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The Music Thread.


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Do you think its very similar to Cat Stevens? I can see the comparison but i think they're quite seperate. As long as you enjoy it, thats the main thing!

In the Past Recedes, yes I can, you can really hear it in the guitar and his voice.

God, can't wait, going to see Neil Young at the apollo on Friday :D.

Off to happy thread I go.

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im glad so many of you have what i consider to be a great music taste, i just have a hatred for most modern music and just think that it all went downhill from the 90's. i'm proper into the manchester music scene and like a lot of 60's stuff just cant stand this generic pop and modern indie shite at the moment. Its as if the audiences its aimed at are brain dead and will listen to what ever is put in front of them

I agree. I can listen to the older stuff all the time and not get bored of it, but I'll find I like one song from a modern band and think the rest of the album is just shit, resulting in me not buying it or going to see them live.

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I honestly think that people who are saying they hate modern music are insane, and need to actually listen to modern music. People who call things like metal 'screaming music' are looking in the wrong places, sure lets take a band who have a very powerful approach with all their vocals - Meshuggah. To you it probably sounds terrible because of the vocals, sure, valid opinion. I personally don't like Oasis's vocals. Meshuggah write very technical heavy music, each individual (as a musician) has spent years and years practising music of all types to come up with the music that is quite possibly the among the most critically acclaimed in the modern technical music world. If you don't like a song because of the vocals, then try to appreciate it for the other facets it has, the melody, the musicianship, the creativity. I like all types of music, literally all types, the bands that I like are going to be the people that connect most with me as a person, and what my interests are. I think people too quickly disregard music because there is something they instantly dislike in a song, and can't handle it and say it's shit purely because they are not accepting it for what it is. People who say their music taste is the best and then go and pidgeon-hole themselves into a very closed off genre or time are pretty ridiculous.

Anyway, my music taste is the best. So in your face, everyone else, get with the program.

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You can say that about dance though. You have to listen to a genre properly and then you can tell the difference.

Not having a go, but people always say that metal is the same, it's just screaming, but you can also say dance is just thud thud all the time. But i know it's not cause i listen to it as well.

Word. (Y)

I can't tell the difference between any genres of dance music, it all sounds the same to me.

I do actually have some dance type stuff, Minstry Of Sound - The Annual 2006, and Classic Trance Nation.

I agree. I can listen to the older stuff all the time and not get bored of it, but I'll find I like one song from a modern band and think the rest of the album is just shit, resulting in me not buying it or going to see them live.

I've also found this, not so much on metal albums but certainly on a few. Linkin Parks latest album had 3 good tracks, whereas I can name probably 5 older albums from various bands that are made of top notch tracks.

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I've also found this, not so much on metal albums but certainly on a few. Linkin Parks latest album had 3 good tracks, whereas I can name probably 5 older albums from various bands that are made of top notch tracks.

It's not hard to name bands with better songs than Linkin Park :giggle::turned:

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I honestly think that people who are saying they hate modern music are insane, and need to actually listen to modern music. People who call things like metal 'screaming music' are looking in the wrong places, sure lets take a band who have a very powerful approach with all their vocals - Meshuggah. To you it probably sounds terrible because of the vocals, sure, valid opinion. I personally don't like Oasis's vocals. Meshuggah write very technical heavy music, each individual (as a musician) has spent years and years practising music of all types to come up with the music that is quite possibly the among the most critically acclaimed in the modern technical music world. If you don't like a song because of the vocals, then try to appreciate it for the other facets it has, the melody, the musicianship, the creativity. I like all types of music, literally all types, the bands that I like are going to be the people that connect most with me as a person, and what my interests are. I think people too quickly disregard music because there is something they instantly dislike in a song, and can't handle it and say it's shit purely because they are not accepting it for what it is. People who say their music taste is the best and then go and pidgeon-hole themselves into a very closed off genre or time are pretty ridiculous.

Anyway, my music taste is the best. So in your face, everyone else, get with the program.

yeah but theres only a limited amount of things musicians can dop and personally it think musics going a bit stale these days.

i can appreciate music of sorts but that doesnt mean i want to listen to it. there is sooooooooooo much music to listen to that i really like and i find that if i don't restrict myself to a certain decade or genre for periods of time then i cant appreciate each band as much as i could

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yeah but theres only a limited amount of things musicians can dop and personally it think musics going a bit stale these days.

i can appreciate music of sorts but that doesnt mean i want to listen to it. there is sooooooooooo much music to listen to that i really like and i find that if i don't restrict myself to a certain decade or genre for periods of time then i cant appreciate each band as much as i could

Limited amount of things musicians can do? What are you talking about, that's like saying art is limited to what you can do. I think the reason you find modern music stale is a negative view of change, if you could get around that I am 100% sure you can find modern bands you like. Broaden your horizons and learn to appreciate progression, because it's what makes music incredible.

