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Dave Anscombe

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Everything posted by Dave Anscombe

  1. I remember back in the days when 50'' was almost unthinkable Now people like bersha damon benito take this piss with their 60' side hops
  2. I know what frame it is hes not ridden anything but hoffman for agggges -Its just a rather unusual looking one
  3. First clip i was like wtf Really awesome riding cool edit -Weird looking frame But i like it
  4. I love to climb <3 Like trials riders look at things and think i can tap and hook that .I look at things and find a route to climb it. You come alive when climbing -Your in that present moment where there is little to no thought at all .To me thats living . Go out and climb jake
  5. i dont know why i even bother comming here -maybe i hang on to trials because it was the last thing in my life that was ''normal'' Maybe its time i left
  6. For me it has to be dave marshals (monkeyseemonkeydoo) And cockey's (paperclip) Both very clean tidy looking bikes
  7. Ditto -Id rather be out on my own anyway-Yes it can be dangerous i know But i know my limits and stick within them -Its nice to be alone out in nature bouldering
  8. i dont belive you ride prove it Try all are shit (im also as light as a feather) broken 3 of them tensile (not broken the one i have ) Not skiped either
  9. Im not fussed what you do or think .no need to explain your self to me Anyway lets not make this a thread filled with drivvel.Im outta here Back on topic
  10. You took the time out of your day to write that reply -Awwwwwwww cheers pal <3
  11. Can you do what ever you want ? No -some one else dictates what you can and cannot do...we are under someone elses rule. I really cannot be botherd to elaborate any further - its a waste of my time.
  12. Seriously love them frames <3 Id get a try all nuc stem 150x30 and some decent riser bars on it....When i used to ride my mates one i remember it being kinda weird to get on to the back wheel Because for a mod its quite long. (im also short 5.ft 8) but after like an hour on it My mate found it hard to get me off it ..Really fun bike to ride......stick with it you will get the hang of it Trials is very demanding on the body you will ache like a mofo but it will pass. Anyway your in good hands on this forum ..the guys here really know their stuff And are generaly a good bunch . Welcome to trials
  13. Alan watts- rock climbing- slackline- trials Full of win
  14. Yeah ive done that many of times-it works -But one day no matter how many you get under there will always be one woman that no others compare too...I hope to the high heavens that never happens to me :bow: Hope your ok man -feel for you
  15. Thank you It was naee in the description when i looked !
  16. Hes tried different bar angles ali and found that the way way forward bar angle is what he likes ...Im not having a dig at you or being a dick .. But when people want advice they ask for it
  17. Ride how you want to ride.do what makes youy happy -forget the rest
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