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Im In The Shit


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OMFG :lol: !!! Thats actually got me in tears.

I hope the guy pulls through, but seriously, 15mph backwards is some speed. Speccially seeing as the back of a corsa is flat, could imagine it would cause .... you see where this is going.

nah well around where i live there bastards so me and people i hang with carry stuff in cars

and i just thourght it was a chav ready for dancing like isaid not even exagerating or nothing but ive run someone down yes i feel so terrible its unbelievable i relaly hope he pulls through and stuff guys dont have a go you know ide never want to hurt someone ok i went to fast but still i dont know


anyway I bet the police never called it an accident.

I don't think there is a maximum speed limit in reverse basically if your going to fast then its driving without due care.

what I can't beleive though is this guys in a coma. one of my friends was fooling about clinging onto the bumper of the car while it was going about 3 mph. The driver braked hard and my friend fell off and hit his head he was in a coma for nearly a month and in the end he died. my friend was 17, you've hit someone who's 75 and much more vunrable yet your still dossing around like you couldn't give a shit.

you do realise that if this guy dies you will go to jail maybe for months or maybe for 14 years I don't know how long but what I do know is that you will have ruined your chances of ever owning any decent cars, you'll be lucky to get a job and chances are your turn into a complete waste of oxygen. yet despite all of that you don't seem to care if i was you i'd be inconsolable and i'd be in contact with the police every day to check for changes in his condition i'd have had a lawyer there from the minute the police had arrived. I wouldn't be posting about this on the internet after all any lawyer will google your name and interests looking for anything to screw you with.

if they would look for me then delete this post and no i iant dossing mate ive been to hospital ive been turnd away i been quiestiond in loyds bar tonight theres nothing ic an do so why sit in my house shitting my pants

i dont get it you lot think im dossing about not careing and im actually shitting it

he shouldnt of walked out from where he did i shouldnt of gone so fast

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Beau, if i was you id pm a mod and ask them to delete this thread.

ye me to lol

but i dont want no one thinking im a fanny because ide ever wnat this to happen to anyone and i am so unhappy

Edited by B.E.A.U
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I understand that mate, and im sure no-one does.

Its your choice, but i cant see how any good can come from this thread. It'd be better for you if some of the information that it contains wasnt in the public domain.

Am i making sense? Pm me if need be fella.

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So who ever deletes/closes this thread please let us know how you get on with perveting the course of justice. And if the old man dies think how upset his family will be when the little shit the ran him over only gets a 12 month ban and 6 months in nick.

I've heard storys like this all too often.

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Hasn’t this thread gone a little too far?

Granted beau was in the wrong but there is no need for everyone to rip it out of him,

Just think how you would feel if this had happened to you, you reversed a little too quick and hit an old guy or anyone at all,

By some of the replies to this topic I have seen things like, "this was meant to happen" and other such things but it seems like some replies make it like he meant to do this.

Now i am going to sit on the fence and not say that he shouldn’t have done this or he should have done that.

Events have unfolded and there is no way of changing them. I hope the old guy pulls through but I hope beau doesn’t get give too hard punishment.

I have recently been kicked out dude and i am living in my car.

I hope everything pans out ok for you.

As for everyone on this forum, you have your points of view but to come 'f' in and blinding at beau when clearly he is having a hard time, is not the nicest of things. I don’t believe this topic should have been made but I suppose he wrote it to kind of get things off his chest, granted it shouldn’t have been on a public forum but none the less it has happened.

Good luck to beau and the old guy.


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Great whats your story? This one is getting a bit stale now.

not saying i have a story mate im just getting by till i finish my a levels,

are you seriously on the war path towards anyone?

all i was sayin is why cant we just let this lie and leave it alone?

edited for terrible spelling

Edited by python_man
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not saying i have a story mate im just getting by till i finish my a levels,

are you seriously on the war path towards anyone?

all i was sayin is why cant we just let this lie and leave it alone?

edited for terrible spelling

I was just joking mate.

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