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Everything posted by Sameer

  1. Sameer

    Last Words

    http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/stat/executedoffenders.htm Last words of people about to be executed. Pretty interesting to see what people say at the end of their lives. Didn't know James Porter was dead, either. :P
  2. Are you regretting posting a thread where the kids keep asking (pretty much) the same questions?
  3. I think that bash idea is awesome - fair play for beating some of the bigger companies to it. The frame itself doesn't look great, though. The sticker design just shouts Wal-Mart or something to me (cheap n tacky). Get some sleeker sticker designs going and it might improve the look. Good luck with it all, anywho.
  4. Some of you have nice rooms. Mine is pretty shoddy in comparison! But I'm not all that fussed - hardly ever in here anyway.
  5. Sameer

    I'm Looking For

    http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/ben@hulltrials One of them, perhaps?
  6. Sameer

    Glasseye Dvd

    Most probably hiphop-esque music that's used in all his videos.
  7. yooze dem ize brv http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=66451
  8. I'd have thought you'd go to Windows Media Player options (Tools > Options), go to the File Types tab and just select like all the video ones (mpg, mpeg, etc.). If that doesn't work, find the same options in the Nero player thing and, perhaps, de-select the video ones...? I dunno, I'm just throwing things out here. (Plus I'm hungry for shit)
  9. Rear: Michelin comp24 Front: Panaracer Fire XC pro Well, that's how it was for me back in the day. I don't know much (read: any) about these new-fangled tyres, though. Oh and, wrong forum. Had you looked at the Trials Chat forum, you may have even found your answer before posting. :)
  10. You've been here since the 29th March...?! Some people just don't have it in them.
  11. Luton... Teeside... Someone has high aspirations. A family friend went to Teeside, hasn't become a chav/murderer/rapist and has a steady full time office job going, so I guess it ain't bad. I think Ben Slinger or someone went/lived there.
  12. Didn't Matt Tongue get his Leeson C660 to something like 18.5lbs...? I can't remember the exact weight but I remember it being rediculously light-weight.
  13. http://www.localexposuretour.com/ Watch the sample clips - some decent stuff. If you can't be bothered to watch them all, make sure you at least see the last video, for the last trick alone. Profanity is expected.
  14. Damn, Paul - long time no see. :P
  15. Keeping on the trail of company-related videos... http://www.mutinybikes.com/video/november.mov Deece.
  16. Yeah pretty much the same for moi. Realised it was pointless riding bmx on a Pashley so bought a bmx last year... now hardly even ride that. Everything kind of went down the poo hole. Oh well. If I could afford it I'd probably buy a 24" to try and get back into things 'cos I have good memories and I'd like to add to them. But it ain't happening.
  17. Remind me again how this isn't a For Sale/Wanted topic...?
  18. I had a few pictures uploaded in the Gallery a while ago... and after a rummage through the Gallery I couldn't find them, so I'm guessing they've been deleted or something. And I don't have them on my computer anymore, either. Oh well.
  19. You shouldn't have left the doors and windows open then.
  20. Was that a wallride to flair?! Couldn't quite make it out...? Front flip was dope. Usual awesomeness as expected from your videos (even if it is all park riding (Y)).
  21. Matt's riding pretty much made the video. Didn't care much for the rest, really. 2.23 mins... shit hot. Thanks for that.
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