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Everything posted by ogre

  1. ogre

    cleep 2 mod

    have the new cleep mods been released yet? i know they're not in stock on tarts' but i wasn't sure if they'd simply sold out or if the tarts were waiting for more stock? i presume it's just as good as the 26" does anyone have any reviews or comments on them? mad tempted.
  2. ogre

    The Angry Thread.

    had a nasty slam yesterday, i've sprained my wrist quite badly so i'm going to the hospital tonight. i hope it's just a sprain took me 10 minutes to get my socks on this morning.
  3. ogre

    New Hashtagg

    i like that. i would also like to see more tapered headtubes
  4. you could always anodise alternative rims in the right colours
  5. rear bb7 is f**king amazing on a 20; i'm heavy and a basher and i trust dual bb7 over hopes and any maggy i've used. new cables might help out with the feel of the brakes.
  6. who still rides in london? where are the spots? where do i go out of london to ride if i want rocks and stuff? anyone around kingston? i'm lonely
  7. london isn't so bad. i'm still finding my feet but it'd been alright so far. ridden a bit of trials too
  8. superstar silicone grips are exceptionally comfy. i had the lockons on my mtb and managed to slide one of the grips on the core of the lockon somehow so i'd condsider the non lockon versions next time. linky. i rode without grips quite happily with them
  9. cleaned up my mtb to sell it, must have spent about 6 hours on it, looks superb
  10. ogre

    The Angry Thread.

    sounds like a good excuse to go brakeless
  11. there isn't a niner specific set of standards; the gear ratios are slightly lower for 9ers due to the taller wheels. my niner has 180 front 160 rear rotors which is the norm on smaller wheeled bikes, so you'll be ok in that regard. just make sure your dropouts are the same standards as whatever hubs your looking at
  12. it seems okay, it didn't look shitty and horrible like i anticipated. looks reasonable for trials too
  13. kingston, home of the Seans
  14. found a place, 15 minute walk from work, newly refurbished under 700 a month with bills and council tax. eeeeee. i had a viewing cancel on me, so i called as many people from spare room as i could and landed that place last thing. so f**king pleased.
  15. ogre

    Vapers Thread

    is that aimed at me? isn't a vape something that will kill you quicker anyway?
  16. no riding shots, but i went to higgor with zach today, heres some nice scenery and two bikes without saddles lent against a rock.
  17. i have done, they're all pretty close and some have multiple occupants so i can just show up and knock on like a psychopath if needs be Also happy because i rode higgor today and wasn't a dithery mess on the bike despite not riding much for a while. my forearm is still an utter b*****d though
  18. i have three flat viewings lined up for sunday now life is looking slightly less bleak
  19. stolen from facebook, but calling vapes 'douche flutes' has made my morning
  20. comedy thread title aside, this is pretty bad.
  21. ogre

    The Angry Thread.

    i'm stressing about moving to london now
  22. i'll be in surrey area from mid september but i don't know the area
  23. polished my car today, looks gooood not feeling to dead either
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