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Crazy Bmxer


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I hated that, the only thing i liked was the 360 out of the bowl to over the fence that was a sick line, other than that is was pretty fundamental bmx moves done at full speed, with no control what-so-ever. Also him not wearing a lid considering all his bails is just pure stupid, not ballsy.

I can grind, I can manual, I can 360 and i can bunnyhop, it doesn't make him a good rider because he does it off massive shit.

If you did all that off massive stuff, you'd be a good rider imo.

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If you did all that off massive stuff, you'd be a good rider imo.

Most BMX vids I just think shiiiiiiiit, long techy lines that I can appriciate, nothing but the 360 over the fence appealed to me. And i have no interest in doing it off massive stuff to be honest. Not my style.

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YO BUY THIS DVD. Watched it 3 months ago. So much fun. Not so sure about when one of them sets them self algiht with petrol and runs into the moshers.

Cant belive that a bunch of mates got that good just hanging out riding.

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Its not LOL.

it clearly is, just the fact its been posted on a trials forum and has been watched more already then pretty much all the trials videos haha

could you imagine a hermance vid being posted on a bmx forum like with them all like wtf!! wow.... no, just wouldnt happen, thered be like 1 comment haha

if you think that what that guy does takes no skill and anyone can do it then you are seriously arrogant

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Massive riding, but nothing that hadn't been done on various props road fools probably 10 years ago...

Does that mean it's not good then?

Some massive stuff going down, and it must take a lot of skill and technique to get those right. When you go big like that so much can go wrong and he nailed a lot of stuff.

I enjoyed it.

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