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"just Do It" Mentality

tipsy Jock

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Well, how do I get this?

I've been into trials for about 3-4 years now at least. I would say i'm an ok rider but far from great. Those that have ridden with me over the years will know that i'd rather stand and chat than actually ride lol The one thing that seems to be holding me back is not my ability or my bike but my mentality. I find myself thinking of worst case scenarios when I should just be getting on and doing it. Drop gaps would be a good example. I know I can do them but I will end up putting myself off by worrying about crashing. Front wheel moves would be another, all I can visualise is me eating kerb lol I find the same thing happens when i'm out on my DH bike, I know I can do certain drops and lines but I seem to have this mental block that stops me! I want rid of it, help!

I remember TRA put up a huge post about mentality ages ago but I can't seem to find it now.

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You have to really motor through it, force yourself to try stuff and it kinda builds up after a while.

You kind of learn you limits, so you know how hard to push, I was terrible for about 6 months because I never pushed myself at all.

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I used to have that same problem up until recently. I never did drop gaps because of the amount of times my hubs have skipped/chains have snapped on them. I think at the minute though, i just couldn't give a shit, which seems to help a lot.

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The biggest thing i've found that helps me is competition with another ride of similar ability. When you've got someone who is doing similar stuff to you and it comes to a certain move I find if you are both willing to go for it then then you sort of throw caution to the wind to be the first one to do it. Thats what I've found personally. I'm a big fag that wont go for scary moves unless i'm getting pushed by another rider.

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Personally I find riding on my own is when I can push myself most, because I can concetrate on getting a certain move sorted, then I feel comfertable to show it off.

But the best feeling I have ever had is when I managed a big tap in Buxton when there was about 15 riders there, I thought I could do it but I failed a couple of times, then I managed it, was phweet.

listen to abit of death metal before you ride and you'll be sorted ;)

A7X - Unholy Confessions.

Or the best has to be Judas Priest - Leather Rebel.

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you've said it yourself, its all about the 'just do it' mentality. leave all your worries at home, go out on your bike, do moves rather than try moves.

recently i've been trying to think of riding in its simplest forms, it seems to make it more enjoyable, and if your concentrating enough on the move itself, then fear wont even come into the equation!

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I'm petty much exactly the same.

Been riding about 4years, and I still find it hard to push myself.

I'm slowly progressing, and I enjoy riding, which is the main thing?

I just play about on small things, finding as many lines on it as possible. (24" rider at heart... :P )

But yeah, I've started going bigger recently, mostly on things where it just seems fine to do, no worries. :)

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What i notice with alot of people is. They get up there. Stand there looking at it for ages. There's your problem straight away. You've gotta look at it whilst your down on the floor, then climb up, and bam go straight for it. You bail you bail end of. We call all take pain. Just remember, fear is nothing, It's just something that tricks the mind, just kinda think "f**k off, what am i scared of this for" and just do it.

I also find some heavy rock gets me in the "Don't give a f**k mood". I'll admit, 9 times out of 10 i don't make it or i fall off and bail. Who cares, Get back up and try it again.

Depends how much your willing to put into your riding and what you want out of it i suppose.

Good luck with it though.


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On the other hand (and this is just my opinion) fear is there for a reason, to keep you safe. There's plenty of stuff to try that is very challenging although not that scary (getting up stuff rather than going off stuff).

I find as my skill increases, so does my confidence.

That's not much help though :D

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My mental block is going slowly.......im trying bigger drop gaps and bigger drops......mental block i have at the moment is on my sidehops.....im petrified of sidehops i used to get constantly.......any help on this would be ideal :)

getup thear and throw your self off (Y) best advice i can give you



Edited by mrkoxx
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What i notice with alot of people is. They get up there. Stand there looking at it for ages. There's your problem straight away. You've gotta look at it whilst your down on the floor, then climb up, and bam go straight for it. You bail you bail end of. We call all take pain. Just remember, fear is nothing, It's just something that tricks the mind, just kinda think "f**k off, what am i scared of this for" and just do it.

I also find some heavy rock gets me in the "Don't give a f**k mood". I'll admit, 9 times out of 10 i don't make it or i fall off and bail. Who cares, Get back up and try it again.

Depends how much your willing to put into your riding and what you want out of it i suppose.

Good luck with it though.



trying that torow

im the same im a ok rider , i feel ive got a nice style and that im capable of allot mor then i do.

but i need to push myself, sidehops percticually...


im guna try what danny said, i found just saying to so myself f**k it

and just doing it


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To slightly misquote Herr Kearns:

You've gotta look at it whilst your down on the floor, then climb up

There's your problem straight away.

If you can't get up it, don't bother getting off it.

That way, as you progress and become a better rider, you will have new lines opening up to you. You build up the skills and techniques, and in doing so, also pick up the confidence to have a bash at other stuff once it becomes more accessible.

Obviously if there's a silly good line that is to be had, you can bend the rules a touch, but just know your limits, build up the confidence, and push them further and further.

A wise man once said (something along the lines of...)

If you think you can do it, have a go in the safest way possible

Pretty good advice if you ask me

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before i try something big i always think "that could hurt a bit", but i get over this by thinking, "o well, im not to bothered if i break something on my bike, and ive done stuff this big before"-- even if i havnt done stuff that big, i just think it and i tend to do it :)

also get used to stacking (sounds retarded i know) but whenever istack mainly going over the bars i dont seem to hurt myself anymore

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From the midget with beards post above me, that's kinda what i've learnt to do. Learn to crash a bike properly without doing yourself too much damage.

If you're going to have a big bail and can see it coming mid move, get away from the bike and choose where/ how you want to land before gravity chooses for you ;)


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