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Everything posted by kells

  1. kells


    As has already ben mentioned to lose weight you need to expend more energy than you intake. It's recommended to be in a calorie defecit of 500kcal a day, which equates to about a pound per week. Use http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/ that to work out how many calories that your body uses a day just to keep ticking over then this http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculat...edict-equation/ to work out work out how many calories you will use with exercise included, then just minus 500 away from the total amount to see how many calories you should be eating. Try to eat smaller food portions, but for often, around every 2-3 hours. Also try and eat fibrous foods and foods low in GI such as pasta, beans, rice, etc this will help to keep blood sugar levels controlled and therefore insulin which will encourage the use as fat as a fuel. Also keep fat levels low with the majority of fat coming from mono-saturated as Hannah said, get this from fish as DHA and EPA fats included in fish have been shown to increase fat loss. One more thing is to keep protein high as this also helps to aim fat loss
  2. kells


    Depends what your goals are, do you want to lose weight or just eat healthy?
  3. Yeah milk is a good source of protein, particularly casien, which is a slow absorbing protein. After a work out protein synthesis is elevated so it's important to get enough protein intake to get the full benefits from training. Milkshakes are also good as the sugar in them which is high GI helps to replenish the glycogen stores, try and get this down you as soon as you can after a workout as the body will take up faster. There has also been some new research looking at hydration and it's been found that milk (with some added electrolytes) is nearly, if not as effective as sports drinks. If your looking to gain mass though you should try and aim for around 30g of protein post workout so protein powders are a convenient way of getting this amount. You should also be aiming to get around 1.8 g/kg of protein per day. Another thing to take into consideration is a pre workout meal is just as important as post work out.
  4. kells

    02 Bluebook

    Unfortunately for it to work i think you would have had to sign up to it before you lost your phone
  5. My computer stopped working earlier so i restored it and now i have lost ALL of my files, pictures, music, work, everything! Is there any way at all that i could get it back? Im so pissed off, any help would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: Found them thank god! They were under the other user in documents and setting Just seems to be the programmes that arn't working like word etc. Is there anyway to get those back?
  6. kells

    Martial Arts

    Did freestyle karate for 7 years but stopped going when i moved away to uni. It's my last year at uni now though and hope to start back once i finish, i miss it!
  7. Exercise rehabilitation for an ischemic stroke patient
  8. Doing an essay, nearly finished though! Just got an assessment on thursday then finish for Christmas on friday
  9. kells


    The only podcasts i have are the from the Rocky Gervais show, so funny
  10. That's for the level 2 gym instruction award and is 3 full weekends of 9 to 5, to become a personal trainer you have to do the the advanced gym instructors award on top of that. Just make sure you get a decent personal trainer, it's there job really and should research the sport themselves and come up with an effective programme for you
  11. I used this to organise the secret santa in my house at uni, worked a treat!
  12. Yeah because alcohol raises blood pressure so HR increases
  13. kells


    In my last year of uni doing sport and exercise science. Hopefully going into exercise referral when i graduate next year
  14. Maybe an external hard drive might be the best option, seems a lot easier. Just been looking at them, can't believe how small they are! Thanks a lot for your help though
  15. Thanks a lot for your help guys. Where can you get one of those cables from Danny?
  16. I want to move everything over though, including the OS and programmes. I would keep the old hard drive as a second drive but my motherboard doesn't have any spare power cables.
  17. I would be im an ocd wierdo and like things nice and tidy
  18. I need a new hard drive as im running out of space on my current one. I had a look inside the pc and i can't add a second hard drive as i don't have a spare power cable from the motherboard. I think i should be alright replacing the hard drive myself, im just unsure how to copy the data across. Could i unplug the cd drive and put the new hard drive in there just to copy everything across, then replace the old hard drive and put the cd drive back? Thanks for any help
  19. http://www.thecomeupbmx.net/post.php?pid=7477
  20. You'll have to ride bmx if your coming to Sheffield, it's got a really good bmx scene and im sure you'll enjoy it if you like riding bikes. Architerctural technology sounds cool, im doing sport and exercise science and will be in my third year in October. Give me a bell if you have any questions about uni
  21. We didn't get any room inspections, only the living room and kitchen area got inspected and that was no more that twice the whole time i lived there. I imagine Bramall court to be pretty similar, you really shouldn't have any problems keeping your bike in your room. Sorry but i only ride bmx now, but your welcome to come riding with me. What course you going to be doing btw?
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