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Are We Going To Die Tomorrow?

Jake Beach

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Hi I know this is not trials associated but are we going to die tomorrow. 'We are going to die tomorrow' has been the phrase of the day at my school today. Apparently they are doing something in France at 9:30 with atomz(not the bikes) underground. But surely if there is a risk of us dying they won't do it?

But is this true? : S


Jake :)

All you guys are right and everyone at school was wrong- we have not died

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Its scary your worried about a hadron collider, but a lot of you dont seem too concerned about being able to spell know or where. I'd leave the science to the scientists and worry about getting some extra lessons at school.

These collisions happen all the time, they're just doing it under a controlled environment so they can observe and monitor it and hopefully find some new sub atomic particles, maybe even prove gravatrons exist.

You're more likely to die from getting run over tomorrow on the way home than by the LHC blowing up or creating a black hole.

Flipp you just made me laugh so damn much! :D

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well guys we didn't die as everyone suspected but it is still on going at the minute. I was watching the news last night and steven hawkins said we were goign to be fine and i kinda listened to him as he is the smarted guy in the world but so smart he cant speak. :S

Craig :)(Y)

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its thurday now and im still alive lol

This wednesday, the crazy scientists just ran the machine and shot the first atom or something inside the pipe.

Next month, the scary part, they will shot another atom into the track to make up the colliding....

some articles on internet show that the colliding may produce a BLACK HOLE or extreme heat higher than the sun :S

even just for less than a nano-second, its still so hot to vaporize human beings!

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