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Everything posted by Matthew62

  1. Yeah brakes are moving to post mount but frames rarely do. Most frames are IS and you just use an adaptor. An IS to post mount for a 180mm rotor is pretty much the standard. Exactly, I'm amazed no one has mentioned this yet but surely there will be a good few riders who are going to want to run a 160mm rotor on the back.
  2. Was awesome I'm afraid. Privateer ceased last month.
  3. The update was from him so I suppose that's as official as it gets.
  4. Unfortunately I don't think that's going to be an option. He commented on one of his instagram pictures recently that he won't be able to recover from this. Really horrible end to an awesome career.
  5. Wasn't expecting it to go the way it did - very nice touch. Such a shame about his situation especially as he seemed to be getting better with age. Giving it the full beans throughout.
  6. Just run your guitar through your bass amp, you won't get the best tone in the world but you should be able to get an okay clean tone. Use your bridge pickup and set the EQ trebly on the amp and it'll do. It'll be as good at least as running a guitar straight in to a cheap piece of software with no proper pre-amp etc.
  7. I always hate these sort of conspiracies/arguments. No one makes you smoke, it's not part of a big evil plan to reduce the population. It is your choice. I don't smoke, and I don't really get the appeal but now and again it looks cool as f**k. I don't feel any pressure from society or advertising so if I ever chose to do it, it'd be up to me. I've only smoked twice (i think) albeit very briefly, and both were cigars. Once was when I put a cigar and lighter in a little plastic boat and swum off the coast off a little island in Croatia out to a buoy in the sea. I had me straw barber shop hat on, hopped on the buoy and had a mid-sea smoke - seemed like a fun way to spend half an hour, the other time was looking over the Cairngorms while it snowed with a whiskey in the middle of the night, again it seemed like the thing to do.
  8. You can debase just about anything to that level though, if you wish. It's more about your interests and wants. Things you might find perfectly normal or acceptable someone might find laughable. What's drinking? It's costly, you piss it out the same day you consume it, it doesn't "improve" you in any way and in general is bad for your help. Anything frivolous or pleasure driven can be analysed in the same way. But it's the little things in life that stop it being formulaic.
  9. I really wouldn't recommend the Skye, and I have one. Don't get me wrong I love it and I'm just ever so slightly shorter than you but it's much better at the street side of things rather than the trials. It's properly short so things like rolling up stuff is pretty much a no go. Obstacles need a bunnyhop up (my preferred method as opposed to a pedal up anyway). It's not exactly in its element on the back wheel. That's not to say it's hard work it just takes some work compared to other similar bikes. I went from an original Fourplay (i.e. the Element) and the Skye for me is a much more fun bike but it is no way as comfortable on the back wheel, there's less room on it so typical/pure trials moves are certainly a bit harder. You say you love the Fourplay so I'd go with that. If you've enjoyed riding it and it's been enough to consider changing bikes then I'd say it's the one. Also I would also suggest discs over any other brake. Discs on the back of a 24" are perfect. They're silent, they can modulate, they're strong and they need little maintenance - you really can't go wrong. It's really not a case of the Skye being a fancier Fourplay, not at all. If you can afford Skye money (not sure which one you mean) then just get the top end Fourplay, it's a perfect bike out of the box. All this being said I rode with a bunch of guys all on 24's recently, everything from a Skye to an Archive and Fourplay. Everyone was able to ride both trials and street perfectly well but I would of said out of everyone Duncan Shaw was the most 'trialsy' and he was on the current Fourplay and he wasn't being held back in either respects, and it did look that bit more suited to straight up trials moves compared to the other bikes. I'd also bare in mind that the Skye was pretty much designed for Danny and he's a wee man (in his own words). He said he wished that Inspired actually made a longer version as most riders are taller than him. My friend is 5' 10" and has one and it is bloody tiny on him.
  10. Fourplay definitely if you want a 24". Hex for 26". The Skye is lovely but if it's more trials you're wanting to focus on I think you'll find the Skye a little frustrating. This also depends on how tall you are. I can't comment on the Arcade as I haven't ridden one but it seems to be targeted at a specific sort of riding which I'm not sure is entirely what you're looking for. The element is basically an old Fourplay so if you can't afford the Fourplay then go with that.
  11. Ain't Dave just got the whole thing wrapped up. Absolutely awesome in every way.
  12. Considering I wouldn't know about the likes, your needing to bring them up surely suggests there's an element of pride there? You could of kept it to yourself and had the smug satisfying self belief that you were right in your assumptions, but you went and put it out there for all to see. Can't really say you're done twice....it loses its impact. Incidentally your responses are amusing and are on their way to making me happy so I think it's all perfectly relevant.
  13. Oh dear. Taking pleasure in getting e-likes from either calling someone a fanny, or cynical. Well done, no you take the higher ground, you've earned it. Possibly calm it on the movie 'big-ender' one liners. We never got started love.
  14. Yup, I'd probably find it a bit weird lurking around if I didn't. Why?
  15. Honestly...who or what are you? You've quoted me a few times in past months and every time you do you profess to know me and make assertions on my character? I'm not looking for any form of analysis, I don't know you. Very strange...very strange indeed.
  16. Man I remember waiting for the original Fourplay frame to become available on Tartybikes, and buying it as soon as it was. I think that was the only thing Inspired sold at that time (if you ignore the free T-shirt). Inspired have got to be pretty bloody chuffed at how far they've come in a fairly short amount of time.
  17. How about you f**k off and don't jump on every post I make with a painfully woefully retort. If it don't concern you, keep your beak out. It was also meant to be tongue in cheek, however I'm not a huge fan of the emoticon so it's up to you how you take it. That being said, kinda makes you out to be the miserable, comment-whoring fanny. (No wink face).
  18. You can't imagine how insulting that profile pic is. (Nicely cropped BTW).
  19. I think this might speak more of your particular feelings towards people.... I'd said I'd explain, you missed it, Mark pointed it out. Some could see that as helpful, Mark was just pointing you in the right direction.
  20. I know, I was talking in reference to your: "All this 4 a t-shirt".
  21. PM sent. Mark was offering an opinion, something you were an advocative of very recently. What's the problem with discussing and critiquing something, or do you want to wear a piece of shit? Yeah, I'm an adult in a relationship so that doesn't really work, but cheers. Also it said "the ability to have sex". If you can get it up, you've got the ability.
  22. As the mods have spoken and I previously said I won't clog the thread, but if you are genuinely interested and want to know, (and don't just want an argument) I can PM you an actual critique of why the designs are far from fitting (therefore bad).
  23. Yeah it's my opinion but it's also a part of my job to critique creative work so in this instance I can have a professional opinion on it. My quick synopsis was that it's bad. I can of course go in to further detail as to why if you wish but I won't clog up the thread. I honestly do not understand why people take offence to being told their work is bad? Do you only listen to something if it is positive? I get told my work is "bad" many times over in a week, as that is the opinion of those proofing or critiquing it. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong but either way you move on and develop. If you truly believe they're wrong then you argue your case as to why the work is valid. I notice you've not done this. Don't get upset, I'm not being vindictive, I just think the work is of a very low quality.
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