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I got through it without any clinical help, and I told you what helped me. Keep active, and try to get to bed early so you wake up refreshed and then you can be ready to take on the day.

Something my mum once told me, sounds really boring, but it could work. Keep a diary, and then you can see the progress your making with things in your life, so you can set yourself targets and stuff, which makes you feel fulfilled and gives you something to work for.

I'm not an expert, and I never tried the diary thing by the way, but I hope that I've helped you, because depression is f**king awful.

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I got through it without any clinical help, and I told you what helped me. Keep active, and try to get to bed early so you wake up refreshed and then you can be ready to take on the day.

Something my mum once told me, sounds really boring, but it could work. Keep a diary, and then you can see the progress your making with things in your life, so you can set yourself targets and stuff, which makes you feel fulfilled and gives you something to work for.

I'm not an expert, and I never tried the diary thing by the way, but I hope that I've helped you, because depression is f**king awful.

Yea a diary is a very nice thing. I actually had an online diary where people who were in the same position as me could make comments and give tips, it was really nice :)

I still use it, even though I'm doing alot better than I used to.

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I get pretty down at times, don't even see the point in getting out of bed and stuff, but i do because theres stuff to do, sort of keeps me going if you get me? . . find something to do that takes up your time, even if you really don't want to do anything, force yourself to . . Get on your bike and go out with a few mates and you'll have a laugh, it'll help you look at things in a diffrent way, if you sit around a think about things it will just seem worse. Also music makes a massive diffrence to how i feel, maybe try listening to something diffrent/something that makes you happy.

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buy a downhill bike.

I hear thats what all the cool people do nowadays.


I'm kidding.

No I'm not.

sorry I just watched dodgeball again.

go see a doctor Aidan if you feel that bad about it and don't be worried by the whole immature your depressed so you must be a psychopath attitude that some people have towards it. I felt like that about 2 years ago as well, your just at a stage in your life where it's pretty easy to get down about the small stuff.

go have a word with a doctor, I went to see one and said I didn't want drugs, he referred me to a psychiatrist at cornhill in aberdeen, and we just had a chat. I guess the hardest part about it was initially walking through the door. you don't want people to think your a complete mentalist but I guess if you can post on here than you can talk to someone about it.

good luck sorting it out.

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Having read some of the other posts, whatever you do dont take drugs to help it (as in anti-depressants)... you'll get hooked on them, and you'll end up having to use willpower to get over them and the way you're feeling in the end anyways.

Only you can change it mate! You have one life and can do whatever you want to do... even if it seems ridiculous, it can be done! not sometime in the future, but now!

List some things you fancy doing, or that'd make you happy?

What do you have currently in life that you enjoy? And whats getting you down? Try move things from one side to the other. Depression is literally just a state of mind, its feeling a bit fed up... if you think positively about things, no matter how shit they are, nothing can get you down.

You'll have to try help us a bit though fella, as we cant change things unless we know whats wrong.

Edited by Peperami
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Change your lifestyle routine or just get over it. everyone goes through a bad patch in their life :( , you wouldn't be human otherwise :) . just be grateful that your "ALIVE TO LIVE ANOTHER DAY" :) unlike those 4 female gap year students (Emily Sadler 19yrs, Rebecca Logie 19yrs, Indira Swann 18yrs, Lizzie Pincock 19yrs) whom tragically died last saturday.

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I accept your not f**king doctors but maybe sombody could have pointed me in the right direction.

And we have, in the direction of a doctor. Go to the doctors unless you all ready have done as they are the only ones who seriously know what there talking about and will no the best ways to get through it. Also take up the lads offer on adding him to msn as someone else who has been through it will be able to help alot.

As you say we arnt doctors so we carn't tell you how to get through it just take wild stabs at what we would guess to be the best way, but i think everyone will tell you the first step would be to go to the doctors?

Thought about finding a forum to do with it may be? that may help.

But first of all the doctors is where you want to go first.

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Long story and in my current state i dont want to go into it.

But i have been diagnosed with depression by taking 3 difforent tests rangeing from 86% to 89% depressed.

I feel shit all the time and well i want some advice...

Do i just have to stay this was or is there anything i can do?

