
  24. So people who are training to run a marathon are just running are they? You can train to do anything. Just because you dont call something training doesnt mean it dont exist. When I go riding I can either just go out and have a laugh messing about. Or I can go out with a specific set aim, i.e to improve my fitness, or to improve my sidehop technique. I might go into the woods and make sections all day. I would describe this as training. You are riding of course and it is fun, but training is a good description.
  25. Does blow tourching them not damage the pad material??
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