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Photoshop My Bike


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im wanting to spray my bike a differnt coulour

but i cant choose

i was wondrering if anyone would please like to photoshop it in a few differnt coulours?

and give me any ideas?

i was thinking wheres its blue do it black and re do the silver/grey bits white or as they are



Edited by AlexTreby
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Oh yeah, you're just the epitomy of manners (Y) gimp!

I'm the manners king.

EDIT: At least when I ask for advice I say please and thankyou, I don't just expect people to go outta their way to do shit for me for no reason.

Would only take about 10 seconds for me to do this in PS, but as he hasn't said please, I'm not going to and I don't see why other people should to.

Edited by Mark King
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I'm the manners king.

EDIT: At least when I ask for advice I say please and thankyou, I don't just expect people to go outta their way to do shit for me for no reason.

Would only take about 10 seconds for me to do this in PS, but as he hasn't said please, I'm not going to and I don't see why other people should to.

To be fair though apart from missing a please out he was fairly polite with it otherwise (thankyou and just polite hedging (check out english language student :P) etc). I've seen people (cough: JT recently: cough :P) just say 'Do this for me you photoshop nerds with no life' so this was hardly that bad.

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i was thinking wheres its blue do it black and re do the silver/grey bits white or as they are


What the hell is that then? i very rarely say please i say thanks when the job is done :)

Edited by The Stig
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Ive sprayed it black and silver now.

Thanks to everyone that done the photoshopping for me and mark king.

f**k of u gimp

your up your own f**kign ass

no one is every good enough you a patronising twat and i dont care if thats spelt wrong

if youve never got anything to say then dont cause no cares about your stupid moaning

and i bet i get warned for this but you can call me a f**king twat all day long and get f**k all

Edited by AlexTreby
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Thanks to everyone that done the photoshopping for me and mark king.

f**k of u gimp

your up your own f**kign ass

no one is every good enough you a patronising twat and i dont care if thats spelt wrong

if youve never got anything to say then dont cause no cares about your stupid moaning

and i bet i get warned for this but you can call me a f**king twat all day long and get f**k all


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