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Status Updates posted by ogre

  1. whats happened to this marrion lass at the polish trials?

  2. wants a big boy bicycle

    1. SCOTTY___


      My radix is for sale ;)

    2. ogre


      isn't quite big enough, i'd like a 24 but the tyre choices are shite

  3. i have passed my degree course!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ogre


      i've got a meeting on wednesday to discuss re-sits cause i've got extenuating circumstances. can't hrt to try and get a 2.1

    3. Mark W

      Mark W

      If you think you've got a reasonable shout it's worth a pop. I was a shade under 1% off a 2:1 in the end...

    4. PatJsy


      well done man, finished mine the other day - feels good :)

  4. i can't post :S

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ogre


      gimpy uni PCs

    3. JJ Leigh

      JJ Leigh

      ahh right, if u can get interwebs on ur phone try that

    4. ogre


      tf isn't that important aha

  5. Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?

  6. i like pretending to be poopipe, but i forget it's me posting...

  7. are tevas good shoes?

  8. summer must be comming, i'm desperatley craving a 26"

    1. CalopS
    2. ogre


      need everything though, i want horizontal dropouts too

  9. dual disc definitely made me a smoother better rider, magura is well wierd.

    1. bing


      I love my rear mag, didn't think I'd like it again but I'm used to it now, it feels ace with cousts on a harsh grind

    2. ogre


      thought cousts were shit last time?

    3. bing


      Proper sharp grind and sanded them clean. Work boss now

  10. just ground my bashmounts off, theres a lairy hole in my frame :P

    1. Blake


      careful they can still crack at the hole

    2. ogre


      i was wondering about a little carbon guard to go over that spot.

  11. Ashton News update; mans cycling again

  12. quite fancy a because color 2014, but no one will pay a fair price for my 2013 :(

  13. the temptation to quote every is it a fox post and just comment 'so thats what the fox says'...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. insomnia
    3. FamilyBiker


      ring ding ding ding dingedingeding......

    4. insomnia


      yaf chaf chaf chaf cahf cahchachachaf

  14. anyone else a suicide sheep fan?

    1. Sam T

      Sam T

      Yeah, until he started uploading all this "chill step" bollocks

  15. sold most of my 26" and now i'm already working out what my next ones gunna be, f**king lunacy this is.

    1. swill


      that's an obsession for you. ive been the same for over a decade now but ives stopped selling them on. so it gets worse. people always give me a funny look when I mention ive got 8 bikes in the garage not to mention the mototrials bike.

    2. ogre


      haha 2 road bikes and 2 trials bikes seemed excessive, i use the roadies daily/weekly. but the trials bikes have seen no love for months :(

  16. mah eno is here. hurr the only freewheel I havent seen ruined

  17. snapped an echo 108 today! When will the madness end?

    1. matthew_coggan


      At least tarty have 10% off freewheels this month :)

    2. ogre


      Eno ordered

  18. watching early cls, all i can think is his legs look disproportionately long.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ogre


      you forget how expensive it used to be to film and edit brahhh, any home pc/laptop can do a good job of editing an you can get a HD recording device for £50 if your uber phone doesn't already do so...

    3. SamKidney


      I realize that :P Just now that there are more HD vidoes older alternatives are less watched, in my case anyway.

    4. customrider-Rhys


      but the again in some ways cls was what made trials what it is today, the whole drop gaps and stuff

  19. because gelpr is here!

  20. because gelpr is here!

  21. just bought a ticket to tough mudder... oohra

  22. new frame in a week!

  23. is it me or do everyone elses cranks look to battered to trust, but mine are always reet, no matter how fubar'd...

    1. SamKidney


      Mine are silver, the scuffs are camo'd against them..

    2. ogre


      i'd like that if i could

  24. just had a boost, it's the motherf**king king of the chocolate bars

  25. 17 weeks since my broken ankle, i'm pretty much back up to speed now.

    1. mat hudson

      mat hudson

      17 weeks!! f**k man thatsdepressing. i did mine 3 weeks ago now, weight bearing in anther 3. i fractured and slightly dislocated the ankle, had tohave 2 pins.how bad was yours?

    2. ogre


      proper snapped my skinnier ankle bone, had a 4" plate installed, 6 weeks in a cast, 'walking' independently (read like a hobble retard) by the end of the day i had my cast off. no trials for about 6 weeks after that, just walking and then road cycling. last 5 weeks have been trials, very delicatley at first, but i'm at bar height stuff right now... i'm gyming quite a bit, i can run 5km in under 25 min, squat 100kg, 17 weeks isn't that long, but i know it sucks being in...

    3. ogre


      a cast. can't even remember it now hough

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