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Binge Drinking Trials Riders Out There Be Warned!


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Ever since I was ill and had to stop drinking for the obvious reasons, I've never really bothered again.

I don't see the point in drinking personally. I don't enjoy the taste or the feeling it gives, and it just seems to turn people into complete bellends.

I love a cold cider after a days ride or a days work, it's refreshing and does taste nice, especially Kopparberg, tastes like sweet drink. I also like how 'relaxed' i am (as in, i say things better) when i've been drinking.

People turn into bellends because they are belleneds.

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People turn into bellends because they are belleneds.

Not so - my sister's ex was the soundest guy ever. Really nice guy, even when he was drinking, unless he drank whiskey and cokes. Specifically JD and coke. If he did, you could actually see him get 'darker', so to speak, and he'd become more confrontational and stuff. Yet drinking anything else, he was fine. Similarly, my flatmate used to just get chatty if he drank wine, comedically f**ked if he drank whiskey, but if he drank lager/beer he'd become a not-particularly-but-more-than-necessary violent twat. Different drinks affect people in different ways.

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I like having a nice protein enriched strawberry milkshake when I get back from a long ride :)

I agree with Andy too, I don't really like the taste, and I don't need to get drunk to have a good night out. The only thing I do "miss" is the ability to be able to talk to girls easier, and the fact it's hard to say "can I buy you a drink" when you don't drink yourself, but then again I don't think meeting girls on nights out is the best way to start a relationship, but I don't even wanna go down the conversational path that inevitably leads from that statement (where is...?).

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I actually agree with pretty much everything you're saying there Jon, and I fully agree with the views I think you have regarding alcohol consumption 'n' stuff. However, I happen to be a fan of the taste of both neat whiskey, and seperately rum and coke :P But yeah, I only drink on the odd occasion I'm out with good friends so it's not a case of me going out and pounding down the doubles or anything. But yeah, I agree with/see where you're coming from.

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Yeah I'm writing edge sometimes and straight edge other times just to piss you off, did it work?

no i just dont see why you have to use 2 different terms and confuse people, i wasnt the only one

I don't give a shit what people think about the fact I'm edge, but I'm just explaining to the forum why I am.

'nuff said

Thanks for personally insulting me by the way regarding my tattoo, I actually feel it's one of the best decisions I've ever made, and the reason I have it is for me, not for other people, hence why it's on my chest, an area which people rarely see, as I rarely ride topless, so I know it's there and other people don't unless I show them.

considering its "just for you" and that you dont care what people think about you being edge you seem to be pretty touchy about what other people have to say about it, at the end of the day, you posted it up on a public forum, not everyones going to like it, people are going to voice their opinions/be ignorant about it, thats life. i havnt got a problem with your tattoo, its your body, your beliefs and as a piece, its quite nice, as mark has said, general design, font, size of it is pretty spot on, i just dont like the content

Yeah you might not understand why it means a lot to me,

again 'nuff said

ohh and btw, im pretty "edge" as in i drink very occasionally, purely because i dont enjoy very much, but if im out in town/at a party and i say im not drinking, no one ever hassles me about "ooooo just have one" maybe your friends didnt have much respect for you in the first place

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The only person who really seemed to be 'confused' was Rusevelt, and this thread is hardly an exclusive instance of that happening ;) If you couldn't work it out, then I worry for you...

EDIT: And regarding not drinking, it's not necessarily 'friends' who are the immediate problem.

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I actually agree with pretty much everything you're saying there Jon, and I fully agree with the views I think you have regarding alcohol consumption 'n' stuff. However, I happen to be a fan of the taste of both neat whiskey, and seperately rum and coke :P But yeah, I only drink on the odd occasion I'm out with good friends so it's not a case of me going out and pounding down the doubles or anything. But yeah, I agree with/see where you're coming from.

To be honest i agree with Mark as well, i'm only arguing cos i think it's stupid to push kids away from it, cos it is a good thing, health wise at least (and i like arguing). I also just think theres a line between just not drinking/doing drugs and still going out an having fun an stuff, like you obviously do, and just being a social retard and using not drinking as an excuse to not go out an stuff.

