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Okay, if you're gonna have a bash doing it yourself then:

1) Design without colour, this should keep you focussing on the 'right' things rather than purely superficial stuff. All good logos work sans-colour.

2) You probably already did, but start on paper. Keep ideas disposable and rapid. Fill sheet upon sheet with any ideas that pop into your head.

3) Don't think about it, as soon as you obsess you start to try too hard, and ideas become forced.

4) Try to get a strong enough idea for your logo so as not to need to piggyback other brands. I'm sure you've seen little auction/junk shops with mock eBay logos, and I'm sure you'll agree that your first thought it 'that's a rip off of…'

N.B. That's all advice from me as a designer, not specifically a logo designer.

Seriously, I wasn't being argumentative or trying to be a dick, I was giving you the advice I'd give anyone; your brand deserves money spending on it.

Whether you take that advice or not it entirely up to you…

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Okay, if you're gonna have a bash doing it yourself then:

1) Design without colour, this should keep you focussing on the 'right' things rather than purely superficial stuff. All good logos work sans-colour.

2) You probably already did, but start on paper. Keep ideas disposable and rapid. Fill sheet upon sheet with any ideas that pop into your head.

3) Don't think about it, as soon as you obsess you start to try too hard, and ideas become forced.

4) Try to get a strong enough idea for your logo so as not to need to piggyback other brands. I'm sure you've seen little auction/junk shops with mock eBay logos, and I'm sure you'll agree that your first thought it 'that's a rip off of…'

N.B. That's all advice from me as a designer, not specifically a logo designer.

Seriously, I wasn't being argumentative or trying to be a dick, I was giving you the advice I'd give anyone; your brand deserves money spending on it.

Whether you take that advice or not it entirely up to you…

Cheers, I'm glad you did that rather than either shut up or carry us down the same road. That's some good advice.

Let me explain the piggybacking a bit - my thinking around using the facebook f and twitter t was that I'm not running a social network. Think of it more like a football website using a football for an o - they aren't trying to piggyback on the sports success as such, it just illustrates what they're about (worst analogy ever but I'm sticking to it). I'm not trying to run a social network, so piggybacking them isn't getting me undeserved brand recognition, it's merely saying social networks are what I do.

Better analogy (maybe), those little auction shops you mentioned - they always look gash for doing what you describe. But would a website that was about how to hunt out the best deals and how to sell well on eBay be as bad for using one of the letters, or the same sort of jumbled up letters and colours? Surely that's just a better way of illustrating what you'll get from the page?

I'm debating with myself as much as with you - that's why I wanted to ask here because I knew I'd get some good critique and food for thought.

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Cheers, I'm glad you did that rather than either shut up or carry us down the same road. That's some good advice.

Let me explain the piggybacking a bit - my thinking around using the facebook f and twitter t was that I'm not running a social network. Think of it more like a football website using a football for an o - they aren't trying to piggyback on the sports success as such, it just illustrates what they're about (worst analogy ever but I'm sticking to it). I'm not trying to run a social network, so piggybacking them isn't getting me undeserved brand recognition, it's merely saying social networks are what I do.

Better analogy (maybe), those little auction shops you mentioned - they always look gash for doing what you describe. But would a website that was about how to hunt out the best deals and how to sell well on eBay be as bad for using one of the letters, or the same sort of jumbled up letters and colours? Surely that's just a better way of illustrating what you'll get from the page?

I'm debating with myself as much as with you - that's why I wanted to ask here because I knew I'd get some good critique and food for thought.

tl;dr I basically saw your logo and thought 'Twitter!'. That is the last thing you want a logo to do—make a person think of another company.

I do get where you're coming from, but to me it's too obvious, too easy, too unoriginal. If I saw a football club using a football for the O I'd see it as being a bit, well, tacky.

If you* want your company/brand to be remembered then it's better to use something unique, rather than using a brand element that people associate with another company (even if they're not competitors).

Classic branding/design faux pas; client says 'I want my site/logo/etc to look like xyz', designer replies 'If you want to be remembered for being you, why try looking like something that's not you?'

If 56 is (and I know it is) a small, homegrown company, you need to fill it with its own personality, and I think borrowing massive companies' logo elements isn't the right way to go, personally.

*speaking in general now, not you specifically.

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I've had more of a think (still not fully formed ideas just yet) and overall i like that it's simpler and cleaner, but i think a stronger concept exists.

I've never liked alternate typeface letters forming a single word (like ebay) as i think it looks a bit childish, whereas say for example your company name was written as 'fiftysixmarketing' and fifty was in the facebook type, six was in the Linkin..(whatever it's called) type and marketing in the twitter type it'd look a lot better, however still i think there is a better idea for your company.

It's on the verge of coming to me, but the basic thought so far is that i think your logo should be really personal and completely about you, as opposed to other companies. I know it's a connotation to the areas you work in, but i think due to the nature of your company and how it is such a personal service (you're not a big faceless, uncaring corporation) that this is one of your best assets and i think it'd be good to have this reflected in your logo. Surely one of your biggest strengths is that you're contactable, social and there for your clients - so why not have connotations of this within the layout of the lettering/design etc. I don't think it needs to be so literal - be proud to be independent and have a logo that is very much in the same vain.

