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French Cars

tipsy Jock

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I'm a twat, almost wrote off my car and put me plus 2 mates in hospital tonight.

Was racing down some road that I sort of know, went to quick into the corner, let off (which apparently was the worst thing to do?) and the back just slid straight away 180, had the clutch down and brake on luckily managed to keep it. Ended up about 2 foot from a granite wall. Scariest moment of my life, was shaking for ages and felt sick.

Never again.

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It just seemed like you loved the saab, the clio is the sort of car you buy when you've just passed your test or turned 60. Desperate for cash, then maybe, otherwise, not a chance.

I don't want it for myself haha !

I can't afford the insurance for the Saab anymore so I put it up for £995 on UKSaabs and I've got offered this and some cash. I can smoke it about for a few months while I tart it up then just £495 it and make a bit of money on it. Meeting up with the guy who's got the Clio a bit later on this afternoon to see what I make of it. :]

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Injectors, Carbs, Pipes, Better air supply. I got my clio keeping up with 206gti's by having it tuned to the nutts, but still legal. Probably why the engine turned into poo. :S

Was this before or after it was used as a car to film formula 1 as it was quick enough to keep up with.

and injectors and carbs you say? interesting setup, ive only ever heard of one place creating that set up before called Tom Kents imagination

Also apart from emissions laws, what laws apply to tuning engines?

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I thort you were a right petrol head?

I don't want it for myself haha !

I can't afford the insurance for the Saab anymore so I put it up for £995 on UKSaabs and I've got offered this and some cash. I can smoke it about for a few months while I tart it up then just £495 it and make a bit of money on it. Meeting up with the guy who's got the Clio a bit later on this afternoon to see what I make of it. :]


The next cars going to be good, might get a P38 Range Rover or something. The can't afford the insurance is just an excuse to swap cars again ! haha

I do love the Saab, and if it was a bit more reasonable to insure I'd keep it. But I think like, whats the point in paying £3800 to insure a Saab T16 when I could pick up a Lotus Excel or a Porsche 944 Turbo for £3000 and pay all that money for something a bit "pimper".

The Saabs the bollocks but I can't take the "old man" jokes any more.

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Was this before or after it was used as a car to film formula 1 as it was quick enough to keep up with.

and injectors and carbs you say? interesting setup, ive only ever heard of one place creating that set up before called Tom Kents imagination

Also apart from emissions laws, what laws apply to tuning engines?

You do realise GTi's aren't all they're cracked up to be? I also never said how long mine kept up with them for. Carbs set up by my neighbor who has has a damn load of engine tuning experience made it pull so much better, and the note of better a tyre made it not slip when accelerating. For all I know the other drivers didn't floor it, but mine damn well kept up with them. :P

It's funny how people on TF just jump to conclusions as soon as someone says something, or take the micky out of their decisions.. :blink:

And to add; have you seen some of the Clio's that have had a decent amount of money spent on the engine? They're actually very fast. We're not talking the conversions..

Edited by Hendrix
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You said this:

Plus, with a bit of tinkering, can be crazy fast..

Suggesting that with a small cheap bit of work, they can move, so i enquired what was needed to make them move, to which you promptly answered:

Injectors, Carbs, Pipes, Better air supply. I got my clio keeping up with 206gti's by having it tuned to the nutts, but still legal. Probably why the engine turned into poo.

Suggesting that all that lot would make it go faster, when Injectors and Carbs aren't used together,there both ways of delivering fuel into the air and mixing it. not to mention that little lot wouldnt be a bit of tinkering, itd be a lot tinkering, especially considering im fairly sure you only had 1 injector on your clio, and making it bigger wouldnt do a lot(not that fitting bigger injectors really makes much difference till youve done a fair amount of tuning before hand),

I never said your car would or wouldnt keep up with a 206 gti, as there not the quickest things in the world.

You do realise GTi's aren't all they're cracked up to be? I also never said how long mine kept up with them for. Carbs set up by my neighbor who has has a damn load of engine tuning experience made it pull so much better, and the note of better a tyre made it not slip when accelerating.

It's funny how people on TF just jump to conclusions as soon as someone says something, or take the micky out of their decisions.. :blink:

And to add; have you seen some of the Clio's that have had a decent amount of money spent on the engine? They're actually very fast. We're not talking the conversions..

Im sorry, maybe you did have your car set up by your neighbour whos an engine tuner, i was just disputin the fact you retro fitted carbs to your engine(no clios where made with carbs where they? they where all injection as far as i was aware). Sorry i apologise, maybe you did have a quick Clio, we were never filled in on the engine tuning delights of that car, it was just a Clio when you had it.

As i say i forgot to factor in you may have had a neighbour do it for you, as opposed to doing it yourself, which would explain the reason you couldnt fully explain what it had had done to it.

I also forgot the extra BHP you get from a car when its run on pure Bullsh*t

Edited by Fish-Finger-er
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That was just not needed, at all. Just because you know more about cars than me gives you no excuse to make me look stupid. If you were talking about guitars and what equipment you had, you wouldn't see me taking the piss out of your set up, ever.


Edit: To add. Little bit of tinkering can be used in a very lean term, which can mean a lot or a little. Could I been meant in a facetious way, which in this term it was.

Edited by Hendrix
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