:( Aidan.

talk to me on msn i was diagnosed with it a year ago (Y)

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yeah doctors study for like 7+ years to just give someone who is depressed a drug. usually a doctor will just give you a course of drugs if he thinks there isn't really much wrong with you just to shut you up. Only very rarely they'll get it wrong.

I don't know if these are the full regulations but if you want to get fluoxetine here you have to make a visit to the doctor 3 times the first one he just talks to you to see what the root of the problem is then you have to come back in 2 weeks you talk a bit more then he gives you a questionnaire and tells you to think wisely about your answers. only on the third visit if he thinks the problem can't be solved without drugs then he'll prescribe you some and refer you to a psychiatrist.

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not of course not, it'll give you the motivation to cure it though. Thats what it's designed for.

it's all well and good just saying get out of your house and f**king do something to someone who's depressed. But really you're only making them worse because the more you say it the more they think thats normal and that they aren't normal. Then they start to question everything about themselves, 'why am I here?' ' what's my purpose?'. next thing you know you find them hanging from a tree.

motivating someone is fine, but separating then from the normal isn't and thats why curing depression should be left to people who know what they are doing.

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I've spent the majority of my life suffering from depression, although I'm mostly alright these days. What helped me out of it was not medication (which made things worse) or psychotherapy but, in the first instance, exercise and eating properlly. Beyond that, meditation and yoga have done a hugh amount - they allow for the most change but require those other bits underlying. Basically with depression it relates to the way you are thinking - regardless of if you are aware of certain thoughts, they are occuring in some sense and making you feel down. You essentially need to alter your thinking. This is not easy anyway but becomes easier if you are physically well or fit. As the mental part of our existence seems dependent on the physical this makes sense. Learning to relax, regardles of method (such yoga or meditation) is a way of reducing the thoughts you are having and setting yourself up for change. Typically a depressed person has hyperactive thoughts and so also they don't sleep properlly which also makes matters worse. Again, the slowing of your thought processes can restore decent sleep.

Send me a pm if you'd like to talk about things, if that might help you. I'm pretty experienced with mental health problems :)


edit: By the way, certain anti-depressents do help some people. I have friends who have used them on both a temporary and long term basis with positive results. It's almost certain you wouldn't get addicted.

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Sorry about saying "cheer the f**k up" but it was intended as a joke. The way I see it is if someone keeps telling you, you are depressed then you are going to start feeling that way. Everyone has times when they feel a bit down, some people let it get to them others just get on with things and sort their problems out.

Any reason why you are depressed?

And again sorry for my first post it was just meant as a joke getting pissed off with me for giving you shit isn't going to make you feel any better so hopefully my saying sorry will sort that out and make you feel a tad better.

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Lol, and that drug will cure your depression will it?

probably not, but i remember reading about the placebo effect, where if you think you will be cured, you feel cured. there have been various tests and articles on it if you can be arsed to search for them

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The problem with the drugs is that a lot of people take them as a means of a total cure for their depression, where as gavyn says, theyre intended to improve your feelings so that you can cure yourself... now after a while your body will get used to the drugs (as it does any drug) and you'll slowly start feeling shitty again. Try stop taking the anti-depressants, or weaning yourself off them, and boy do you feel bad then...

Its hard work getting out of the mindset, and only you can do it, but suddenly something will click and you'll think... why was i feeling that way!

Have you tried writing down the things that are good and bad? If you can figure out whats wrong, and itemise it, you can start putting things right mate. Sometimes things dont seem so bad when you write them down. Will help clear your head too!

You definately dont always have to feel this way though mate, and it seems like there are a few friendly faces on here willing to help you :)

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Have you actually been to a doctor? How did you come about figuring out you are depressed?

Everyone has down days, some last for a while some dont, like people have said, go see a doctor, see what they say, ask to be referred to a therapist if they think you may have depression, other than that theres not really much you can expect from a trials forum.

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Therapy won't get to the root of the problem, its more like changing the way you think rather than adressing the issue itself, if you cant think of a reason as to why you're unhappy then I would see a doctor as it could be a hormonal problem. If you know there is something in your life that is causing this, sort it out yourself (Y) and if you can't... youll just have to get over it.. near enough everybody will experience some form of depression at some stage in their life.

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