I shall continue to think on....

P.S. Friday night is a certainly do-able if you fancy it. I've got much portfolio work to get ready also....

P.P.S. I know what that punk-ass Bronz shit is getting at, and i do think that the instant connection to another company is somewhat diminishing to your own and i fear it does act not as a 'nod-to' but a comparison to...whether intentional or not.

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Better analogy (maybe), those little auction shops you mentioned - they always look gash for doing what you describe. But would a website that was about how to hunt out the best deals and how to sell well on eBay be as bad for using one of the letters, or the same sort of jumbled up letters and colours? Surely that's just a better way of illustrating what you'll get from the page?

Forgot to address this bit. If I saw that and it was a how-to-make-money-on-eBay site I'd be well suspicious. First off the content of the site (but that's not important here) but also the fact that their logo is so obviously unprofessional would get me suspicious right away.

Translate that thinking to your company and you need to think that, sure, a lot of your clients won't be as design-snobby as someone like me, but then remember that people like me (web designers) are quite likely to be on the lookout to recruit/outsource a social media guy to satisfy their own clients' demands. This is when a logo/brand would be scrutinised by designery folk, be that consciously on subconsciously.

Design agencies and the like might not be on your client list now, but that's no reason not to cater to them with your branding.

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We're definitely getting somewhere here, which is great and exactly the point of me coming in here, so thanks both.

The idea of putting an, er, idea out there before implementing it is so that I don't make a massive faux pas that I hadn't thought of and I'm definitely thinking that what I've ended up with isn't where I need to go. It definitely needs to be simple - that's what my service is to my clients. What I do obviously isn't simple, but the simplicity of how it works for the client is, by taking the stress of it away from them.

I'm pretty certain I'm gonna switch my hosting over to the fifty6.co.uk domain and drop the marketing because of the connotations that brings instantly. Although it is marketing, that word definitely puts people off.

Simply allowing a company to connect with the people that need to buy from them, rather than making people want to buy from them, is what I'm about so it would be good to get that across. I'm against using any sort of symbol to make that happen, so it needs to happen in type. If I can get that to happen then I'd be a very happy bunny.

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You have the advantage of numbers in your brand, which itself is more unique than a lot of logos out there.

You just want humble, unique, simple, memorable. Nothing fancy, nothing that tries too hard.

Get inspired! http://dribbble.com/tags/logo

This is the guy who I get to do my branding, his portfolio has some nice stuff in that can hopefully get the creative juices flowing: http://bryanjamesdesign.co.uk/ He did the http://inuitcss.com and http://hry.rbrts.me logos for me.

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I didn't say anything, because I'm not that arty. But my idea was do 50six, kinda like that one but the other way around. Dunno if it's been suggested but I thought it'd look pretty good.

It's a nice idea, but it's sort of established locally the other way round. That's why I'm definitely quite rigid in how I want to do it - the colours and fifty6 bit are already working well for me, and I don't want to totally backtrack. Thanks though :)

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Gotta say, looking back at the most recent one again, I really like it. Especially with the left alignment within the space. Looks good.

Thanks man.

Prohint: The i is meant to look like it's hugging (or... being social?) with the other letters, which are otherwise connected.

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That’s nice man :D

Maybe line the ‘Social Simplicity’ up with the bottom of the f rather than the left-most side of it…? It’ll make it feel loads tighter (oooh, err). Hope that makes sense :)

Thanks. Been playing with both that and making the dot of the i a little bit of a simple face to give it the something extra needed, but I won't clog up the thread any more (Y) Definitely feel like I'm on the right track with this idea though... I'll try a few totally different ideas to see whether any of those are better though.

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That is a solid idea though, the social hugging thing really shows through; that’s something that is unique and totally fifty6’s :)

More ideas is good too, cos that can 1) make you find an even better one or 2) reinforce your confidence in this one :)

Sorry about any misunderstandings earlier dude, this is coming along nice :)


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That is a solid idea though, the social hugging thing really shows through; that’s something that is unique and totally fifty6’s :)

More ideas is good too, cos that can 1) make you find an even better one or 2) reinforce your confidence in this one :)

Sorry about any misunderstandings earlier dude, this is coming along nice :)


All part of the process mate, no bother to me. Cheers for the thoughts and sparking the new direction. Looking back the first one looks shit, although I sort of knew that at the beginning - it just took me too long to get it to 'work' to want to let go without a row.

Fifty to the power of 6 is the new name of your company right?

lol ill grab ny coat on the way out :(

Har de har :P

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Harking back to the lining up thing, a really quick win in any design is lining elements up to one another, like so:

Just gives things an instant harmony, makes them seem a little more related to each other :)

Lul, literally changed it to that just before you posted that. Lined it up with the bottom of the first f and it wasn't long enough so instantly chucked it the same way as yours... Here's how that would look on the site instead of how it is at the moment on www.fifty6marketing.co.uk

edit: colours are off but that's all to change...


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