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you're probably right, i meant to say perhaps that some of the modern bands i do listen to, i can see clear imitations in guitar rifts etc, like oasis copy a lot from bowie and dylan, but i suppose you could say thats due to them being big influences etc.

then again you could say elvis stole his style from black early rock and roll etc etc

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You're listening to the wrong stuff - if you're listening to Pop then yeah, the majority of it is covers, remakes or clones - hence it's popular.

Go a little underground and you'll find loads of original stuff.

The newest Radiohead album for example is completely unique - it takes a few listens to get into and you need a good sound system to appreciate all the layers but it's a great album.

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Give the new album a go, its unrestricted by any dictation put on them from higher management and is a great album. Check out Thom Yorke's solo album aswell, its great.

Edit: just looked up....still its another seal of approval!

Edited by Matthew62
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to the ones who like "in rainbows", did you like Kid A and Amneasiac? Personally I've loved all the albums, except possibly hail to the theif which i liked, but didnt get me going as much as the rest. But Kid A and Amneasiac too a little longer to get into before becoming all time classics in my mind.

PR wrote the beginnings of a song which is likely to mess with your head last night. Muchly enjoying that!

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Yeah i know what you mean its always the way...when an album encompasses more traditional, very sepeare songs it is more easily digested ,ana lbum that flows as one continual piece of music with lots of instrumentals is harder for the brain to process. But this is only so if you try and process it as a traditional album...if you allow yourself to see and hear it as a single piece of music then there are no distinctions. An album like 'In Rainbows' whilst having a very continual feel is very much an album made of sperate songs with clear starts and ends.

The same can be said for the mars Volta, their newest album is easier to get into like their first as it has a bunch of seperate songs which are easily defined. There 2 albums in the middle were much harder for people to understajd and take in and they couldn;t comprahend them, but they were just singular pieces of music with the defenitions of track names being put in by the juristiction of a record company needing to make a piece of music a means of seeling therefore calling it an ''album'' with atleast 10 individual songs. In reality there was only 2 real seperations of music on the album, but if you have to segregate things to sell, then its a shame but its only a name....

Basicaly....what i'm saying is In rainbows is quite easy to take on board due to its distinctions...but this does not detract from it being a brilliant piece of music in any way.

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i can sort of see what you're saying with the mars volta, but i thought the brilliance of those albums was the real sense of story and direction that you felt from beginning to end. No matter that one of them was the story of a mythical character and their travel through space and time - a story is a story and I will always love albums which do this as a concept. The track names were actually a decision made by the band, no matter what the rumours say, except they view these track names as chapters in the same story and not as seperate entities.

I think In Rainbows flows in a similar way, the changes between songs are not as pronounced as they have been in other albums Radiohead have done and this allows the album as a whole to have a "feel" rather than leaving that to individual songs. I think this is an art that can't be taught...

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Yeah yeah i know what you mean, i'm not bad mouthing the Mars Volta in the slightest i love them to bits. The new album is very seperate in terms of tracks but is again about one ongoing story. And yeah i know they came up with the track names, but that was as a result of Universal records telling them that they were singed to a minimum of a ''3 album deal'' and if they released 'Frances the Mute' as 5 seperate tracks like they wanted to that it would only count as an EP. Therefore ''Cygnus...Vismund Cygnus'' was broken down into 4 parts, ''Miranda that Ghost isn't Holy Anymore'' was broken down into 4 seperate sections given a different name by the band, and ''Cassandra Geminni'' being broken down into 5 sections. This then gave Universal an album which had 15 tracks therefore classing it as an album.

That was all i meant, the mars Volta have total control over their music they just had to make theoretical tracks for it to class an an album so they could release their 3 album quoto. Interesting they left Universal after the 3 albums.............

I think every Mars Volta album will be about one singular story.... its how they work.

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Dont normally listen to 'indie, rock' stuff but like to listen to it occasionally

Anyone recommend any good songs?

Been listening to stuff like Arctic Monkeys, Milburn, Wombats, Editors, Maximo Park, esc

That list is pretty comprehensive for a list of good indie bands if you ask me :lol:

'The Good Shoes' are sick though, Jamie T, Kings of Leon, The Maccabees, The Notwist.

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maccabees is the shite for generic indie.

the cribs also.

electrelane if you're into less poppy, simple stuff.

futureheads is good if you like wombats, as the wombats stole the whole barber shop quartet thing off the 'heads. :)

edit: klaxons are ok too. if you can stand the vocals...

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