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Hope Discs: Bleeding With Water?


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if you where to use water in a disc would the water not boil? expand and basicly ruin the brake? i burnt my hand on the disk the other day it was bloody hot and surely this is easily transfered from pad to caliper to fluid?

odveously hs33's have a rubber compound pad and the backing before it gets to the fluid so the heat transfer is minimal?

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To be honest, why would you want too, on hs33 or discs, i have run it previously but one it freezes up in cold weather and if some one replies antifreeze think about it its corrosive not good on rubber, if you set up either a hs33 or a disc properly and take your time with decent pads their is no need for it, you only ever need change to really a grind in my experience if you ride in the wet or go a bit crazy on gaps and need to ensure it will lock every time. :)

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no point swapping DOT fluid for water! DOT fluid is just as thin as water, so the brake won't feel any different, but as has been said, the seals WILL die and the brake may pump up if you drag it due to the water expanding with heat.

Matt24, I would never consider running a maggie with the correct fluid, I would get so much arm pump I wouldn't be able to finish a single section!

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completly dismantle ir and clean it with hot soapy water and thuraly dry it out!

that should do it and if your not comfortable with that you could use a foot pump to pump air threw it although that will not completly get rid of the dot 4

Thanks for that, was thinking somewhere along those lines.



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I wouldn't put anything in it at all if I were you, it doesn't really matter if you get dot 4 and 5.1 mixed up, I'd just blow through the hose, clean the rest up then bleed it through a few times.

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Is there actually anything wrong with the brake or any reason to completely strip, flush, replace all the seals and rebleed?

Just that i'm buying it second hand and want to make sure it's working to it's full potential. Also the bloke I'm buying it off has put in a different grade oil.

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When i used to ride I went through a stage of using water in my brakes (hs33's that is), it worked but I found it needed bleeding a lot more than when using oil and the pistons begun to wear out and stick after a short period, was told it was due to the oil acting as a lubricant too which makes sense.

If you want my opinion from using both, I would say stick to oil, they are designed for oil and not really any massively noticable benefits from using water


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