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Beau Memorial Ride

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today was pretty good, shame again like all big rides i go to i hardly ride and watch more... being shy and all.

glad the weather turned out alright. im sooo tired right now..

saw so many funny (porters) bail and bad (bessel) bails today.

was proper funny when porter bought £1 tattoo packs from costcutter - funniest thing i've seen recently....

Jon Mac.. what bike was you riding?

for those who don't know (probably most of you's..) i was riding the 26" DOB - sorry if i didn't speak to you it's probably because im shy. :$


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Jon Mac.. what bike was you riding?

for those who don't know (probably most of you's..) i was riding the 26" DOB - sorry if i didn't speak to you it's probably because im shy. :$


I know who you are now! Yeah I was riding the DOB mod, which everyone BJH enjoyed stealing :P

Edited by Mark King
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Burrows was a laugh to chat to although I'm sure he didn't know who I was either

Nah we've met and ridden before I'm sure, I'm sorry if I gave you that impression! I think its probably hard to not know who you are from your forum antics :P

But yeah awesome ride, sure Beau would have loved it. Cheers to everyone who turned up and made the day what it was. I think we might have been the last to leave at about half 8, everyone disappeared after 7!

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Nah we've met and ridden before I'm sure, I'm sorry if I gave you that impression! I think its probably hard to not know who you are from your forum antics :P

But yeah awesome ride, sure Beau would have loved it. Cheers to everyone who turned up and made the day what it was. I think we might have been the last to leave at about half 8, everyone disappeared after 7!

Yeah we have once or twice I think, it's quite alright, a few people asked who I was then when I told them they were like "aaaaah".

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Amazing weekend all in all.

Saturday ride was sick. Such a laugh. The amount of abuse Fatty got and then Simps repeatedly dropping to front on his bike lol.

Sunday was good though I was a bit tierd lol. More people than I expected.

Thanks to all especially Simps for driving us there and back.


BTW I was on the Ko bike with no front brake.

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Wicked day, watching Porter bail every 30 seconds was pure gold, giving Rowan stick all day about his spongey back brake. I think the best part of the day, was watching Simps bleed his brake. I should have filmed it as a sticky for all up and coming riders as "the WORST way to bleed a brake", I dont think I've ever laughed so much. Jon Mack is a legend, no other words for him (once I worked out who he was, I was expecting the dude from his avatar haha) and it made me realise I really have no idea who anyone is on this forum, dispite being here for yonks... I just looked around and had no clue :$

A great day, great weather, however by bones ache now (getting old) from riding about 400 miles to a skate park, only to find a competition going on.... D'oh >_<

I can only imagine Beau looking down, giggling his tits off with everything going on.

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porters stack on the rail behind lloyds was awesome - leg straddling gold. Bessels bail was impressive as front flip attempts on the flat go ...

And porters line on the railway line buffer things in the new section behind lloyds was awesome

Good day - good to see so many about.

Skatepark sucked ass.

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that was an awesome weekend! was riding shit but oh well, had so much fun and met loads of cool people :)

thanks everyone who made the ride that good

Grant, much more of a ledge than people give him credit for (although those forks :sick:)

my forks were awesome!

oh yeah, i think most of us learnt, if you want to annoy fatty... just remind him of the time he got a girl pregnant with his fingers hahaa

RIP Beau

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Really enjoyed that, despite riding shit.

Bessell's bail >_<

I saw a real live Neil Tunnicliffe, which was almost surreal.

Went to places I've seen on videos hundreds of times but never actually been.

3 Boxxes on one ride that wasn't koxx days.

Laughed quite a lot.

Was good. :)

RIP Beau xx

Edit: Also, Rossy's forks and riding flat out for 25 minutes to catch the train.

Edited by Quackers
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I think the best part of the day, was watching Simps bleed his brake. I should have filmed it as a sticky for all up and coming riders as "the WORST way to bleed a brake", I dont think I've ever laughed so much.

Just you wait. Time will prove me right that, that is the ultimate way to bleed a brake... period

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Just you wait. Time will prove me right that, that is the ultimate way to bleed a brake... period

Come one then, give us a rough idea of how you do it...

Had a good day really, was taking it a bit easy because my knee's still a bit dodgy but was good to see lots of old faces and some new ones too.

Did Danny Kearns manage to get his rear wheel ridable again after mullering it on the gap at Castle Park and the subsequent beating he gave it?

Dave (Blue Inspired Fourplay)

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