I personally just happen to like getting drunk with my friends, or passing a zoot :)

But taking the piss out of 'xxEdgexx' myspace kids is still fun :P

Edited by Max Quinn
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I love a cold cider after a days ride or a days work, it's refreshing and does taste nice, especially Kopparberg, tastes like sweet drink. I also like how 'relaxed' i am (as in, i say things better) when i've been drinking.

People turn into bellends because they are belleneds.

Well said!

Jon, I find it funny how you're the first to jump in and take the piss out of other peoples life choices (and i know that first hand) just because you don't like / understand them when you have such strong controversial views on how you want to lead your life yourself.

Me personally, I drink one (maybe two bottles) a night. Always staying under 3.5 untis. Once a week I allow myself a night to drink as much as I like, which isn't that much as i'm a lightweight, and I never drink much more than 4 or 5 pints so I never get shitfaced.

I was a vegetarian before I came out here, reason was that's just how i was brought up, I didn't care if people ate meat and i believed people should eat meat, i guess my view mirrored your views in the sense that you're not going round trying to convert people, and in many other ways. The real question is do you not drink because you are straight edge, or are you straight edge because you don't drink.

Have you ever drunk any alchol?

Ever been drunk?

Tried a range of drinks?

Do you ever miss drinking (just having one)?

Or have you just never come across an alcoholic drink you like?

Would you try someones drink if it was something different or new?

Sorry for all the questions but this kind of stuff interests me.

Edited by JT!
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I rarely drink, and don't smoke.

I generally find that alcoholic drinks taste of alcohol, which doesn't taste particularly nice at all.

It could be possible for me to become straight edge, but its not something I've really considered. I don't mind having the odd drink, and at the moment I don't want to rule out not trying other drinks. I might stumble upon a beer or something that I could actually enjoy. I might consider it when I feel that I've exhausted that. The biggest thing about drinking to me is the taste - I don't see why you'd put yourself through forcing yourself to drink things that taste shite, until you like them, just to fit in.

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Have you ever drunk any alchol?

Ever been drunk?

Tried a range of drinks?

Do you ever miss drinking (just having one)?

Or have you just never come across an alcoholic drink you like?

Would you try someones drink if it was something different or new?

Sorry for all the questions but this kind of stuff interests me.

If it interested you, feel free to read back through the thread where almost all of those questions have been answered.

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If it interested you, feel free to read back through the thread where almost all of those questions have been answered.

Well kinda, i did miss one post where he said about not breaking edge. About saying he doesn't like the taste, but the taste of what? Is it breaking edge if you have some wine at church, or a sip of bubbly at a wedding? What about drinks that contain a % of beer.

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I'd imagine that if you're going to get tattooed to show your commitment to it, you aren't going to drink any kind of alcohol. It's like the equivalent of a vegetarian eating something like sweets with gelatin in them. If you're serious about it, you don't. If you're not, you do. I'd call getting tattooed and so on 'serious about it'.

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I like drinking, i don't turn into a complete twat when i'm drunk and i'm usually pretty friendly/lovey. I don't drink often, only when socialising and i do like the taste of alcoholic drinks.

I think if you have serious health problems then you need to step back and take a look at the damage it's doing to you but if it's not causing you any massive problems then i don't see a reason to cut it out completely.

As to the whole jon, straight edge scene thing, if you make that choice after weighing it all up realistically then that's cool and i get why... but at the same time i know people who don't touch alcohol at all because it's alcoholic and therefore must be bad and blame it on not liking the taste (despite refusing to try any new drinks) yet this person has a f**k load of energy drinks everytime they go riding which is probably just as bad if not worse than something like a weak vodka and coke. The latter situation is f**king annoying.

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Ive got no sympothy for the guy, It was his fault and paid the ultimate price for it, Why should be people help people who won't help themselves.

It obviously was his decision to get so incapcitated every day but im sure he didnt intend to die by doing so.

i feel sympathy for his family, he could of just been misguided etc and drank himself into a mess.

As for the straight edge stuff, how long has it been around for? has anyone actually done it for all their life and called it straight edge? does seem like an attention grabbing phase to me and just a waste of youth.

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