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Laser Eye Surgery?


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Basically i have been wearing glasses now since the age of 9 i am now 17 recently started driving lessons i am just concerned if anyone has had laser eye surgery i am really short sighted and i hate my look of wearing glasses. Apperently its £2,000 per eye which is gonna work out at £4,000. Basically does it actually work and make your vision feel normal as in wearing glasses.

I am thinking about it but its the money and worrying if it could blind me. Some laser eye surgerys can last from 2-10 years depending on which one you get.

I have thought about contact lenses but dont like the idea of changing them etc..

Basically need oppinions if people on here have had it done or know of friends or family that have it done.

Thanks Andrew

Edited by Andeee
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Intresting time to post this topic.

I'm just recovering from a major eye breakdown caused by Glaucoma. And i'm waiting for a massive information folder on different eye correction surgery's. With a bit of luck it will be here in the post tomorrow morning (Y) I'll post up tomorrow night when i've read it !

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Girlfriend's housemate had it done, £2000 for both eyes I think she said

Barely any risk apparently, and she's so happy with the results. Eventually it may need redoing just to 'top it up' they said, but that's unlikely to be any time soon, certainly not for the next 5 years

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I've also been thinking about this option. :unsure:

If you are unhappy with wearing glasses i'd certainly try contacts. They are not that much hassle, but do sometimes go dry and after a night out is a bit of a pain!

As for the cost

I'll try again.....

It sounds like 4K is a bit much, if it needs a "top up". In your position i'd try the contacts as many opticians offer them for free. I think thats it really......


P.S. My friend just had hers done and said it is the best thing is the world....ohhh and so did her mum. But i still think you should try contacts.

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lad I worked with had them done, no issues at all.

Don't they just aim the laser at your eye muscles to heat them up, which alters the shape of the lens, thus correcting the focus?

Correct my mate had it done for £5,000!! He said he never regrets it!! apart from the burning eye smell he said it was fine :) Do it i would say!!

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I've had it £2100 for for Lasik with femetosecond and wavefront (the best and only option for your eyesight). Well worth the money lasts 25 years with better than 20/20 vision, improved night vision. Having it done is some messed up shit though. Eyesight deteriorisation must have stablised for at least 3 years before they consider treating you.

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There's 2 forms of it, one where they just fire a laser into your eye and correct shit like that, and the other is where they cut a flap and then fire the laser. They have to cut a flap if your cornea is too thick.

I was going to have it done, as early as 2 weeks after the consultation but got refused finance. :(

Price depends on how bad your vision is, mine is like -4 which is the 2nd from highest, and mine worked out at 1.5k an eye. If your eye's aren't that bad, it's like 400 quid an eye.

Surgery takes about 20 minutes, and i tell you now, even for 3k and being in debt for many years to come, i would of had it done without second thought. Was a massive downer to not get it down to be honest, especially as 1 in 5 can't have it, and i could of.

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There's 2 forms of it, one where they just fire a laser into your eye and correct shit like that, and the other is where they cut a flap and then fire the laser. They have to cut a flap if your cornea is too thick.

I was going to have it done, as early as 2 weeks after the consultation but got refused finance. :(

Price depends on how bad your vision is, mine is like -4 which is the 2nd from highest, and mine worked out at 1.5k an eye. If your eye's aren't that bad, it's like 400 quid an eye.

Surgery takes about 20 minutes, and i tell you now, even for 3k and being in debt for many years to come, i would of had it done without second thought. Was a massive downer to not get it down to be honest, especially as 1 in 5 can't have it, and i could of.

oh dear, my eyes are sitting at -6 and -7, and theyre still gettin worse !!

but yeah contacts are no bother at all. if you want to give them a go ask for a free trial when you get your eyes tested for them. i got cheapest ones from costco, bout 28£ for 6month for few year. then when the optician said the eye surface tissue is suffocating i got the ones which are quite high in the range (48£ 6month). and theres never been a day which took me longer than 40secs to put in. theyre as fantastic as contact lesnses can get. they also let 6x the oxygen to tissue which is helping it replenish.

the thing that puts me off about laser surgery is if they take too much lens from you, its a permenant mistake. so im guessing itll make you long sighted in that case?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Always thought about this myself as my eye sight aint the greatest and has got worse over the last 18 months.

I always think 'what if'. If it goes wrong you may be left blind, and personally I would rather have poor eye sight than no eye sight at all. I know the risks are minimal but theres always some element of risk.

If you want it that bad then go for it.

Get one eye done, if that goes wrong keep your other eye as normal, if it goes well then do your other eye, that way your guaranteed not to be 100% blind


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At 17 no i wouldn't get it done. Wait a few years and consider it again. Chances are your eyes are still changing and they won't do it anyway.

Get yourself some of those contacts you wear non stop for a month if your bothered about taking em in/out. I take mine out every night. After a week or 2 it won't bother you at all.

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I have rugby ball shapped eyes (not perfectly round) and i was told that lasering wouldn't make any difference to my eyes. May have another consultation as my eye sight is pants at night and i get nice headaches if I dont wear my glasses.

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At 17 no i wouldn't get it done. Wait a few years and consider it again. Chances are your eyes are still changing and they won't do it anyway.

Get yourself some of those contacts you wear non stop for a month if your bothered about taking em in/out. I take mine out every night. After a week or 2 it won't bother you at all.

Ive heard of these contacts can you use them whilst asleep or in the shower etc..?

Im thinking of contacts my lest set of glasses cost about £90.00 im just concerned is it gonna be the rough equivalent price to contacts?

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Don't bother with laser eye surgery unless you are at least 25 and your prescription has stabilized. What they do with the laser is reshape the cornea (the outer layer of the eye) to allow light to focus properly on the retina. It has nothing to do with heating up the lens or the eye muscles! :lol:

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Ive heard of these contacts can you use them whilst asleep or in the shower etc..?

Im thinking of contacts my lest set of glasses cost about £90.00 im just concerned is it gonna be the rough equivalent price to contacts?

I wore mine in the shower with out any problems, single man boat for 2 weeks in the sea with out any problems too

Mine i don't wear while asleep but you can get ones where you can. They are fine in the shower just don't blast water in your eyes.

Mine are £12 a month.


I need some contacts, as I have ordered a pair of glasses I dont like. I had mine knocked off my face on saturday, have my driving test next week and was in need of glasses. =[

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Right bit of an update ive been discussing with the mother about this situation shes happy to support me to have laser surgery but i have kind of gone off of that after seeing that vid matt gibson posted. I am of to pop into my opticians tommorow on my lunch break at work to book an appotiment for my yearly check up which is sort of over due and speak with my opticianist about contacts i would persopnally prefer to wear contacts which you can use in the shower and sleep with.

Thanks Andy

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