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Such A Thing As Practicing Too Many Moves?


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Hey guys. I'm basicly on the prowl to see how many moves people practice in each session. I know a lot of you do lines and just have a good time but I'm a new rider and wanted to find out if I'm maybe overloading myself. At the moment, being new and all, I practice endos, manuals, bunnyhops and catwalks/wheelies. I ride probably 4-5 times a week and practice for about 30-60mins at a time. Some days I ride more than once, some days I take off. I was just wondering what everyone else is up to and wanted to know if maybe I should be focusing on just one move per session. I've been trying to use these in practical settings lately, mini lines if you will. Like I'll ride up a curb, turn around endo at the edge and catwalk off. Or manual off a curb and launch a fast endo right after I land. Anywho, how many "new" techniques do you guys practice a session? How long do you normally ride for? When practicing, how much of your time do you spend making a new move go smoother?

I try to have fun everytime I ride. I dont want to push myself to try new things when I don't feel like it. I don't push myself to ride if I don't feel like it. But at the same time, I don't what little progress I have made to dwindle from non-practice. What are your guys' thoughts and feelings?

PS: Someone threw out the top of an old round wooden table and a small wooden chest or something. I'm totally gunna drag those around and use it to build a makeshift line. Yay for scrounging!

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A lot of the "better" riders don't usually go out with practice in mind.

If they see a move/line, they'll try it and not want to leave it until it's complete.

If you want to ride proper trials, IMO you're learning the wrong type of things,

Endos- practice them by all means, but wheelies and such like aren't really necessary.

Try backhops, pedalhops. Then when you have those dialled it's time to practice getting up/down objects.

I don't go out to ride with a set time to stop, just usually ride for as long as i can before i get bored/too tired to do anything else.

Tell you what, next time you're out riding don't practice what you usually do, find a small wall and think about how to get up it, and try it.

This will improve your riding more, because you can only get so good at an endo.

That was a pretty bad post, am tired... Leave me alone! :P

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Naw naw man, that was fine. I get you. I don't go out with a set time in my head, but it tends to be about that long. I usually get fairly tired after about 45mins or so it seems. I know what you mean about trying things to get up some random obstacle. Next time I go out, I'm going to give sidehops and taps a shot. I was attempting it after a brief catwalk to get my wheel on the obstacle but I'd really have to time the pedal strokes so that I end with my pedals exactly level. Didn't work out too well. I make a point of trying to do these moves off of smaller drops. There is this apartment beside mine that has a ledge that as you walk down gets higher and higher. I like to catwalk off of that. I'm also going to give manualling off that a shot. It might not make too much sense right now... but when I start doing stuff from larger heights, I want to make sure I can bail off the obstacle without having to shove my bike off and pray to the maker. Ha

Thanks for the reply

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As long as you're comfortable and like what you're doing then keep at it, don't let anyone stop you.

And manuals will help a lot with backhopping and knowing your balance point.

One thing though, your bike has suspension, right?

That's making life a lot harder to do proper "trialsy" moves due to the weight and the funky geo that sus forks give.


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Yeah it has front suspension. I like it for riding around and if I just want to play around a bit, hop off a curb or do a jump here and there its a fine bike. Actually, it's an incredible bike. It just wasn't designed for this. I definately would like to get a trials bike but that's like a birthday gift to myself in a few months. I definately think a real trials bike would help do some of this stuff. But I'm gunna go ruin the underside of my bike and make some terrible attempts and tapping up something tomorrow. I'm gunna look like a beached whale I'm sure. LOL

EDIT: When your suspension finally gives in a bit trying something, like an bunnyhop when you're not expecting it to compress (I have it on a super hard setting right now) it really messes with you. But you know... I'll work with what I got for now.

Edited by Sabiot
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to be honest, if i was you i wouldn't bother trying to tapp something, i've seen how high you can bunnyhope and that isn't even a minimum height for tapping, if i was you i would stick to bunnyhops up. And if you can't pedal hop i highly doubt your going to get very far sidehopping. The foundation of trials (aka core basics) are what you need to progress quickly.

I hate the words, practicing, or training its just lame. Some nights ill grab a 2litre bottle of coke and go round the corner where there is 1 wall about bar height and ride that will i can only walk home, but thats genrally just up's. seeing how many ways i can do it, how high etc. but never really push myself

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just go out and have fun me and the missis was chatting about this the other day how some people just to go out with one thing in there head (to do that gap or sidehop)

me on the other hand just go out and have fun on my bike if i learn something new or did a new gap then well done me can i have a medal. heck i dont even tap sidehop or go to front wheel because im happy with doing what i no

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me on the other hand just go out and have fun on my bike if i learn something new or did a new gap then well done me can i have a medal. heck i dont even tap sidehop or go to front wheel because im happy with doing what i no

Same for me! I just enjoy getting out and having a good time on my bike, and if i improve/ hit a line that i've seen/ tried before, that's a bonus :)

Practice the basics and then the rest will come with time (Y)

I've just done alot to my bike, it's so heavy now and has taken alot to get used to it, whereas before i liked to backwheel/tap things, i now seem to be bunnyhopping EVERYTHING, it's so strange!

Remember to enjoy yourself, and then you'll improve loads without realising :)


Edited by Skoze
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never such thing as trying too many moves! the more stuff you can do the better all rounder you'll become. You dont want to turn into one of these new style riders who only practice 5 moves (sidehops, gaps, taps, up to fronts on rails and drops for example)

If you can get to ride natural, do so as much as possible! The best natural riders in the world are also the best street riders.

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I go out every day to continue my Street Training Programme (known herein by the moniker 'STP').

My STP consists of 4 hours of sidehops, followed by 15 minutes of yoga to help my tucks, then another hour of sidehops.

During my STP I measure each stack of pallets and note it down in my log book (I call an STPLOG).

Using this technique I continue to improve both height AND tucking ability in 1 easy to follow programme.

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A lot of the "better" riders don't usually go out with practice in mind.

If they see a move/line, they'll try it and not want to leave it until it's complete.

thats so true

This will improve your riding more, because you can only get so good at an endo.

erm, ali c can 540 endo, can you?

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Most of the time i'll just go out to have a nice street session, but occasionally i'll go out with a few new tricks in mind.

Usually i'll practice one for as long as possible or until i start messing up badly, then i'll try practicing another one, all the time trying to add it into some lines ive ridden a dozen times before. I wouldn't go out just to practice a move unless, like the other guys have said, you're missing the fundamentals such as your bunnyhop or pedal hops etc.

At the end of the day just get out and ride...as long as you're enjoying yourself. If you find some other guys who are perhaps of a higher skill level than yourself you'll find you'll pick it up amazingly quick.


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I'm still getting back into riding so I'll go out and just try basics but with more height/distance etc - must admit it ain't working great at the moment though!! :S

I tend to ride on whatever and try and nail some thing until I do it or if I can't, go away and try somewhere else and go back to it.


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I went out last night specifically to work on sidehopping the opposite way, Ive always sidehopped goofy (to the left with left foot forward) and I figured I should learn the 'correct' way too.

I can now go the other way a pallet lower than my normal way (still embarrassingly low :$ ) not as smooth but I did it. Also did my 1st ever gap up to front, again really small but its a start and a move that Ive always been scared of flipping over the bars and kissing pallets - been there, done that, got the scars inside my lips to prove :D

As ali says, the more you can do all round the better rider you will be, doing what you are now is building a basis of bike control - you can move onto new techniques when youre more comfortable handling the bike :)

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