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Everything posted by liam-pantera

  1. thanks for the replies guys , im realy struggling to decided but im thinking maybe a high roler but i need either a 2.5 or a 2.4 as a 2.3 isnt as wide as my rim yh the continetal digga is a good idea mate thanks for that .
  2. plebing is my local term for the tyre coming out of the rim .
  3. hey guys , right well today my tyre started plebing realy bad , my setup is a maxxis 2.5 minion on a echo 07 rim and i cant stop it so ive decided to buy a new tyre . what are your recomendations for running on a echo rim in a echo pure which is quite tight . what are big bettys like ? maxxis highroler 2.5 ? or 2.4 hansventure ? any help would be great
  4. unex universal bleed kits availiable from supercycles , they come with 2 syringes and every fitting for every brake .
  5. your main piston my be deformed and need replacing and lubricating properly , i need to do that when mine screwed up 2 weeks ago , sorry if this makes no sence as im drunk
  6. BOON moving the bike on the backwheel without kicking and only using your bodys weight and momentum .
  7. hey guys , im considering downgrading to a onza t rex from a echo pure , my reasoning is i fancy a change and i need something that has alot of tyre clearance so my questions are . tyre clearance ? break clearance ? geo ? and do they have any generic faults or places were they crack ? any help would be greatly apretiated .
  8. cracked caliper? bent disk rotor , but every marta ive ever used has been solid with a lovely feel to it perhaps give magura a email and see if they have any ideas ?
  9. it looks in good nic so id say 50-70 mate . it looks realy nice id probbaly have it if i had some cash
  10. its quite comon amoung all most hope brakes , as soon as i received both of mine they were very flexy at the lever and after bleeding it about 40 times i realised it was the caliper flexing . i realy like the new hope mono trials but i dont know if i can justify spending 160 quid on something that feels the same as a bb7
  11. hi guys i know this is "trials forum" but does anyone know any guitar forums that are similare to this forum as theres alot of things i need to know . any help would be great
  12. dan ko strikes again unlucky about the tensioner man just go elsewere and get a rholf job done
  13. go for a pro 2 on the rear and u cant use a disk without making an adaptor . if ur aiming for street 24" then get a short stem with 2-3 inch risers , middleburn cranks or similar a dmr tyre up front and swamp thing on the rear and your sorted . new inspired seats are shaping up to look good so keep an eye out .
  14. u look realy cramped and im guessing your bikes not set up right for you , it looks like u need more engagements in your hub and your in the wrong gear , i may be wrong but thats the impression i get . try not to throw the bike and be smoother , try watching a neil tunnicliff video as he uses a similar style to you and maybe you could adapt his .
  15. i used a white tryall rim with a v break and a magura and they didnt hold a tall and the paint stripped its self off the surface so i sanded it all off and it was mint after that .
  16. id say that gear have alot to offer in trials , when most people talk about gears they think of them as a hinderance but the fact is that gears can help you alot for certain moves when you may require more speed or smaller pedal strokes . i ran gears a year ago on my stock and i loves it and because i was using front freewheel my gear would change as i rolled and as for skipping a gear will not skip if correctly setup .
  17. liam-pantera


    ive ran a bb5 and a avid cleansweep rotor 160 mm and i must say it is a beast dont worry about lack of power man you will be fine
  18. my mum thought i was on drugs untill i showed her the videos of me jumping onto small thin rails with a very small seatless bike ...... then she knew i was on drugs heres some advice if your forced to ride on your own , allways take a mp3 player as then u can ignore people passing you buy ,try and find somewere quite to ride as then it wont matter if your alone and no one will laugh if you fall . I know how you feel though man its one of the reasons ive quit now . keep at it though
  19. that is so cool , its nice to see people still apretiating the older bikes which have history and wernt just made in tiwan without any though what so ever . Know all you need is one black lever blade on the right hand side and then you have his bike
  20. just pull it off then .
  21. the end cones should have a 2mm grub screw which wehn removed pull the ends off with molegrips and hammer the axel out and job done .
  22. Ive had some bad bails before , probbaly the worst was back at ymsa in 2003 . The comp had just ended and we was waiting for the results and i was playing on some rocks , i had found this gap which was 4 foot flat off of a pointy rock so i had done it a few time but then i went for it and when i landed my forks steertube shattered the bars came away from me and i ended up flying into this pointy rock . my forks and frontwheel litterly went 10 foot away from me and it snapped my hope hose . loads of little rails bails and chain snaps aswell but i allways feared freewheels if iam completely honest
  23. just recently crc has been anoying me i spent 3 hours ringing them and still didnt get through to them :@ eventualy i just sent angry emails which got the job done .
  24. its all sorted now i just had to cut the box down abit because it was over the geometric weight limit ( height x length x width devided by 6000 ) which was 30 kg but its all ready to be shipped tomoz thanks for the advice guys .
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