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Police Trouble - Majour F**k Up. - The Rest Added!

Mod Man Leo

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dont get me wrong, im fully with kris with it, if its how he said, the police where incompetent, but theres no point being a cheeky lippy tosser, saying youve got an aus passport so your gunna leave the country. asking for legal advice at that stage. while your mate was being silent(if you didnt want to say anything, thats the way to do it).

although they cant do you for anything this time, being an arsehole to them, does mean the next given chance they will be an arsehole to you. they know your face and your name, if you step slightly out of line, and theyve got proof of it, theyll be more likely to be arseholes, next time your caught dropping litter, dont expect to be told politely to pick it up, expect no if's no buts, an £80 fine.

also some things still dont add up, when you wer in the interview, unless you had your own solicitor, which you pay for, youd get a duty solicitor from a local law firm, they generally wont speak in the interview, there not there to do the talking for you, they are there for advice and to make sure your time in custody is correctly done. the fact they didnt arrest you the previous night, although a fault of the police, is irrelevant, they arrested you the next day when you entered the police station according to you. before your finger prints were took, they would of most likely filled in a form with the arresting officer,officers present, your basic details, and the offence. at this point you would sign to agree with it, if you signed to agree with it, you are at that point, signing to say youve been arrested, you agree that the belongings put in the custody locker are correct, that you have had your rights, and you understand your rights.

and the whole you cant leave the country thing, doesnt ring true to me, ive been on bail with 2 offences at different times,which would had i been prosecuted both carried hefty custodial sentences, both times i was granted unconditional bail on several occasions, before and after being charged. and on stuff not carrying custodials, its always been taken as granted that there would be unconditional bail. dont see why a class C caution would be any different, especially as your still a minor. normally when your not allowed to leave the country, youd be asked to surrender your passport too. and normally unless your charged, which by the sounds of it you havent been, youd get unconditional bail(possibly with scheduled check ins), or remanded in custody.

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unless you had your own solicitor, which you pay for, youd get a duty solicitor from a local law firm, they generally wont speak in the interview,

and the whole you cant leave the country thing, doesnt ring true to me,

Not that either times when ive been arrested ive asked for a soliciter but given the situation i think his soliciter would have seen fit to speak up, leo had that right idea, just wouldn't have been able to word it as well, plus the police are more likely to listen to an adult in a suit, then someone there trying to arrest?

When i was on bail for 24 hours they told me not to go leaving the country, but im guessing that was a joke :P

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Just read the rest. Interesting story. Despite the fact I don't condone underage drinking and drugs, the Police acted irresponsibly. If the people who are supposed to enforce law and order abuse it, then what hope do we have? I've heard many stories of people being arrested when they haven't committed an offence and being bullied into implicating themselves. It's just shit, and undermines any respect anyone ever had for the Police.

If you've done nothing wrong, DON'T accept a caution and always demand legal representation. The thought of going to court might sound scary, but if you know your rights and you know the law you've got a good chance of charges being dropped.

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Stop being a typical teenage chaver sitting on a street corner drinking cider with your mate acting hard as he lights up.

What a f*cking waste of police time and money having to deal with your stupid low life arse.

I agree the Police are sometimes twats and I should know as my ex's boyfriends one and he tries to act the hardman hiding behind his badge, but at the end of the day I'd rather not have to see stupid kids drinking and smoking on the street.

Then again if the police are busy busting your sad arse then they won't be hassling trials riders for riding.

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Stop being a typical teenage chaver sitting on a street corner drinking cider with your mate acting hard as he lights up.

What a f*cking waste of police time and money having to deal with your stupid low life arse.

I agree the Police are sometimes twats and I should know as my ex's boyfriends one and he tries to act the hardman hiding behind his badge, but at the end of the day I'd rather not have to see stupid kids drinking and smoking on the street.

Then again if the police are busy busting your sad arse then they won't be hassling trials riders for riding.

What a mature and responsible reply. Congratulations (Y):shifty:

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How can you say that when you dont even know him? I have plenty of mates who drink, smoke up and there not chavs, infact quite the opposite.

Ive sat next to mates whilst they smoke up, make me a sterotypical chavver? Do i think im being hard? No, so before you write a reply think about what your saying and stop trying to act 'ard' by insulting a member of trials forum.

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Also they said dont leave the country, but i am going to france, but when i go to france i will use my australian pasport, so it will not come up on record.

You said you were going to use your Australian passport, You shouldnt have a choice, you should only have 1 valid passport so it will show up on record...

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I'm a twat blah blah

Did you not read the 2nd half of the story? Did you not smoke when you was 15? Did you not drink when you was 15? You've said police will stop hassling riders... Does this mean the police hassle you? So as you put it "What a f*cking waste of police time and money having to deal with you" Jumping on walls? Vandalism? Criminal damage? Riding on paths? Your breaking the law, So shut the f**k up. (Y)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got a call from the two officers saying they have canceled my bail, and instead they are taking me to court via a summons,

This is f**king ridiculous,

Wasting court time, crown jury time, police time, all because of a couple of stubborn police officers ond there Ego's.

And about the hole pasport thing, i was allowed to go abroud, the policemen lied. And they are gona get told of for that aswell.

and all you people thinkin it was on a street courner it wassent, it was on a private drive, and i didint do it to look hard, its a vilage in the middle of f**king knowere, no one lives there for christ sake.

Edited by Mod Man Leo
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Stop being a typical teenage chaver sitting on a street corner drinking cider with your mate acting hard as he lights up.

What a f*cking waste of police time and money having to deal with your stupid low life arse.

I agree the Police are sometimes twats and I should know as my ex's boyfriends one and he tries to act the hardman hiding behind his badge, but at the end of the day I'd rather not have to see stupid kids drinking and smoking on the street.

Then again if the police are busy busting your sad arse then they won't be hassling trials riders for riding.


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Well i got arrested a few weeks ago for jumping over a 12 ft fence into a council Yard at night to see if there was any decent bits to ride, never touched anything just jumped over and walked around. now they suspect i was there to steal something so i got charged with that. :(

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Well i got arrested a few weeks ago for jumping over a 12 ft fence into a council Yard at night to see if there was any decent bits to ride, never touched anything just jumped over and walked around. now they suspect i was there to steal something so i got charged with that. :(

Talk to Snappel about that sort of thing, but I am fairly sure that there's no such thing as being arrested for that.

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yeah well i thought that too which is why i thought it would be ok to go in, but apparently i'm in no trouble for going in it's just because they think i was going in to steal stuff so it's gonna be hard to prove i did and hard to prove i didn't

Edited by Gavyn L
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They can't do anything without proof. You're innocent until proven guilty. I don't think trespassing itself is a crime - only if you've broken something to gain entry, in which case it's vandalism. Don't worry about it, and maybe PM Snappel on here to see what he says.

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no boltcutters and no crow bars, just the tiniest set of pliers which were in the front pocket of my bag from the last time i sorted my bike. Thats there proof really. Whereas I have nothing except the fact I told a few friends I was going to have a look for walls behind the building and that there was no damage to the yard and i'd been in it for about 10 mins before the police turned up.

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