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Old School Competition Tv Show


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Not sure about Daryl and Fraz. Last I heard Daryl was expecting a knock on the door from the Polis for speeding in Edinburgh with no MOT, insurance, license etc and then providing false details!! However, last time I contacted him was when I saw he'd bought a Monty on eBay so he's still about. Fraz signed up on here last year sometime but don't think he ever posted. I emailed him a while back and he's working for some advertising company I think. He'd got himself a 24" I think and was trying to get back into riding too.

I heard about it through an MBUK email list thing and thought 'what the hell' and entered. They even paid for our flights down :giggle:. I think there were about 100 riders there each day (there were 3 trials shows, I was on the first).

Presenter was pretty fit to be fair, but Daley Thompson?! Legend! :D

Edit: That's Fraz but yeah he never posted.

Edit2: And Daryl maintained that his crash was completely deliberate because he knew he wouldn't be able to do the first bit!

Thanks for the reply man.

I'd love to see the other shows! Just for Ashtons "mong face"

Did you win a prize?

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Did you win a prize?

£2.5k... not bad for a minute and a half's riding! Still kick myself that I should've won the full £5k but it was a crazy, crazy day and I really shouldn't complain!

Was gonna point out Danny at the start but thought I'd see if anyone recognised him! You look so young!

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£2.5k... not bad for a minute and a half's riding! Still kick myself that I should've won the full £5k but it was a crazy, crazy day and I really shouldn't complain!

Was gonna point out Danny at the start but thought I'd see if anyone recognised him! You look so young!

Whit!!! Two'n'a half thousand!! Thats loads for 2001!! So who won the 5k then?

Shame on Chris Akrigg only getting that far btw. lol

Edited by Ross McArthur
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Whit!!! Two'n'a half thousand!! Thats loads for 2001!! So who one the 5k then?

The winner of each program went on to a weird game thing at the end where you used a mallet to hit foam blacks out from the bottom of a stack, you had to keep the stack standing and the final one was worth 5k. I went all numpty and messed up the 5k one. Martyn Ashton got the 5k but can't remember who else...

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The winner of each program went on to a weird game thing at the end where you used a mallet to hit foam blacks out from the bottom of a stack, you had to keep the stack standing and the final one was worth 5k. I went all numpty and messed up the 5k one. Martyn Ashton got the 5k but can't remember who else...

And used it to Start Ashton Bikes. ha.

I dont know why im so interseted in this. :giggle:

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I did record them all onto DVD when Challenge was repeating them way back when... Will have to see if I can find some way of getting them onto that Internet.

BTW, does anyone have the Radical Highs episode?

I do have some scans somewhere too of the MBUK feature on Under Pressure too, and one of the few times I got my mug in the mag :)

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BTW, does anyone have the Radical Highs episode?

I do have some scans somewhere too of the MBUK feature on Under Pressure too, and one of the few times I got my mug in the mag :)

I *think* I've got radical highs up in Scotland too. Will have a look for it next time I'm home.

I've also somehow managed to lose my copy of MBUK with the article in and would definitely like to see a scan, Chris (Y).

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I've also somehow managed to lose my copy of MBUK with the article in and would definitely like to see a scan.

Nice one for uploading the video it brings back a lot of memories!

It was a fantastic day out but the editing fairy decided not to include my ugly mug in the final cut.

(If you squint enough you can probably make me out in the background though!)

I've got a scan copy of the MBUK article on my website:

slowprogress.co.uk --> MEDIA --> PRESS (Second one from the bottom)



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